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  2. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  3. Thumbnail for Pharmacy graduate Amy Walsh finds her groove dispensing meds and dropping beats

    Pharmacy graduate Amy Walsh finds her groove dispensing meds and…
    5 Jul 2023: Becoming a pharmacist was a dream career for Amy Walsh but she had something else on her bucket list as well. She wanted to be a DJ. So, by capitalising on her flexible study options while she studied her Bachelor of Pharmacy with Applied Honours, she
  4. Thumbnail for The full bottle on climate change

    The full bottle on climate change
    8 May 2023: Tasmania enjoys a growing reputation as a producer of stellar sparkling wine, a worthy rival to the famed Champagne region of France. But research by Dr Tom Remenyi, one of the University’s climate research fellow in Geography and Spatial Sciences,
  5. Thumbnail for No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in Tasmania

    No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in…
    1 Mar 2023: For the first time in Australia, a form of fertility control is being trialled to manage a major pest to the apple industry, codling moth. Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are partnering with local apple growers to pilot a
  6. Thumbnail for Researchers identify first genetic marker for multiple sclerosis severity

    Researchers identify first genetic marker for multiple sclerosis…
    29 Jun 2023: Scientists identify the first genetic marker for MS severity, opening the door to preventing long-term disability. A study of more than 22,000 people with multiple sclerosis has discovered the first genetic variant associated with faster disease
  7. Thumbnail for Twins take TikTok by storm

    Twins take TikTok by storm
    12 Sep 2023: Tassie twins Sarah and Ella Fitzpatrick shot to TikTok fame this year as “THE FITZY TWINS” when their news-style videos went viral, clocking up millions of views and giving the world a glimpse into their life living in Hobart. With the “Fitzy
  8. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    1 Mar 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments and technology law are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers and alumni have been
  9. Thumbnail for How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts

    How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts,-according-to-chemistry-experts
    11 Jan 2023: The pavlova is a summer icon; just a few simple ingredients can be transformed into a beautifully flavoured and textured dessert. But despite its simplicity, there’s a surprising amount of chemistry involved in making a pavlova. Knowing what’s
  10. Thumbnail for Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes

    Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes
    21 Sep 2023: Ten years of preparation led University of Tasmania space scientist Dr Guifrà Molera CalvÃs from the School of Natural Sciences to a career highlight. The researcher is among dozens of scientists across the world contributing to the European Space
  11. Thumbnail for Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling and why that’s bad news

    Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling…
    27 Jun 2023: There’s more to Antarctic ice than meets the eye. Sea ice is not a uniform crust overlying the salty Southern Ocean. Our new research is the first to review the many crucial roles of  “landfast” sea ice around Antarctica. Landfast ice is
  12. Thumbnail for Studying paramedicine at Rozelle was a career-changer for these Sydney students

    Studying paramedicine at Rozelle was a career-changer for these…
    5 May 2023: Miah Stephens and Lucy Castelletti never really intended to become paramedics. These two Sydney-based Bachelor of Paramedicine students both had very different career paths in mind during high school. Both even studied completely unrelated degrees at
  13. Thumbnail for Plan bee, C and D: more alternatives may have a role to play in pollination process

    Plan bee, C and D: more alternatives may have a role to play in…,-c-and-d-more-alternatives-may-have-a-role-to-play-in-pollination-process
    30 Mar 2023: While bumblebees are a feral species, they have proven to be effective pollinators that researchers are keen to learn more about. First discovered in a garden in the inner Hobart suburb of Sandy Bay in 1992, it is thought the bumblebee arrived from
  14. Thumbnail for Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic surveys can harm marine life

    Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic …
    11 Sep 2023: Woodside Energy this week announced it would start seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off Australia’s west coast, before reversing the decision in the face of a legal challenge from Traditional Owners. Seismic testing is highly
  15. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devil facial tumours reveal secrets of cancer evolution

    Tasmanian devil facial tumours reveal secrets of cancer evolution
    21 Jun 2023: Facial tumours evolve to coexist with Tasmanian devil populations. The deadly cancer that has been affecting devil populations for almost three decades has been subject to mutations that are allowing devils to persist in long-term affected areas. An
  16. Thumbnail for Investigating world-first technology to manage botrytis disease in vineyards

    Investigating world-first technology to manage botrytis disease in…
    12 Apr 2023: Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are leading a world-first project to investigate the use of BioClayTM to supress botrytis bunch rot disease in wine grapes. It could be a game-changer for the wine industry, offering growers
  17. Thumbnail for Survive the school holidays with some fresh ideas

