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  2. Thumbnail for A new degree, a new life

    A new degree, a new life
    11 May 2016: Diana Butler began studying Nursing at the age of 40. Her decision to go to University changed her life. And in turn, she is changing the lives of those living in poverty in Africa. Diana is the CEO and Co-Founder of the Tasmanian-based organisation
  3. Thumbnail for On top of the world

    On top of the world
    22 Dec 2016: Broadening your horizons through a university degree can literally take you all over the world. From studying education in Sweden to international politics in the heart of Paris, the University of Tasmania offers a range of semester-based and
  4. Thumbnail for Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.

    Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.
    10 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 era sure has taught us a lot about resilience. Who would have thought six months ago that parents could work full-time from home while home-schooling children. Or that the economy would collapse, meaning tens of thousands of people are
  5. Thumbnail for An honours project for a creative spirit

    An honours project for a creative spirit
    19 Nov 2020: Lily Bucher-Edwards embodies the Tasmanian spirit. Her passion for this beautiful island is palpable. Lily says she always knew that she wanted to stay in Tasmania, so she decided to follow her creativity and study a Bachelor of Business with
  6. Thumbnail for Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning

    Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning
    19 Dec 2016: Associate degrees – awarded by colleges upon completion of a course of study lasting two years – are relatively unknown in Australia but have been a feature of American tertiary education for more than a century. The top-ranked Santa Barbara
  7. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  8. Thumbnail for Mother, nurse, student and artist

    Mother, nurse, student and artist
    8 May 2016: Having children and a busy job doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your study dreams. Just ask Nikala Bourke. After being awarded her Nursing degree in the mid 90s, Nikala came back to University to pursue her passion for photography. “I’m a single
  9. Thumbnail for The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.

    The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.
    9 Jun 2020: Studying a semester abroad offers many opportunities for adventure, including activities you love doing at home. As an avid outdoor adventurer, the mountains of Colorado called Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics student Tim Harmsen. Tim
  10. Thumbnail for Australia's top young economist has a love of Tassie and teaching

    Australia's top young economist has a love of Tassie and teaching
    27 Feb 2017: Dr Joaquin Vespignani left a high-flying job in investment banking to nurture the next generation of economists at the University of Tasmania’s Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE). And he has never looked back. He is also an
  11. Thumbnail for A magical internship…

    A magical internship…
    27 Oct 2016: Enterprising Business student Sarah Molnar has three passions - Disney, tourism, and marketing. Sarah is in her second year at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing and Tourism
  12. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  13. Thumbnail for From ‘scared sh**less’ to making the Dean’s Honour Roll every year

    From ‘scared sh**less’ to making the Dean’s Honour Roll every year
    16 Jun 2016: It was 1983. Like all year 11 students, Andrew Gibson sat the public service exam, which helped determine what kind of career you were most suited to in the public service. In the first week of year 12, he got a call offering him a job as a
  14. Thumbnail for From science to teaching

    From science to teaching
    13 Jun 2016: Coleen Cole always dreamt of being a teacher, but life took her in another direction. Now nearly 20 years later, she is studying to make her dream a reality. “I wanted to be a teacher ever since I left university the first time round, but it
  15. Thumbnail for From graphic designer to nurse

    From graphic designer to nurse
    9 Jun 2016: You might think graphic design and nursing are chalk and cheese, but for Adele Close the two careers give her the perfect life balance. “The design side is a really good creative outlet and gives me time at home with the kids. Whereas the nursing
  16. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  17. Thumbnail for From cabinet maker to teacher

    From cabinet maker to teacher
    14 Jun 2016: In his 20s Craig Gooding was working in a factory, as a labourer for a shop fitter. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. But he knew one thing: he was bored with his repetitive job. Today, he is in a job he loves, teaching primary
  18. Thumbnail for "I've got the freedom that I always wanted"

    "I've got the freedom that I always wanted"
    10 Jun 2016: "I was never great at school and I didn’t enjoy it. I just found it really hard. I was sick in year 12, so I didn’t graduate and afterwards I felt really lost. All of my friends seemed to know what they wanted to do and were going off to uni. I
  19. Thumbnail for From equestrian to historian

    From equestrian to historian
    9 May 2016: After school I went to uni and started commerce because I thought that would give me a good job. But I didn’t like it, it was just dry and not for me. I was a horse rider and bought an ex-racehorse that I went to the state championships on in the

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