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  2. Thumbnail for Oliver Roberts | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2015

    Oliver Roberts | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2015
    28 Nov 2023: Oliver Roberts studied a Bachelor of Agriculture (2015) and a Master of Business Administration (2018) and graduated with more than 10 years of farm management experience under his belt having worked on his family’s dairy farm on the north-west
  3. Thumbnail for Off to a flying start in the University Basketball League

    Off to a flying start in the University Basketball League
    15 Mar 2023: The University of Tasmania has launched into their inaugural season of the University Basketball League with victories in their first game of both the men’s and women’s competitions against Federation University. The men’s team fought to the
  4. Thumbnail for Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1975

    Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1975
    22 Nov 2023: Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin grew up on his family’s grazing farm, Bangor, on the Forestier Peninsula in Tasmania's southeast, where he worked alongside his farther. Tom graduated from the University of Tasmania in 1975 with a Bachelor of Agricultural
  5. Thumbnail for Behavioural Lab signs MOU to reduce maternal mortality in Timor-Leste

    Behavioural Lab signs MOU to reduce maternal mortality in Timor-Leste
    22 Sep 2023: Dili, September 22, 2023 – The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the University of Tasmania have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop behavioural interventions to reduce maternal mortality in Timor-Leste. The partnership will leverage on
  6. Thumbnail for Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994

    Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994
    28 Nov 2023: Catherine Ford graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 1994 with an intent to work in landcare or whole farm planning. Catherine remembers the ‘early days’ of the faculty collaborating with industry as a very exciting time. “While
  7. Thumbnail for Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012

    Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012
    28 Nov 2023: Robert Arvier graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours in 2012, during which time he went on exchange to Colorado State University to study agronomy and crop science. He then went on to complete his Master's degree in
  8. Thumbnail for Pasture soils under the microscope

    Pasture soils under the microscope
    1 May 2023: By Rohan Borojević, Industry Development Officer at the Tasmanian Institute of AgricultureA three-year project is underway at TIA's Dairy Research Facility to better understand the impact that different pasture species and fertiliser
  9. Thumbnail for Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity

    Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity
    20 Nov 2023: Two field days are being held in Tasmania’s Midlands this week (21-22 November) to help local farmers increase the productivity of their pastures. More than 50 people are expected to attend across the two days, with events in Longford and
  10. Thumbnail for New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms

    New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms
    19 Jul 2023: A major research trial is set to commence at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture Dairy Research Facility in the coming weeks, with researchers aiming to find practical solutions to reduce the amount of nitrogen used on dairy farms without
  11. Thumbnail for TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED

    TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED
    8 Aug 2023: The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), in partnership with the University of Tasmania Island of Ideas public talk series, hosted a free event ‘Feeding Tasmania: Our food future’ as part of the agri-food festival agriCULTURED last week. The

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