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  2. Thumbnail for Building a bridge to the future

    Building a bridge to the future
    19 May 2017: Matt Cocks and his partner Jane stood in India, watching a bridge being built. Matt had just been made redundant, and the pair was travelling for a bit of a break while they figured out their next move. As they watched a team of men hauling woks
  3. Thumbnail for These boots were made for learning

    These boots were made for learning
    22 Nov 2016: Tasmanian boot brand Blundstone – synonymous with the State’s farming sector – will provide $120,000 to support students undertaking new Associate Degrees in Agribusiness next year. Enrolments are now open to the first intake of the courses
  4. Thumbnail for How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era

    How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era
    13 Jul 2020: One good thing about lock down and life in isolation has been the lack of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Nothing was happening, and everyone was in the same boat and stuck at home in survival mode. No-one was traveling or out having amazing,
  5. Thumbnail for The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.

    The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.
    9 Jun 2020: Studying a semester abroad offers many opportunities for adventure, including activities you love doing at home. As an avid outdoor adventurer, the mountains of Colorado called Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics student Tim Harmsen. Tim
  6. Thumbnail for Activism through art

    Activism through art
    8 May 2018: Courtesy of @joshpringle. Tasmanians know Josh Pringle’s work well, even if they don’t know his name. His "Keep Tassie Wild" artwork can be seen on car bumpers, jackets, t-shirts and walls around Hobart and beyond, and his distinctive style is in
  7. Thumbnail for AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job

    AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job
    26 Nov 2019: AMC graduate kicks on in his fieldKeegan Graham-Parker grew up in a seafaring and fishing family from a small town south of Cairns so believed he was always likely to end up in a maritime-related industry. After school he went to sea for the better
  8. Thumbnail for Mother, nurse, student and artist

    Mother, nurse, student and artist
    8 May 2016: Having children and a busy job doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your study dreams. Just ask Nikala Bourke. After being awarded her Nursing degree in the mid 90s, Nikala came back to University to pursue her passion for photography. “I’m a single
  9. Thumbnail for Australia's top young economist has a love of Tassie and teaching

    Australia's top young economist has a love of Tassie and teaching
    27 Feb 2017: Dr Joaquin Vespignani left a high-flying job in investment banking to nurture the next generation of economists at the University of Tasmania’s Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE). And he has never looked back. He is also an
  10. Thumbnail for From teacher to pharmacist

    From teacher to pharmacist
    28 Nov 2016: After 18 years as a science teacher, it was inevitable that Pharmacy student Kevin Welch would take on something of a mentoring role to his fellow students when he returned to University. I’m in my third year now and I love it. It’s a great team.
  11. Thumbnail for Race car project helps students drive straight into industry

    Race car project helps students drive straight into industry
    26 Apr 2016: If you study Engineering at the University of Tasmania, you get to design, build and drive your own race car. Formula SAE is an international student engineering design competition, hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers. Students take on the
  12. Thumbnail for Home and away

    Home and away
    22 Dec 2016: As the academic year comes to a close, student stories have emerged highlighting communities and friendships that are being forged at the University’s modern purpose-built National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation. Nursing student
  13. Thumbnail for A magical internship…

    A magical internship…
    27 Oct 2016: Enterprising Business student Sarah Molnar has three passions - Disney, tourism, and marketing. Sarah is in her second year at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing and Tourism
  14. Thumbnail for An artistic life

    An artistic life
    31 May 2016: Rebecca is a Principal Designer at Birrelli art design architecture, a business she co-owns with her husband Jack. “I went to art school because while I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I knew it would be in the creative fields,” she said. The
  15. Thumbnail for A street art tour of Hobart

    A street art tour of Hobart
    20 Jul 2018: Looking for vibrant street art in one of Australia’s oldest cities? You’ll need to venture beyond the historic waterfront and into the city’s little-used laneways to find the work of talented locals – and a few well-known interlopers, too. 1.
  16. Thumbnail for Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert

    Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert
    8 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 crisis closed campuses, schools and workplaces around the world. This meant that many of us are now studying and working at home. Here are six great tips for effective study, straight from Associate Professor Kimberley Norris, clinical
  17. Thumbnail for Internship has life-changing outcomes

    Internship has life-changing outcomes
    21 Nov 2016: Niels van der Winkle has just produced a social return on investment report for not-for-profit organisation Colony47. They’ll present the report to the government in a case for funding that has the potential to change many lives. It's an
  18. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  19. Thumbnail for Creating mystical worlds

    Creating mystical worlds
    1 Mar 2016: When Karin Chan left Singapore to study a Fine Arts degree in Tasmania, her family thought she would graduate to become an art teacher. But Karin had bigger aspirations. She wanted to practice fine art on the world stage. Four years later and Karin
  20. Thumbnail for How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student

    How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student
    7 Dec 2016: Shanshan had worked in the media for Beijing Evening News as the Art Editor and reporter for eleven years. But painting had always been her passion. Her father was an artist, so she believes painting is in her genes. She had always wanted to become
  21. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  22. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  23. Thumbnail for Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

    Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style
    19 Feb 2019: Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will
  24. Thumbnail for "I've got the freedom that I always wanted"

    "I've got the freedom that I always wanted"
    10 Jun 2016: "I was never great at school and I didn’t enjoy it. I just found it really hard. I was sick in year 12, so I didn’t graduate and afterwards I felt really lost. All of my friends seemed to know what they wanted to do and were going off to uni. I
  25. Thumbnail for Australia is undergoing a major change...

    Australia is undergoing a major change...
    9 Sep 2018: It’s time for employers and organisations to transform awareness of mental health issues at work into action, and researchers are developing the tools and strategies to help make that happen. When it comes to safety in the workplace, physical
  26. Thumbnail for The best seats in the house

    The best seats in the house
    28 Jun 2018: When these six students signed up to study at the School of Creative Arts they had little notion that by second year they would be working on a professional commission. And for one of Australia’s premier arts festivals, no less. As part of their
  27. Thumbnail for The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild west

    The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild…
    11 Nov 2018: Of the many festivals dotted across the island state of Tasmania, The Unconformity is particularly well named. It is an inherently unique event, responsive to the particularities of the western town of Queenstown’s unique geology, ecology and

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