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201 - 250 of 319 search results
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  2. Thumbnail for Surprising study shows jellyfish on the menu for albatrosses

    Surprising study shows jellyfish on the menu for albatrosses
    18 Oct 2017: A study that used DNA tests to analyse the scats of one of the world’s most numerous albatrosses has revealed surprising results about the top predator’s diet. DNA analysis of 1,460 scats from breeding sites around the Southern Ocean has shown
  3. Thumbnail for Coral Sea voyage uncovers volcanic secrets of the seafloor.

    Coral Sea voyage uncovers volcanic secrets of the seafloor.
    3 Sep 2019: Scientists arriving in Brisbane after a 28-day voyage to the Coral Sea are amazed by their discoveries in the deep sea, including 5km deep seafloor canyons, unnamed volcanic seamounts, and likely new species of deep-water coral. The discoveries came
  4. Thumbnail for How have human activities been stressing out kelp forests?

    How have human activities been stressing out kelp forests?
    15 Nov 2016: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists have joined researchers from around the world to provide the first global picture of how kelp forests have changed over the last 50 years in response to stresses caused by human
  5. Thumbnail for Could chilling out oysters shell shock deadly virus?

    Could chilling out oysters shell shock deadly virus?
    22 Nov 2017: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists will give the deadly Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) virus the cold shoulder this summer as part of a new approach to tackling the virus that devastated Tasmania’s oyster
  6. Thumbnail for COMET sheds light on law for youth

    COMET sheds light on law for youth
    9 Jan 2018: It’s a Thursday evening at a girls’ shelter in Hobart. This place is not an easy one to be. It’s an emergency home to at-risk girls aged 10-18, who face homelessness or untenable living situations with their families. Tonight, though, the mood
  7. Thumbnail for Delphine Lannuzel

    Delphine Lannuzel
    27 Jun 2023: Delphine Lannuzel’s feeling for the ocean - its health, many threats and challenges - first emerged with an eco-tragedy in her native France, in 1999, when the MV Erika, a Japanese-built tanker carrying 31,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, ran into
  8. Thumbnail for Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution

    Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution
    18 May 2019: Banner image: Dr Jennifer Lavers  and Silke Stuckenbrock with plastic debris on Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Image credit: Silke Stuckenbrock. A survey of plastic pollution on Australia’s Cocos (Keeling) Islands has revealed the territory’s beaches
  9. Thumbnail for The data that makes you, you

    The data that makes you, you
    22 Aug 2018: The colour of your hair and eyes, your height, and your susceptibility to certain diseases. Your genetic material is everything that makes you, you. And it is undoubtedly your property. Or is it? Should your genetic material be available for
  10. Thumbnail for Why plastic in our oceans is impacting the UN

    Why plastic in our oceans is impacting the UN
    22 Feb 2018: Plastic pollution of the world’s oceans is posing a growing challenge not only for wildlife, scientists and environmentalists but also for nations and international bodies such as the United Nations. In an article published in the international
  11. Thumbnail for Canute helps councils prepare for sea level rise

    Canute helps councils prepare for sea level rise
    19 Nov 2018: How will rising sea levels and storm surges affect our coastal buildings and roads? With more than half of Australians living within seven kilometres of the coast, we need to plan for the rise in sea levels predicted for coming decades. The Canute
  12. Thumbnail for Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania

    Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania
    28 May 2020: Every three months Matthew Fielding arrives at Melbourne Airport with a large box to put on a plane. When he tells the airline staff what’s in it, they rush off to speak to their managers, mouths agape. After all, it’s not every day you are asked
  13. Thumbnail for Surprise historical discovery could help whale survival

    Surprise historical discovery could help whale survival
    20 Mar 2017: The chance discovery of a unique set of whaling records dating back to 1952 has provided new insights into the lives and physiology of humpback and sperm whales. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) PhD student Lyn Irvine heard from a
  14. Thumbnail for Pumice a powerful force on the ocean

    Pumice a powerful force on the ocean
    30 Apr 2020: Deep in the Pacific Ocean, hot magma sporadically erupts out of the seafloor, and mostly goes undetected. In some cases, billions of frothy volcanic fragments bob to the surface, creating a floating mat of pumice – a ‘pumice raft’. Pumice
  15. Thumbnail for Workplaces urged to get healthy, mentally

    Workplaces urged to get healthy, mentally
    9 Oct 2017: During Mental Health Week (October 8 to 14) researchers at the University of Tasmania are urging workplaces to make employee mental health a priority. While physical safety is at the forefront of Work Health and Safety laws and many workplaces are
  16. Thumbnail for Nearly 38 million bits of litter on one of world’s remotest islands

    Nearly 38 million bits of litter on one of world’s remotest islands
    15 May 2017: The beaches of one of the world’s most remote islands have been found to be polluted with the highest density of plastic debris reported anywhere on the planet, in a study published in the prestigious US scientific journal Proceedings of the
  17. Thumbnail for How economists figure out what drives our spending patterns

