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201 - 250 of 251 search results
  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Thumbnail for It’s the time of the year we embrace our dark heart

    It’s the time of the year we embrace our dark heart
    4 Jun 2016: Art. Bonfires. Feasting, wine and community. All in the crisp, clear Tasmanian winter. It’s Dark Mofo time again. This year the University of Tasmania is once again contributing to a range of startling artistic projects for the epic festival. Night
  3. Thumbnail for University a life-changer for Clemente Students

    University a life-changer for Clemente Students
    3 Jan 2017: While graduating from a university course is a proud moment for any student, it was the greatest sense of achievement for Maria Janabi and Ratachanee Chainuwong. The pair were part of the first group of students to graduate with their Certificate in
  4. Thumbnail for How a biography brought me to family history

    How a biography brought me to family history
    11 Jun 2021: Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this article may contain the names and images of people who are now deceased. Back in the early 2000s, the Australian Dictionary of Biography decided to prepare a supplement
  5. Thumbnail for Touring Europe by trumpet

    Touring Europe by trumpet
    6 Apr 2018: Music student Darcey O’Malley knew the value of study overseas, particularly for musicians. So when the chance came to study with some renowned teachers in Denmark and Switzerland, he and his trumpet were off. He spoke to us from Lucerne to
  6. Thumbnail for Making a career out of creativity

    Making a career out of creativity
    12 Oct 2018: Singer songwriter Ange Boxall has scaled many heights since she completed a degree in Fine Arts at the University of Tasmania. Her 2016 country album Into the Wind debuted at No. 11 on the ARIA charts, and she’s worked with some of the best
  7. Thumbnail for Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions

    Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions
    29 Jun 2017: Two University of Tasmania graduates will undertake the opportunity of a lifetime as recipients of a scholarship to study theology at the University of Oxford. Adrian Staples and Harrison Virs have been awarded the scholarships by Reverend Professor
  8. Thumbnail for The degree that turns your passion into a thriving business

    The degree that turns your passion into a thriving business
    29 Nov 2020: A deep love of the Tasmanian wilderness courses through Tara Howell’s veins. So when it came to fusing her passion for nature with what she was good at, Tara hit upon a business idea that offered the best of both worlds: luxury mountain biking
  9. Thumbnail for How Kelsey's move home was a move in the right direction

    How Kelsey's move home was a move in the right direction
    19 Nov 2018: When Kelsey Thomas finished Year 12 she thought the only way succeed was to leave Tasmania. “I left Tassie with the intention of going to Melbourne to get my degree because that was the misconception – that you needed to go to Melbourne to get a
  10. Thumbnail for Conservatorium leader lends his voice to community festival

    Conservatorium leader lends his voice to community festival
    29 Jun 2016: Associate Professor Andrew Legg cut his teeth in the music industry playing piano for the likes of Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin. Now the Director of the University’s Conservatorium of Music has lent his expertise to a “Gospel Bootcamp” at
  11. Thumbnail for Arts with an edge

    Arts with an edge
    19 Dec 2016: New degree programs in 2017 will give Arts graduates an edge in the field of media, music and fine arts. The University’s Faculty of Arts is launching three new programs next year - the Bachelor of Media with Honours, the Bachelor of Fine Arts with
  12. Thumbnail for A real role model

    A real role model
    30 Jan 2018: If recent roles are anything to go by, chances are we’ll be seeing a lot more of University of Tasmania alumnus Toby Leonard Moore. The humble actor’s star is certainly on the rise having secured parts in major hit series including Netflix’s
  13. Thumbnail for Delving deeper into your ancestry

    Delving deeper into your ancestry
    22 Mar 2019: Caroline, you completed the Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania. Tell us about your experience studying this course. I commenced the inaugural unit of the diploma, Introduction to Family History, in 2016. At that time, I had been
  14. Thumbnail for Acting and dancing through adversity

    Acting and dancing through adversity
    27 Mar 2019: Obeth Rai’s journey to graduation wasn’t an easy one, but his advice to others is simple: “don’t quit. ” Obeth received his Bachelor of Contemporary Arts from the University of Tasmania in 2018. He knows a lot about struggle and
  15. Thumbnail for On top of the world

    On top of the world
    22 Dec 2016: Broadening your horizons through a university degree can literally take you all over the world. From studying education in Sweden to international politics in the heart of Paris, the University of Tasmania offers a range of semester-based and
  16. Thumbnail for Students on song at Festival of Voices

    Students on song at Festival of Voices
    8 Jul 2016: Lana Kains has been singing in choirs since she was just four years old. And this weekend she will perform at the Festival of Voices along with classmates and graduates of the University’s Conservatorium of Music at "UTAS Singers. "At just 18 Lana
  17. Thumbnail for Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?

    Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?
    5 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will not move to the House of Representatives for further
  18. Thumbnail for AFL’s Ben Brown on higher ed: “It’s vital.”

    AFL’s Ben Brown on higher ed: “It’s vital.”
    5 Mar 2019: Tasmanian-born Ben Brown is one of the best goal-kickers in the AFL, but long before he was an elite athlete playing for North Melbourne, Ben grew up in the coastal city of Devonport as one of six boys in his family. “There was no shortage of
  19. Thumbnail for The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you

    The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you
    25 Jul 2018: Are you interested in how the law works, the dark side of history, or how to educate the next generation? Come to Hobart Open Day and hear from our staff and students about what to study to feed your thirst for knowledge. Whether you’re
  20. Thumbnail for An honours project for a creative spirit

    An honours project for a creative spirit
    19 Nov 2020: Lily Bucher-Edwards embodies the Tasmanian spirit. Her passion for this beautiful island is palpable. Lily says she always knew that she wanted to stay in Tasmania, so she decided to follow her creativity and study a Bachelor of Business with
  21. Thumbnail for The University returns to the city

    The University returns to the city
    23 Dec 2021: I spent four years as an undergraduate at the Domain followed by two years as a post-graduate at Sandy Bay. I regretted the move and was never impressed by the new suburban campus. Not surprisingly then, I have followed the ongoing controversy about
  22. Thumbnail for Conducting students take the TSO for a spin

    Conducting students take the TSO for a spin
    21 May 2018: The first Australian Conducting Academy was held in Hobart in early 2018, attesting to the strong ties between UTAS' Conservatorium and the state’s top professional orchestra. Eleven young conductors were selected for the nine-day conducting
  23. Thumbnail for Following her curiosity

    Following her curiosity
    1 Jun 2018: Courtesy of @pollymcgee. When some people enrol in uni, they have a traditional career pathway in mind. Want to be a teacher? Get a degree in education. Want to be a lawyer? Study law. But the job market is changing, with flexibility, resourcefulness
  24. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  25. Thumbnail for These boots were made for learning

    These boots were made for learning
    22 Nov 2016: Tasmanian boot brand Blundstone – synonymous with the State’s farming sector – will provide $120,000 to support students undertaking new Associate Degrees in Agribusiness next year. Enrolments are now open to the first intake of the courses
  26. Thumbnail for Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs

    Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs
    23 Dec 2021: Having moved from the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus to the new Podium building in June 2021, Andrea Carr welcomed the opportunity to work in such a contemporary learning space. Lectures and lecture theatres have been part of university
  27. Thumbnail for The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.

    The slopes of Colorado beckoned to Tim to study a semester abroad.
    9 Jun 2020: Studying a semester abroad offers many opportunities for adventure, including activities you love doing at home. As an avid outdoor adventurer, the mountains of Colorado called Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Economics student Tim Harmsen. Tim
  28. Thumbnail for Exclusion is not the answer

    Exclusion is not the answer
    14 Jun 2018: Tasmania has among the lowest school retention rates in the country. But experts at the University of Tasmania are working to turn this around. Imagine you’re a young person who hasn’t had an easy journey through school. You may be disengaged
  29. Thumbnail for A magical internship…

    A magical internship…
    27 Oct 2016: Enterprising Business student Sarah Molnar has three passions - Disney, tourism, and marketing. Sarah is in her second year at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing and Tourism
  30. Thumbnail for From architect to historian

    From architect to historian
    22 Jun 2016: Prue Slatyer thought Tasmania was missing an incredible opportunity to capitalise socially and economically from its regional historical assets. So she went back to university to change that. An avid traveller and established architect with a strong
  31. Thumbnail for Want to manage your farm's pastures better? There's an app for that

    Want to manage your farm's pastures better? There's an app…
    14 Mar 2016: Ollie Roberts has more than 10 year’s experience managing pasture - and he is keen to enhance other farmers’ management with software he has developed. Ollie, 30, grew up on a 500-cow dairy farm in Tasmania’s north west. It was while
  32. Thumbnail for Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree

    Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree
    5 Feb 2018: Read on to find out some of the best reasons to study overseas, as well as tips on when and how to organise some time abroad as part of your university studies – and how to afford it all. Why you should go“I can’t stress enough how much
  33. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  34. Thumbnail for It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program

