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  2. Thumbnail for Closing the evidence to practice gap in healthcare

    Closing the evidence to practice gap in healthcare
    29 Apr 2016: Quality health care is vitally important to us all. But did you know you could receive inadequate care due to the “evidence/practice gap”? This refers to the “gap” where hospitals may not be keeping up with the latest research to inform
  3. Thumbnail for How does island life shape Tasmanians?

    How does island life shape Tasmanians?
    19 Oct 2018: While geographical disconnection has many obvious implications on daily life (for example the cost of fuel, access to certain services, ability to collaborate with peers, etc. ) the impact of 'place' is also a common theme running through many
  4. Thumbnail for Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time

    Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time
    27 Apr 2020: The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) might be extinct, but at least 764 specimens still exist in museums and collections around the world. Through an exploration of the lives, deaths and afterlife as museum specimens of individual thylacines, a new
  5. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  6. Thumbnail for Home and away

    Home and away
    22 Dec 2016: As the academic year comes to a close, student stories have emerged highlighting communities and friendships that are being forged at the University’s modern purpose-built National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation. Nursing student
  7. Thumbnail for Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens

    Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens
    19 Mar 2018: Ever wondered how your perception of Antarctica has been shaped over the years? Influences are usually documentaries, advertising, or by reading books on the continent. Being a continent that is accessible to very few people, Antarctica is regarded
  8. Thumbnail for How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era

    How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era
    13 Jul 2020: One good thing about lock down and life in isolation has been the lack of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Nothing was happening, and everyone was in the same boat and stuck at home in survival mode. No-one was traveling or out having amazing,
  9. Thumbnail for Exclusion is not the answer

    Exclusion is not the answer
    14 Jun 2018: Tasmania has among the lowest school retention rates in the country. But experts at the University of Tasmania are working to turn this around. Imagine you’re a young person who hasn’t had an easy journey through school. You may be disengaged
  10. Thumbnail for From architect to historian

    From architect to historian
    22 Jun 2016: Prue Slatyer thought Tasmania was missing an incredible opportunity to capitalise socially and economically from its regional historical assets. So she went back to university to change that. An avid traveller and established architect with a strong
  11. Thumbnail for Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob

    Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob
    27 May 2019: Because of Her, We Can!This was the theme of NAIDOC Week 2018: a celebration of the important roles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women hold in the community. There can be few women who embody the concept as wholeheartedly as University
  12. Thumbnail for Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project

    Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project
    18 May 2016: How often do you stop to think about why you’re eating? Is it because you’re hungry? Or is it because you’re out at the football and there’s a meat pie within reach? And how much do men and women really differ in what they eat?A University
  13. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  14. Thumbnail for Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives

    Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives
    14 Apr 2016: Tasmania is one of the few places on the planet where it is possible to study intergenerational health issues. This is because the settler population was amongst the best documented in the British Empire. Why? They came against their will. The life
  15. Thumbnail for For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising

    For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising
    13 Jul 2017: Texting could be creating a literacy issue for children, but it is not the problem most people would expect. In a presentation to Education Transforms 2017 in Hobart, written language expert Dr Nenagh Kemp said her research with colleagues in the UK
  16. Thumbnail for Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree

    Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree
    5 Feb 2018: Read on to find out some of the best reasons to study overseas, as well as tips on when and how to organise some time abroad as part of your university studies – and how to afford it all. Why you should go“I can’t stress enough how much
  17. Thumbnail for The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero

    The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
    9 Aug 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of deceased people. Australians love their war heroes. Our founding myth centres on the heroism of the ANZACs. Our Victoria Cross recipients are
  18. Thumbnail for Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia

    Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia
    31 Mar 2021: I’m a historian, but I’m not my family’s historian. That honour falls to my mum, who for the past twenty years or so has been delving into the lives of my ancestors. Mum started doing the family history after I began studying Australian
  19. Thumbnail for It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program

    It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program
    26 May 2017: Taking the opportunity to learn French in high school even though she wasn’t sure how’d she go, Lily Russell quickly discovered she had a natural flair for the language. Studying French through the University Connections Program (UCP) proved to
  20. Thumbnail for Discovering the mysteries of the brain...