    How economists figure out what drives our spending patterns
    30 Apr 2018: When it comes to the Australian tradition of shouting someone a drink, the unfortunate truth is that no matter how long you wait, one in five people will never shout you in return. And the reasons why are almost never as simple as someone trying to
  18. Thumbnail for It's a rocky road, but lobsters surviving

    It's a rocky road, but lobsters surviving
    20 Jun 2017: New Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) research investigating the environmental factors that influence Southern Rock Lobster settlement on reefs has found evidence that the fishery is showing broad resilience to climate change. The
  19. Thumbnail for Super-charge your university experience in Tasmania

    Super-charge your university experience in Tasmania
    5 Nov 2020: You can get more out of your #UTASlife through our communities, social events, sports, and volunteering. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Become a member of a societyYou could join the bushwalking society and hit the trails after lectures, go
  20. Thumbnail for A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas

    A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas
    26 Sep 2019: Banner image: Beachgoers cool off in the water at Bondi Beach in Sydney, February 2019. Australia’s coast dwellers must adapt to the inevitable effects of climate change. Joel Carrett/AAP. A landmark scientific report has confirmed that climate
  21. Thumbnail for Whale warning signs revealed in historical records

    Whale warning signs revealed in historical records
    23 Jun 2017: A study of historic whaling records has revealed there were warning signs that populations of commercially harvested whales were heading for global collapse up to 40 years before the event. The research by scientists from the Institute for Marine
  22. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania ranks in global top ten in three key subjects

    University of Tasmania ranks in global top ten in three key subjects
    3 Apr 2017: New international rankings have rated the University of Tasmania amongst the top ten in the world in three key subjects. The University was ranked fourth in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology, and seventh for both Fisheries and for
  23. Thumbnail for Climate change likely culprit for marine heatwave

    Climate change likely culprit for marine heatwave
    17 Jul 2017: A new study has found that human-induced climate change was almost certainly responsible for a marine heatwave off Tasmania’s east coast in the summer of 2015/16, and similar events are increasingly likely in the coming decades. Published in the
  24. Thumbnail for Where are whales giving birth in WA?

    Where are whales giving birth in WA?
    13 Dec 2017: A study that looked at where humpback whales give birth along the coast of Western Australia has shown that the calving grounds extend more than 1,000 kilometres further south than currently recognised. The research by Institute for Marine and
  25. Thumbnail for Earth’s future linked to algae growth

    Earth’s future linked to algae growth
    8 Jun 2017: In the time it takes to read this sentence, you will almost certainly have inhaled oxygen disgorged by algae. Tiny ocean-borne algae played a critical role in creating the atmospheric conditions on Earth and produce half the oxygen we breathe
  26. Thumbnail for Antarctica and the ties that bind

    Antarctica and the ties that bind
    1 Dec 2021: The recent arrival of the impressive new icebreaker RSV Nuyina to Hobart’s port is a reminder of the city’s strong connections to the south and long history of welcoming polar vessels. As one of only five Antarctic ‘gateways’, our city has an
  27. Thumbnail for What do increasingly acidic oceans mean for seaweed?

    What do increasingly acidic oceans mean for seaweed?
    19 Apr 2017: Research at volcanic vents in the Mediterranean Sea is helping Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists to understand how ocean acidification will affect different species of macroalgae (seaweed) in the future. The world’s
  28. Thumbnail for Hot take: The North West Coast is the Byron of Tassie.

    Hot take: The North West Coast is the Byron of Tassie.
    12 Mar 2020: Here’s an opinion you’ve probably never heard: The North West of Tasmania is the Northern Rivers of Tasmania. Yep, you read that right. There are a few reasons why Burnie is pretty much Byron Bay. There are shops selling trinkets from India and
  29. Thumbnail for Reforms needed for laws surrounding dangerous criminals

    Reforms needed for laws surrounding dangerous criminals
    12 Jul 2017: Reforms are needed in Tasmania’s legislation where offenders are declared as dangerous criminals by the courts, new research has found. The Tasmania Law Reform Institute today released a research paper, A Comparative Review of National Legislation
  30. Thumbnail for From paddock to pallet to plate

    From paddock to pallet to plate
    12 Aug 2020: Tasmania’s booming horticultural exports to China will be enhanced by a supply-chain traceability system to be developed by University of Tasmania researchers. They have won $455,000 in funding for a new cloud-based system in a highly competitive
  31. Thumbnail for From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean

    From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean
    11 Dec 2017: In a world-first, a research team of Australian and international scientists has used data collected by satellites and an ocean model to explain and predict biodiversity on the Antarctic seafloor. The researchers combined satellite images of
  32. Thumbnail for Learning the secrets of lobster lives

    Learning the secrets of lobster lives
    4 Dec 2017: The mystery of how to close the larval cycle of lobsters on a commercial scale has eluded science since the 1960s. But now there are some answers, thanks to researchers at the University of Tasmania. Associate Professor Greg Smith is Director of the
  33. Thumbnail for Antarctic process contributing to sea-level rise and climate change

