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  2. Thumbnail for Nursing a kind ambition

    Nursing a kind ambition
    16 Oct 2017: Freyr Colvin was going through a difficult time when she decided to pursue a career in nursing. She had been in a terrible accident; in fact, she almost lost her life. “When I was in hospital, the nurses would do simple things to help me that
  3. Thumbnail for From radiology to psychology

    From radiology to psychology
    10 Oct 2017: Jodie Wise loved her career as a radiographer and sonographer. But when she was diagnosed with arthritis, she was no longer able to operate the machines she had worked with for 27 years. “I started having problems scanning and I was getting quite
  4. Thumbnail for Keeping up the good work

    Keeping up the good work
    6 Apr 2017: When Angus Reid decided to study nursing, he discovered that the University of Tasmania has one of the largest nursing programs in Australia – which was exactly what he needed to start building his career. When asked what he enjoys most about
  5. Thumbnail for Making a difference

    Making a difference
    22 Nov 2018: When a lady rushed up to hug Sirinart Tasanalee (Cat) in a restaurant, Cat knew it was another sign she had chosen the right career. “A lady came over to say thank you with a big hug. She said I looked after her 18-year-old son after craniotomy
  6. Thumbnail for University a life-changer for Clemente Students

    University a life-changer for Clemente Students
    3 Jan 2017: While graduating from a university course is a proud moment for any student, it was the greatest sense of achievement for Maria Janabi and Ratachanee Chainuwong. The pair were part of the first group of students to graduate with their Certificate in
  7. Thumbnail for Congratulations to the Faculty of Law's Jessup Moot Team

    Congratulations to the Faculty of Law's Jessup Moot Team
    1 Mar 2019: For the second year in a row, the University of Tasmania's Jessup Moot team have achieved both a quarter-final placing and the award for the Best and Fairest at the 2019 Australian qualifying rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot
  8. Thumbnail for Creating evocative work

    Creating evocative work
    26 Mar 2019: Whether she’s acting, writing or directing, Stephanie Francis puts her heart and soul into her creative work. Stephanie graduated from the University of Tasmania just last year with a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts, but she is already receiving
  9. Thumbnail for Intensive study in extreme environments

    Intensive study in extreme environments
    10 Apr 2019: Photo: Dr Jan Wallace stationed in AntarcticaDr Jan Wallace recalls being cold, wet, hungry, and tired in the middle of the night, in Tasmania’s rugged mountain highlands, as being…perfect. In July 2014, Jan took part in scenario-based training
  10. Thumbnail for Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions

    Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions
    29 Jun 2017: Two University of Tasmania graduates will undertake the opportunity of a lifetime as recipients of a scholarship to study theology at the University of Oxford. Adrian Staples and Harrison Virs have been awarded the scholarships by Reverend Professor
  11. Thumbnail for Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time

    Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time
    1 Feb 2016: Becoming a lawyer was what Lionel Nichols always wanted to do. He’s now a barrister in London, working for the biggest law firm in the world, practicing international and human rights law. He has prosecuted some of the biggest cases of our time
  12. Thumbnail for Fast facts about Fast Track Nursing

    Fast facts about Fast Track Nursing
    22 Nov 2018: The University of Tasmania’s Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track) degree is popular because it allows you to become a Registered Nurse sooner. Here’s our five-point guide to the accelerated learning degree so you can better understand the course. 1.
  13. Thumbnail for Arts with an edge

    Arts with an edge
    19 Dec 2016: New degree programs in 2017 will give Arts graduates an edge in the field of media, music and fine arts. The University’s Faculty of Arts is launching three new programs next year - the Bachelor of Media with Honours, the Bachelor of Fine Arts with
  14. Thumbnail for Scholarship helps mature aged student Kirsty thrive at uni

    Scholarship helps mature aged student Kirsty thrive at uni
    20 Oct 2020: At the University of Tasmania, our scholarship program is as diverse as our students. For many people, a scholarship can make all the difference. Just ask Kirsty Foote, a North West local who decided to return to university as a mature-aged
  15. Thumbnail for Upskilling to be better leaders

    Upskilling to be better leaders
    8 Jan 2018: A partnership between the Victorian Police and the University of Tasmania’s School of Social Sciences reached a new milestone during the 2017 summer graduation. Victoria Police’s Acting Inspector Catherine Wilkins was the first graduate with a
  16. Thumbnail for From Malaysia to Tasmania for the love of Law

    From Malaysia to Tasmania for the love of Law
    8 Aug 2018: Gina Goh has only been studying in Tasmania for a few months, but she already loves Hobart. Gina came from Malaysia to study at the University of Tasmania supported by the full-fee Malaysia Law Scholarship. “I really like it, I love Hobart and
  17. Thumbnail for Determination and strength lead Nursing student to his Graduation day

    Determination and strength lead Nursing student to his Graduation day
    28 Apr 2017: Not many medical students can list emergency helicopter patient retrievals in Afghanistan as part of their pre-study experience. However for Mirwais Adli, this work and all the dangers associated with it, was everyday life before coming to the
  18. Thumbnail for Wanderlust...