    It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program
    26 May 2017: Taking the opportunity to learn French in high school even though she wasn’t sure how’d she go, Lily Russell quickly discovered she had a natural flair for the language. Studying French through the University Connections Program (UCP) proved to
  35. Thumbnail for Internship has life-changing outcomes

    Internship has life-changing outcomes
    21 Nov 2016: Niels van der Winkle has just produced a social return on investment report for not-for-profit organisation Colony47. They’ll present the report to the government in a case for funding that has the potential to change many lives. It's an
  36. Thumbnail for The secret ingredient

    The secret ingredient
    30 Apr 2018: Chloe Proud, 31, runs two of the hottest food brands in Hobart. Chloe says the key to her success in this competitive field is an Arts degree from UTAS. She says she was always destined for university. “I was a really academic kid and I had my
  37. Thumbnail for Pioneers reclaimed

    Pioneers reclaimed
    28 Jun 2018: When a Melbourne retiree started the online Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania she had no inkling that her own connection to the island state would be revealed. The author with her first book. Former teacher Janeen O’Connell had
  38. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  39. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  40. Thumbnail for Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world

    Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world
    14 Oct 2016: In high school she followed her passions, at University she learned how to argue for them. Now she stands up for them in the highest office in the land. Lisa Singh never strayed from what she believes in, and it has taken her right to the top. I
  41. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  42. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  43. Thumbnail for Who is Jane Reid?  The thesis of Lucy Bennett

    Who is Jane Reid? The thesis of Lucy Bennett
    9 May 2016: "When I started Honours in History, I had no idea what my thesis should be. I just couldn’t get excited about it. Then I read the private and unpublished scrapbook of Jane Williams, an incredible primary source seen by no historian before me. The
  44. Thumbnail for From equestrian to historian

    From equestrian to historian
    9 May 2016: After school I went to uni and started commerce because I thought that would give me a good job. But I didn’t like it, it was just dry and not for me. I was a horse rider and bought an ex-racehorse that I went to the state championships on in the
  45. Thumbnail for A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place

    A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place
    10 Oct 2018: The island of Tasmania lies suspended beneath Australia like a heart-shaped pendant of sapphire, emerald and tourmaline. Here is where the world runs out, crumbling into the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean. Island Story: Tasmania in Object and
  46. Thumbnail for Jumping into jive

    Jumping into jive
    6 Jul 2018: Gus Leighton completed a Bachelor of Music with Honours in 2017 and will begin his PhD soon. But he didn’t wait to finish studying to begin his career. In fact, he and some friends began working professionally while still undergrads, as the jump
  47. Thumbnail for Australia is undergoing a major change...

    Australia is undergoing a major change...
    9 Sep 2018: It’s time for employers and organisations to transform awareness of mental health issues at work into action, and researchers are developing the tools and strategies to help make that happen. When it comes to safety in the workplace, physical
  48. Thumbnail for Bringing an Australian accent to the birthplace of jazz

    Bringing an Australian accent to the birthplace of jazz
    27 Oct 2016: If you ask Joshua, New York City is a place where jazz is the native language of musicians. But as he discovered, having an Australian accent to his jazz playing was a point of difference; one that made him stand out and proved studying jazz as far
  49. Thumbnail for Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time

    Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time
    1 Feb 2016: Becoming a lawyer was what Lionel Nichols always wanted to do. He’s now a barrister in London, working for the biggest law firm in the world, practicing international and human rights law. He has prosecuted some of the biggest cases of our time
  50. Thumbnail for Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning

    Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning
    19 Dec 2016: Associate degrees – awarded by colleges upon completion of a course of study lasting two years – are relatively unknown in Australia but have been a feature of American tertiary education for more than a century. The top-ranked Santa Barbara
  51. Thumbnail for Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?

    Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?
    28 Nov 2021: There are two writing units in the Diploma of Family History that teach students about writing. Writing Family History focuses on individual stories while Writing the Family Saga helps students develop compelling multi-generational narratives.

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  • South Tasmania 251
  • School of Humanities 251
  • International student 251
  • Music The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> value.count [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" at line 43, column 67] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${value.count?string} [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" in macro "Facets" at line 43, column 65] - Reached through: @facets.Facets facets=tabFacets [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-project.ftl" in macro "Results" at line 109, column 17] - Reached through: @project.Results [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 27, column 7] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "web/templates/modernui/funnelback_classic.ftl" in macro "AfterSearchOnly" at line 94, column 9] ~ Reached through: @s.AfterSearchOnly [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 25, column 5] ----