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  2. Thumbnail for Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia

    Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia
    31 Mar 2021: I’m a historian, but I’m not my family’s historian. That honour falls to my mum, who for the past twenty years or so has been delving into the lives of my ancestors. Mum started doing the family history after I began studying Australian
  3. Thumbnail for This scientist is forcing a rethink of how we discover marine life

    This scientist is forcing a rethink of how we discover marine life
    22 Jan 2018: “I don’t have the usual academic background,” said Professor Graham Edgar, who’s running one of Australia’s most successful citizen science initiatives out of the University of Tasmania. With a focus on minimising human threats to the
  4. Thumbnail for For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising

    For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising
    13 Jul 2017: Texting could be creating a literacy issue for children, but it is not the problem most people would expect. In a presentation to Education Transforms 2017 in Hobart, written language expert Dr Nenagh Kemp said her research with colleagues in the UK
  5. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  6. Thumbnail for Recognising differences without denying them

    Recognising differences without denying them
    6 Mar 2016: It’s a contemporary issue that almost everyone has a strong opinion on. Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy and Gender Studies in the University’s School of Humanities, examines the issue of same-sex marriage in her new book
  7. Thumbnail for Making a career out of creativity

    Making a career out of creativity
    12 Oct 2018: Singer songwriter Ange Boxall has scaled many heights since she completed a degree in Fine Arts at the University of Tasmania. Her 2016 country album Into the Wind debuted at No. 11 on the ARIA charts, and she’s worked with some of the best
  8. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  9. Thumbnail for The right to discriminate: breaking ground in a complex middle space

    The right to discriminate: breaking ground in a complex middle space
    7 May 2020: Sociologist Professor Douglas Ezzy is preparing to break new ground in research, in what he calls a “complex middle space”. Professor Ezzy, from the School of Social Sciences, is the lead investigator on an Australian Research Council grant, for
  10. Thumbnail for Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?

    Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?
    12 Aug 2021: Some students elect to study languages in their senior years because of personal interest, or because they have previously been successful in language learning. Others may choose to do so because of future career plans, or because they wish to
  11. Thumbnail for Research finds exergamers need real exercise too

    Research finds exergamers need real exercise too
    22 Sep 2017: More and more young Australians are playing video games during their leisure time. Fortunately, video game manufacturers have introduced “exergames” in an effort to make this typically sedentary activity more physically engaging. These
  12. Thumbnail for Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online

    Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online
    31 Jul 2020: By Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy & Gender Studies, University of TasmaniaAnother day, another woman being called a “whore” — and worse — on Twitter. In the wake of her recent interview with Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
  13. Thumbnail for ‘The workload was intense’

    ‘The workload was intense’
    22 Sep 2020: By Tracey Muir, Associate Professor in Mathematics Education; Carol Murphy; David Hicks, Lecturer in Cultural Awareness - Aboriginal Studies, and Kim Beasy, Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy (Equity and Diversity)Parents and carers were
  14. Thumbnail for A home for everyone?

    A home for everyone?
    12 Sep 2017: While Australia has an egalitarian mythology, where everyone has a chance, the roots of problems with access to housing lie in our history. The first land grants were given to former convicts as a way to control an unfenced prison colony. As free
  15. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  16. Thumbnail for Understanding colonial maps

    Understanding colonial maps
    31 Mar 2021: On Boxing Day 1832 surveyors across southern Van Diemen’s Land were huddled in their tents, sheltering from the rain. Poor Charles Wedge set out to work but was ‘obliged to return’, while Raphael Clint made no pretence, recording in his log,
  17. Thumbnail for Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession

    Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession
    14 Jan 2018: We are fast approaching the end of summer holidays and many teachers are turning their attention to preparing for the start of the school year. Many of the teachers who started their careers in 2017 will not return to the classroom in 2018. In fact,
  18. Thumbnail for The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer

    The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer
    3 Aug 2020: By Robyn Moore, School of Social SciencesIn his book Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe writes that settler Australians wilfully misunderstood, hid and destroyed evidence of Aboriginal Australians’ farming practices. My analysis of secondary school textbooks
  19. Thumbnail for A Tasmanian Requiem

    A Tasmanian Requiem
    24 Apr 2018: On December 26, 1847, a small group of Aboriginal people sat in the Lieutenant-Governor’s box at Hobart’s Theatre Royal watching a new pantomime. A local newspaper reported how “the natives … seemed gratified at their first public
  20. Thumbnail for Why Antarctica is cool for composers

    Why Antarctica is cool for composers
    2 Sep 2015: The frozen continent's allure was particularly potent in the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, when intrepid travellers would return with stories of its beauty and mystery, which in turn inspired works of art, literature and music. Dr Carolyn
  21. Thumbnail for Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections

    Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections
    19 May 2016: Elizabeth Leane’s mission is to integrate science and the humanities. And her latest project will take that mission global. Associate Professor Leane’s slightly unusual dual expertise of science and English (Arts and IMAS) makes her the
  22. Thumbnail for Should Australia recognise the human right to a healthy environment?