    Discovering the mysteries of the brain...
    16 Feb 2017: 1. What inspired you towards neuroscience? "One of the big unknowns in the world is how does the brain actually work. We know so little about this organ yet it controls everything we think, say, do. Discovering new phenomena associated with brain
  21. Thumbnail for Recognising differences without denying them

    Recognising differences without denying them
    6 Mar 2016: It’s a contemporary issue that almost everyone has a strong opinion on. Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy and Gender Studies in the University’s School of Humanities, examines the issue of same-sex marriage in her new book
  22. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  23. Thumbnail for The secret ingredient

    The secret ingredient
    30 Apr 2018: Chloe Proud, 31, runs two of the hottest food brands in Hobart. Chloe says the key to her success in this competitive field is an Arts degree from UTAS. She says she was always destined for university. “I was a really academic kid and I had my
  24. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  25. Thumbnail for Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert

    Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert
    8 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 crisis closed campuses, schools and workplaces around the world. This meant that many of us are now studying and working at home. Here are six great tips for effective study, straight from Associate Professor Kimberley Norris, clinical
  26. Thumbnail for Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?

    Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?
    12 Aug 2021: Some students elect to study languages in their senior years because of personal interest, or because they have previously been successful in language learning. Others may choose to do so because of future career plans, or because they wish to
  27. Thumbnail for Pioneers reclaimed

    Pioneers reclaimed
    28 Jun 2018: When a Melbourne retiree started the online Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania she had no inkling that her own connection to the island state would be revealed. The author with her first book. Former teacher Janeen O’Connell had
  28. Thumbnail for Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online

    Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online
    31 Jul 2020: By Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy & Gender Studies, University of TasmaniaAnother day, another woman being called a “whore” — and worse — on Twitter. In the wake of her recent interview with Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
  29. Thumbnail for A home for everyone?

    A home for everyone?
    12 Sep 2017: While Australia has an egalitarian mythology, where everyone has a chance, the roots of problems with access to housing lie in our history. The first land grants were given to former convicts as a way to control an unfenced prison colony. As free
  30. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  31. Thumbnail for Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world

    Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world
    14 Oct 2016: In high school she followed her passions, at University she learned how to argue for them. Now she stands up for them in the highest office in the land. Lisa Singh never strayed from what she believes in, and it has taken her right to the top. I
  32. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  33. Thumbnail for Understanding colonial maps

    Understanding colonial maps
    31 Mar 2021: On Boxing Day 1832 surveyors across southern Van Diemen’s Land were huddled in their tents, sheltering from the rain. Poor Charles Wedge set out to work but was ‘obliged to return’, while Raphael Clint made no pretence, recording in his log,
  34. Thumbnail for Let the games begin

    Let the games begin
    5 Apr 2018: Britain’s territorial vastness was neatly summed up in the Victorian era by the observation that “the sun never sets on the British Empire”. For 350 years, dating from when the East India Company was founded in 1600 until after the end of
  35. Thumbnail for A Tasmanian Requiem

    A Tasmanian Requiem
    24 Apr 2018: On December 26, 1847, a small group of Aboriginal people sat in the Lieutenant-Governor’s box at Hobart’s Theatre Royal watching a new pantomime. A local newspaper reported how “the natives … seemed gratified at their first public
  36. Thumbnail for Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs

    Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs
    27 Apr 2018: Malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic infection that affects about 3. 2 billion people in 95 countries, has become largely a disease of the young and poor. Due to effective medications like chloroquine and artemisinins, malaria deaths dropped an
  37. Thumbnail for Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections

    Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections
    19 May 2016: Elizabeth Leane’s mission is to integrate science and the humanities. And her latest project will take that mission global. Associate Professor Leane’s slightly unusual dual expertise of science and English (Arts and IMAS) makes her the
  38. Thumbnail for Australia is undergoing a major change...