    Antarctic process contributing to sea-level rise and climate change
    19 Apr 2018: A new Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)-led study has revealed a previously undocumented process where melting glacial ice sheets change the ocean in a way that further accelerates the rate of ice melt and sea level rise. Led by IMAS
  34. Thumbnail for This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse

    This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse
    28 Nov 2017: We can now predict a potential crash in whale populations several decades in advance, and it looks like shrinking body size is the key indicator. "It’s about finding some early warning signals that might indicate that a species has been
  35. Thumbnail for Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age

    Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age
    13 Jun 2017: Tiny fossils found in ocean sediments are helping scientists from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Canada to determine how the prehistoric ocean contributed to the last Ice Age 125,000 to 18,000
  36. Thumbnail for The intersection of genetics and the law

    The intersection of genetics and the law
    19 Oct 2018: As our technologies have advanced, so has our understanding of—and ability to manipulate—the genes of living things. With our increasing globalisation, researchers can share information or biological material with colleagues on the other side of
  37. Thumbnail for The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you

    The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you
    25 Jul 2018: Are you interested in how the law works, the dark side of history, or how to educate the next generation? Come to Hobart Open Day and hear from our staff and students about what to study to feed your thirst for knowledge. Whether you’re
  38. Thumbnail for Microplastics litter the seafloor

    Microplastics litter the seafloor
    13 Jul 2017: Scientific sampling along the South East Australian coast has found high concentrations of microplastics in seafloor sediments, including along even remote stretches of coastline. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists found an
  39. Thumbnail for Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search

    Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search
    23 Jan 2018: A team of divers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the citizen science project Reef Life Survey (RLS) have discovered a new population of what is believed to be the world’s rarest fish. Red handfish (Thymichthys politus
  40. Thumbnail for Unlocking the secrets of Antarctic fur seal winter foraging

    Unlocking the secrets of Antarctic fur seal winter foraging
    9 Nov 2016: Research into the winter foraging and diving behaviour of Antarctic fur seals has revealed, for the first time, two contrasting strategies the predators use to survive in one of the world’s most inhospitable environments. Institute for Marine and
  41. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  42. Thumbnail for Why traditional teaching methods fail to develop our long-term memory

    Why traditional teaching methods fail to develop our long-term memory
    29 Apr 2018: While many university students are just focussed on getting through their exams, potential employers are interested in graduates would can retain the vital information they’ve learned from their degree well into their professional lives. But
  43. Thumbnail for PhD for Prosperous Poppies

    PhD for Prosperous Poppies
    4 May 2020: A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of Tasmania’s poppy industry which has been battling a relatively new disease for the past six years - systemic downy mildew. A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of
  44. Thumbnail for Seals help plug Antarctic water mystery

    Seals help plug Antarctic water mystery
    8 Sep 2016: Elephant seals have helped scientists to demonstrate that fresh water from Antarctic’s melting ice shelves slows the processes responsible for the formation of deep-water ocean currents that regulate global temperatures. The study, led by Dr Guy
  45. Thumbnail for Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change

    Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change
    6 Jul 2017: Innovative research using fish-borne sensors has revealed how farmed Atlantic salmon are likely to respond to climate change as their aquaculture cages experience warmer temperatures and falling oxygen levels. The study by a team of Institute for
  46. Thumbnail for The beat goes on, but police and researchers are now in sync

    The beat goes on, but police and researchers are now in sync
    29 Apr 2020: It's the antithesis of the ivory tower. Out on the beat and in the courts, at crime scenes and in emergency situations, police management and decision-making is being informed by a productive and long-standing collaboration between the University of
  47. Thumbnail for Top of the table

    Top of the table
    19 Dec 2016: London-based alumni Brodie Neill not only earned a place at the table of leading world designers in September – he also provided the table. Representing Australia, Brodie unveiled a new installation, Plastic Effects, at the inaugural London Design
  48. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    17 Dec 2020: Amid the global COVID-19 crisis, there is some good news about a wildlife pandemic which may also help scientists better understand how other emerging diseases evolve. Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has
  49. Thumbnail for Two Laureates and two big projects

    Two Laureates and two big projects
    10 May 2016: There’s only a handful of ARC Laureates in Australia, and for the first time two Tasmanian-based researchers have received the prestigious honour. Two outstanding University of Tasmania Professors will lead projects supported by almost $11 million
  50. Thumbnail for Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology

    Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology
    10 Jul 2017: Dr Jane Nielsen has a background in intellectual property and competition law issues in biotechnology, and is now examining material transfers in biomedical research. Dr Nielsen also looks at infringement and enforcement issues surrounding
  51. Thumbnail for It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...

    It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...
    15 May 2017: After 17 years researchers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) based at the University’s Taroona laboratories have developed the solution to a problem that scientists around the globe had been trying to solve for decades.

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