    Should Australia recognise the human right to a healthy environment?
    28 Feb 2018: Australia is one of only 15 nations (a list that also includes Canada and the United States) that does not recognise the human right to a healthy environment at the federal level. Last year, the Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental
  23. Thumbnail for Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia

    Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia
    24 Aug 2020: By Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaOn September 5, a coalition of online groups are planning an Australia-wide action called the “Day of Freedom”. The organisers claim hundreds of thousands will join them
  24. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  25. Thumbnail for How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War

    How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War
    14 Mar 2018: As Hobart’s Old Government House was being demolished in the late 1850s, workers made a remarkable discovery. Lifting the floor, they found an old pine board covered with four rows of pictures. Six scenes painted in oils depicted interactions
  26. Thumbnail for We won’t close the gap

    We won’t close the gap
    19 Feb 2018: The recent Closing the Gap report has highlighted the lack of progress in Indigenous affairs since the apology to the Stolen Generations a decade ago. Although not a specific target, safe, appropriate and affordable housing is acknowledged to be a
  27. Thumbnail for Leunig, wellness and wokeness

    Leunig, wellness and wokeness
    11 Nov 2021: Michael Leunig’s journey from anti-war and anti-corporate provocateur to a critic of ‘wokeism’ and cancel culture is familiar and predictable. We’ve seen other prominent baby-boomer artists, thinkers and entertainers take the same path during
  28. Thumbnail for A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place

    A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place
    10 Oct 2018: The island of Tasmania lies suspended beneath Australia like a heart-shaped pendant of sapphire, emerald and tourmaline. Here is where the world runs out, crumbling into the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean. Island Story: Tasmania in Object and
  29. Thumbnail for Why experts are rethinking how we teach statistics in schools

    Why experts are rethinking how we teach statistics in schools
    10 Sep 2018: Mathematics is behind everything we do in an advanced society, and as we become more dependent on technology in Australia, it will underpin more jobs than ever before. And yet, fewer and fewer young people are pursuing mathematics in their later
  30. Thumbnail for How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the ‘wilderness'

    How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the…
    24 Aug 2020: By Professor Libby Lester, Director, Institute for Social Change, University of TasmaniaTo understand Bob Brown’s impact on Australian political debate, watch Tasmanian commercial television and stay on the couch during the ad breaks. Here’s an
  31. Thumbnail for Dark Mofo 2015 – students immersed in an award winning festival

    Dark Mofo 2015 – students immersed in an award winning festival
    25 Jan 2016: Tasmania’s 2015 Mofo and Dark Mofo festivals have been awarded one of the most coveted awards in the Australian performing arts industry – the Sidney Myer Performing Arts Group Award. Judges stated that the festivals “have captured the
  32. Thumbnail for First reconciliation, then a republic

    First reconciliation, then a republic
    26 Jan 2018: Professor Maggie Walter, Pro Vice Chancellor (Aboriginal Research and Leadership) and Professor of Sociology, examines Australia Day in this opinion piece for The Conversation. I have always been rather taken with Gary Larson’s Far Side
  33. Thumbnail for Sledging songs, penguins, and melting ice

    Sledging songs, penguins, and melting ice
    2 Sep 2018: When Douglas Mawson led Australasia’s first expedition to Antarctica in 1911–14, his crew took along a folding organ, a concertina, a flute, a piccolo and a mouth organ, as well as a gramophone, records and a hymn book. Program for The
  34. Thumbnail for Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide

    Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide
    17 Jan 2018: At a public meeting in Hobart in the late 1830s, Solicitor-General Alfred Stephen, later Chief Justice of New South Wales, shared with the assembled crowd his solution for dealing with “the Aboriginal problem”. Voluminous written and
  35. Thumbnail for We need a new Australia Day

    We need a new Australia Day
    29 Nov 2017: The decision by ABC Triple J to move the Hottest 100, its popular musical countdown, from January 26 has reignited the smouldering controversy about Australia Day. The radio station has moved the 2018 poll from Australia Day to January 27 after a
  36. Thumbnail for Righting the wrongs of the past

    Righting the wrongs of the past
    9 Sep 2018: Historians are working with Australian Indigenous communities to return the bodily remains of their Old People to country from overseas museums and universities. The early years of Australian colonisation in the late 1700s coincided with the
  37. Thumbnail for This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics

    This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics
    4 Sep 2018: Centuries ago, the English metaphysical poet John Donne famously observed, “No man is an island entire of itself,” conveying a universal truth that humans are necessarily connected to one another, that the human life is a life lived with
  38. Thumbnail for The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero

    The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
    9 Aug 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of deceased people. Australians love their war heroes. Our founding myth centres on the heroism of the ANZACs. Our Victoria Cross recipients are
  39. Thumbnail for Bob Brown wins his case

    Bob Brown wins his case
    18 Oct 2017: Bob Brown was arrested under an anti-protest law after refusing to obey police directions to leave a forestry coup at Lapoinya State Forest. AAPThe High Court has ruled today by a 6:1 majority in favour of Bob Brown and Jessica Hoyt’s challenge to
  40. Thumbnail for Journey through the apocalypse

    Journey through the apocalypse
    29 Oct 2017: Half buried in the sand, uprooted stalks of kelp are like splashes of dark blood against the white quartzite, ground fine as talc. In the translucent shallows, tendrils of kelp flounce lazily as the water gradually turns to turquoise then a deep

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