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  2. Thumbnail for Internship has life-changing outcomes

    Internship has life-changing outcomes
    21 Nov 2016: Niels van der Winkle has just produced a social return on investment report for not-for-profit organisation Colony47. They’ll present the report to the government in a case for funding that has the potential to change many lives. It's an
  3. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  4. Thumbnail for Crew mate camaraderie helps you stay afloat during tough times

    Crew mate camaraderie helps you stay afloat during tough times
    25 Jun 2018: Kate Jensen has spent the past 20 years working at sea and can’t imagine a more rewarding career anywhere else. As an Integrating Rating, she thrives on the sense of freedom that having the ocean as your office provides and loves nothing more than
  5. Thumbnail for Biotechnology: It’s the little things that change the world

    Biotechnology: It’s the little things that change the world
    27 Oct 2016: Kim Lee Chang is trying to improve the quality of life in society through a particular stream of science called biotechnology. Biotechnology is the application of biology. It refers to how we use the biological process of microorganisms for
  6. Thumbnail for Passion for animals takes alumnus around the world

    Passion for animals takes alumnus around the world
    3 Feb 2016: It’s impossible to talk to the animals - but if anyone comes close, it’s animal behaviour expert Jade Fountain. Jade, 28, graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Zoology in 2011. From hand-rearing cheetah
  7. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and
  8. Thumbnail for The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle

    The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle
    4 Jul 2018: Olivia Rundle is a Senior Lecturer in Law with a teaching focus in the area of civil procedure. She has practised as a lawyer and mediator and has predominantly worked in the family law dispute resolution context. Here she shares some of what she's
  9. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  10. Thumbnail for From Tassie to the US, with a "great start" from UTAS

    From Tassie to the US, with a "great start" from UTAS
    8 Nov 2016: In Clare Smith’s US hometown, it’s now “fall” and the leaves are turning orange and red. The snow, she says, isn’t far off either. As a girl from Hobart, she’s a long way from home. UTAS graduate Dr Smith is a medical researcher at the
  11. Thumbnail for Australia is undergoing a major change...

    Australia is undergoing a major change...
    9 Sep 2018: It’s time for employers and organisations to transform awareness of mental health issues at work into action, and researchers are developing the tools and strategies to help make that happen. When it comes to safety in the workplace, physical
  12. Thumbnail for A PhD at 90 years young

    A PhD at 90 years young
    28 Aug 2016: Joan Webb is just getting started. In August, at the University of Tasmania’s winter graduation round in Launceston, she crossed the stage at the Albert Hall and claimed a new honorific. Mrs Webb became Dr Webb, and at only 90 years young. Though
  13. Thumbnail for Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?

    Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?
    28 Nov 2021: There are two writing units in the Diploma of Family History that teach students about writing. Writing Family History focuses on individual stories while Writing the Family Saga helps students develop compelling multi-generational narratives.

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