    Australia is undergoing a major change...
    9 Sep 2018: It’s time for employers and organisations to transform awareness of mental health issues at work into action, and researchers are developing the tools and strategies to help make that happen. When it comes to safety in the workplace, physical
  39. Thumbnail for Bottling success...

    Bottling success...
    10 Oct 2016: Professional Accounting (Specialisation) student Jeffrey Wang started his corporate internship unit, he said he had “no idea” how a business plan worked. Now after completing the unit, he is ready to step into the world of business - and maybe
  40. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  41. Thumbnail for Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it

    Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it
    17 Aug 2017: Sending personal emails, a bit of online shopping, checking out your friend’s holiday snaps on Facebook: if you break up your work day with online activities that aren’t work-related, you may be guilty of “cyberloafing”. Cyberloafing –
  42. Thumbnail for Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia

    Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia
    24 Aug 2020: By Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaOn September 5, a coalition of online groups are planning an Australia-wide action called the “Day of Freedom”. The organisers claim hundreds of thousands will join them
  43. Thumbnail for Who is Jane Reid?  The thesis of Lucy Bennett

    Who is Jane Reid? The thesis of Lucy Bennett
    9 May 2016: "When I started Honours in History, I had no idea what my thesis should be. I just couldn’t get excited about it. Then I read the private and unpublished scrapbook of Jane Williams, an incredible primary source seen by no historian before me. The
  44. Thumbnail for Treatable fevers could be putting the heat on healthcare

    Treatable fevers could be putting the heat on healthcare
    24 Mar 2016: Did you know that bathing a feverish child in cold water can actually make them hotter? Cold water to treat a fever is one of the many medical misconceptions in our society. Healthcare researcher, pharmacist and pharmacology lecturer Dr Bonnie
  45. Thumbnail for From equestrian to historian

    From equestrian to historian
    9 May 2016: After school I went to uni and started commerce because I thought that would give me a good job. But I didn’t like it, it was just dry and not for me. I was a horse rider and bought an ex-racehorse that I went to the state championships on in the
  46. Thumbnail for How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War

    How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War
    14 Mar 2018: As Hobart’s Old Government House was being demolished in the late 1850s, workers made a remarkable discovery. Lifting the floor, they found an old pine board covered with four rows of pictures. Six scenes painted in oils depicted interactions
  47. Thumbnail for Menzies researchers help to take the pressure down

    Menzies researchers help to take the pressure down
    24 Feb 2016: Researchers in the Menzies Institute for Medical Research are passionate about keeping people healthy. That’s why the Blood Pressure Research Group was out in force at the annual running event, Hobart Run the Bridge. The group was at the finish
  48. Thumbnail for How to cope with the stress of working alone

    How to cope with the stress of working alone
    1 Feb 2017: The nature of work in the gig economy - where workers have to support themselves and take on the risk associated with the job - undermines some of our fundamental human needs and can create a significant amount of mental stress. People often define
  49. Thumbnail for Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole

    Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole
    22 Aug 2016: Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Elizabeth Leane is one of three University of Tasmania authors to feature in the international expert series Earth, with the release of her latest book South Pole: Nature and Culture. Here is an excerpt from
  50. Thumbnail for Leunig, wellness and wokeness

    Leunig, wellness and wokeness
    11 Nov 2021: Michael Leunig’s journey from anti-war and anti-corporate provocateur to a critic of ‘wokeism’ and cancel culture is familiar and predictable. We’ve seen other prominent baby-boomer artists, thinkers and entertainers take the same path during
  51. Thumbnail for Why English classrooms and book clubs are life-altering spaces

    Why English classrooms and book clubs are life-altering spaces
    1 Jul 2019: “The English classroom should be that space where you can broaden your understanding of literature, become a better writer, become a better reader, and become more able to think and talk about the ideas and experiences that you get from books,”

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