    Survive the school holidays with some fresh ideas
    13 Jul 2023: With school holidays well underway, don’t panic if you’ve already run out of activities to keep the little ones, kids, and teens occupied this winter – we’ve got you covered! We’ve found a bunch of kid-friendly activities that are
  18. Thumbnail for School holidays a window for learning for Children's University students

    School holidays a window for learning for Children's University…
    21 Jul 2023: A school holiday program for Children's University Tasmania families was drawing to a close at the School of Creative Arts and Media - Media School, University of Tasmania, when words that felt like music to our ears, if not our soul, were uttered
  19. Thumbnail for From the north-west to wolves and a career in STEM

    From the north-west to wolves and a career in STEM
    8 Mar 2023: I grew up in a farming community on the far north-west coast of Tasmania, from a place few people have heard of: Nabageena. When I was in my mid-teens in the late 1980s, and thinking about going to university, my pop - and patriarch of our farming
  20. Thumbnail for Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium and transform Hobart – and other cities too

    Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium…
    5 May 2023: Following a decision to fund an AFL stadium on Hobart’s waterfront, the Tasmanian premier announced plans for a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system and ferry services to avoid traffic congestion. These plans are linked to Hobart’s City Deal and
  21. Thumbnail for The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful on Australian farms today

    The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful…
    17 Jul 2023: Lugres/Shutterstock Christopher Johnson, University of Tasmania and Linda van Bommel, University of Tasmania Guardian dogs do a great job of protecting Australian livestock from predators. In a new survey of Australian farmers, we have found that
  22. Thumbnail for Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy – how can we stop overconsuming?

    Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy …$163-a-month-on-average-to-store-all-the-stuff-we-buy-how-can-we-stop-overconsuming
    10 Jan 2023: Many of us are drowning in “stuff”. To find space for all our possessions, we are paying off-site storage companies. Australians spend an average of A$163 per month on self-storage, one recent survey found. The number one item stored in these
  23. Thumbnail for AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

    AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with …,-but-it-can-also-help-you-score-a-new-one-with-these-simple-tips
    14 Mar 2023: It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need
  24. Thumbnail for Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither

    Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless?…
    13 Jan 2023: Nudging – the idea that simple changes to how a choice is presented can lead people to make better decisions – has been one of the most popular ideas to emerge from economics in the past two decades. But nudging is now under attack, entangled in
  25. Thumbnail for Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to conserve pelagic fisheries

    Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to…
    28 Jun 2023: IMAS scientist Sean Tracey has spent many years catching tuna, swordfish and other large pelagic fish around Australia, but it’s not just the thrill of the chase that drives him. He is dedicated to fisheries research – and especially to
  26. Thumbnail for Delphine Lannuzel

    Delphine Lannuzel
    27 Jun 2023: Delphine Lannuzel’s feeling for the ocean - its health, many threats and challenges - first emerged with an eco-tragedy in her native France, in 1999, when the MV Erika, a Japanese-built tanker carrying 31,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, ran into
  27. Thumbnail for Marine species are being pushed towards the poles. From dugong to octopuses, here are 8 marine species you might spot in new places

    Marine species are being pushed towards the poles. From dugong to…
    26 Jun 2023: If you take a plunge in the sea this winter, you might notice it’s warmer than you expect. And if you’re fishing off Sydney and catch a tropical coral trout, you might wonder what’s going on. The reason is simple: hotter water. The ocean has
  28. Thumbnail for Our sustainability journey

    Our sustainability journey
    8 May 2023: The University of Tasmania has been on a sustainability journey for many years. This is largely a self-directed journey, not a destination. But to get anywhere at all we’ve needed to move as a community, an organisation, a collection of individuals
  29. Thumbnail for They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with emus will be good for the island state’s ecosystems

    They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with…
    24 Jan 2023: The emu is iconically Australian, appearing on cans, coins, cricket bats and our national coat of arms, as well as that of the Tasmanian capital, Hobart. However, most people don’t realise emus once also roamed Tasmania but are now extinct
  30. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    27 Jun 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments  and technology law and policy are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers have been
  31. Thumbnail for Asylum seeker scholarship helped Mohammad follow his study dreams in Tassie

    Asylum seeker scholarship helped Mohammad follow his study dreams in…
    3 Apr 2023: Mohammad Mansourinejad was only nine years old in 2012, when he and his mother arrived in Australia as asylum-seekers from Iran, in search of a new life and a fresh start. Currently studying the second year of his Bachelor of Business degree at the

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