    20 Dec 2016: For Brooke Saward, country and continent-hopping is a constant in her career. The University of Tasmania alumna is the founder of World of Wanderlust, an online source of travel tips and inspiration followed by millions from all corners of the globe.
  19. Thumbnail for Acting and dancing through adversity

    Acting and dancing through adversity
    27 Mar 2019: Obeth Rai’s journey to graduation wasn’t an easy one, but his advice to others is simple: “don’t quit. ” Obeth received his Bachelor of Contemporary Arts from the University of Tasmania in 2018. He knows a lot about struggle and
  20. Thumbnail for The fast-track to caring

    The fast-track to caring
    17 Oct 2017: Chantelle Ward, 28, was led to nursing at the age of 21 by an experience that gave her the determination to gain the skills needed to help people. “I was in Eygpt, travelling in a taxi and there was a bad road accident. There was a man on the side
  21. Thumbnail for International Justice Initiative: A Year In Review

    International Justice Initiative: A Year In Review
    1 Mar 2019: In 2018, the International Justice Initiative (IJI) has continued to bring opportunities in public interest law to University of Tasmania law students. Students Frances Medlock and Alice van Galen coordinated the IJI, working with Daniel Westbury,
  22. Thumbnail for From Tassie's law school to US courtroom

    From Tassie's law school to US courtroom
    25 Aug 2019: When Sam Wilson started university in Launceston, he never imagined he would one day be representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a prosecutor within Cape Cod, USA. Sam grew up in Scottsdale, located on Tasmania’s North East Coast, and
  23. Thumbnail for AFL’s Ben Brown on higher ed: “It’s vital.”

    AFL’s Ben Brown on higher ed: “It’s vital.”
    5 Mar 2019: Tasmanian-born Ben Brown is one of the best goal-kickers in the AFL, but long before he was an elite athlete playing for North Melbourne, Ben grew up in the coastal city of Devonport as one of six boys in his family. “There was no shortage of
  24. Thumbnail for Indigenous voice driven to improve health care

    Indigenous voice driven to improve health care
    14 May 2020: After 12 years interstate, Kristy returned to her family’s Country and birth state of Lutruwita (Tasmania) earlier this year to take on an Indigenous academic development fellowship at the University of Tasmania. She’s returned home with a
  25. Thumbnail for Following her curiosity

    Following her curiosity
    1 Jun 2018: Courtesy of @pollymcgee. When some people enrol in uni, they have a traditional career pathway in mind. Want to be a teacher? Get a degree in education. Want to be a lawyer? Study law. But the job market is changing, with flexibility, resourcefulness
  26. Thumbnail for Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.

    Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.
    10 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 era sure has taught us a lot about resilience. Who would have thought six months ago that parents could work full-time from home while home-schooling children. Or that the economy would collapse, meaning tens of thousands of people are
  27. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  28. Thumbnail for Mother, nurse, student and artist

    Mother, nurse, student and artist
    8 May 2016: Having children and a busy job doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your study dreams. Just ask Nikala Bourke. After being awarded her Nursing degree in the mid 90s, Nikala came back to University to pursue her passion for photography. “I’m a single
  29. Thumbnail for Home and away

    Home and away
    22 Dec 2016: As the academic year comes to a close, student stories have emerged highlighting communities and friendships that are being forged at the University’s modern purpose-built National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation. Nursing student
  30. Thumbnail for Two major firsts celebrated at winter graduations

    Two major firsts celebrated at winter graduations
    15 Aug 2016: It’s an occasion that truly brightens up our Tassie winter: 1270 graduands have donned their caps and gowns in four mid-year ceremonies at Hobart's Federation Concert Hall. This year, the University was celebrating two significant new groups of
  31. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  32. Thumbnail for Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob

    Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob
    27 May 2019: Because of Her, We Can!This was the theme of NAIDOC Week 2018: a celebration of the important roles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women hold in the community. There can be few women who embody the concept as wholeheartedly as University
  33. Thumbnail for From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology

    From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology
    23 Dec 2016: It is a conundrum that most school leavers face at some point. What career path should they take, what university to study at or whether to go to university at all?Dr Hannah Graham faced the same issues, choosing between the idea of going to TAFE or
  34. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  35. Thumbnail for Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree

    Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree
    5 Feb 2018: Read on to find out some of the best reasons to study overseas, as well as tips on when and how to organise some time abroad as part of your university studies – and how to afford it all. Why you should go“I can’t stress enough how much
  36. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  37. Thumbnail for Making positive change for a better world

    Making positive change for a better world
    21 Jun 2017: From humble beginnings in north-west Tasmania, OXFAM Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Helen Szoke was determined not to let her situation at that point in her life dictate her future. She was determined to get an education and follow her
  38. Thumbnail for The secret ingredient

    The secret ingredient
    30 Apr 2018: Chloe Proud, 31, runs two of the hottest food brands in Hobart. Chloe says the key to her success in this competitive field is an Arts degree from UTAS. She says she was always destined for university. “I was a really academic kid and I had my
  39. Thumbnail for From ‘scared sh**less’ to making the Dean’s Honour Roll every year

    From ‘scared sh**less’ to making the Dean’s Honour Roll every year
    16 Jun 2016: It was 1983. Like all year 11 students, Andrew Gibson sat the public service exam, which helped determine what kind of career you were most suited to in the public service. In the first week of year 12, he got a call offering him a job as a
  40. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  41. Thumbnail for From science to teaching

    From science to teaching
    13 Jun 2016: Coleen Cole always dreamt of being a teacher, but life took her in another direction. Now nearly 20 years later, she is studying to make her dream a reality. “I wanted to be a teacher ever since I left university the first time round, but it
  42. Thumbnail for A career not for the faint hearted

    A career not for the faint hearted
    14 Dec 2017: Being woken up by gunfire almost every night in Rwanda and speaking to survivors of systemic genocide are just some of the many formative experiences of University of Tasmania Law School alumnus Dr Alice Edwards. Getting to where she is now, the Head
  43. Thumbnail for Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world

    Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world
    14 Oct 2016: In high school she followed her passions, at University she learned how to argue for them. Now she stands up for them in the highest office in the land. Lisa Singh never strayed from what she believes in, and it has taken her right to the top. I
  44. Thumbnail for Law students shine on world stage

    Law students shine on world stage
    19 Aug 2019: Image: L to R Georgina Barnes, Natasha Perry and Meghan Scolyer at Victoria Falls. Images courtesy of Georgina Barnes. Being a small law school on an island has many advantages. One is smaller class sizes, so lecturers know their students well and
  45. Thumbnail for How stars are born

    How stars are born
    20 May 2016: Do you ever gaze up at a starry night sky, and wonder where those beautiful twinkling stars began?Stars are born within clouds of dust in space. Gravity coalesces the gas and dust in these clouds into dense clumps over millions of years. The
  46. Thumbnail for The lawyer land warrior

    The lawyer land warrior
    3 Jun 2018: When a handful of volunteers gathered in 2001 no one could have envisaged the Tasmanian Land Conservancy's extraordinary trajectory. Jane Hutchinson was one of the original core group that met in a Hobart cafe. A practicing lawyer at the time, she
  47. Thumbnail for The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle

    The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle
    4 Jul 2018: Olivia Rundle is a Senior Lecturer in Law with a teaching focus in the area of civil procedure. She has practised as a lawyer and mediator and has predominantly worked in the family law dispute resolution context. Here she shares some of what she's
  48. Thumbnail for Cutting edge fields of law

    Cutting edge fields of law
    1 Aug 2018: Law is often perceived as a stagnate field of study mostly driven by precedent. But developments in science and technology are creating fascinating fields of enquiry for the future law student. Areas such as, human genetic modification, earth law,
  49. Thumbnail for From cabinet maker to teacher

    From cabinet maker to teacher
    14 Jun 2016: In his 20s Craig Gooding was working in a factory, as a labourer for a shop fitter. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. But he knew one thing: he was bored with his repetitive job. Today, he is in a job he loves, teaching primary
  50. Thumbnail for Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

    Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style
    19 Feb 2019: Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will
  51. Thumbnail for How Journalism 101 changed her life forever

    How Journalism 101 changed her life forever
    31 Oct 2016: On Christmas Day 2015, it was Lucy Breaden behind the News Reader’s desk at WIN Television bringing the news to Tasmania. I thought, ‘oh my gosh, when they finally say cue, am I actually going to be able to speak?’ I was so nervous. I actually

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