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201 - 243 of 243 search results
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  2. Thumbnail for Mother, nurse, student and artist

    Mother, nurse, student and artist
    8 May 2016: Having children and a busy job doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your study dreams. Just ask Nikala Bourke. After being awarded her Nursing degree in the mid 90s, Nikala came back to University to pursue her passion for photography. “I’m a single
  3. Thumbnail for Real-world theatre experience in Tasmania's wild West

    Real-world theatre experience in Tasmania's wild West
    6 Dec 2018: Tasmania's wild West Coast provided rich experiences and learning for the University of Tasmania’s Theatre students last month. Taking part in the biannual contemporary arts festival The Unconformity in Queenstown, the Bachelor of Contemporary
  4. Thumbnail for Race car project helps students drive straight into industry

    Race car project helps students drive straight into industry
    26 Apr 2016: If you study Engineering at the University of Tasmania, you get to design, build and drive your own race car. Formula SAE is an international student engineering design competition, hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers. Students take on the
  5. Thumbnail for Activism through art

    Activism through art
    8 May 2018: Courtesy of @joshpringle. Tasmanians know Josh Pringle’s work well, even if they don’t know his name. His "Keep Tassie Wild" artwork can be seen on car bumpers, jackets, t-shirts and walls around Hobart and beyond, and his distinctive style is in
  6. Thumbnail for A world of opportunities

    A world of opportunities
    29 Jun 2016: Ever wanted to live overseas and study? Studying online means you can work or travel while you study and that’s exactly what Katrina Dubé did. Katrina currently works in Singapore as a relief teacher at the Australian International School.
  7. Thumbnail for AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job

    AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job
    26 Nov 2019: AMC graduate kicks on in his fieldKeegan Graham-Parker grew up in a seafaring and fishing family from a small town south of Cairns so believed he was always likely to end up in a maritime-related industry. After school he went to sea for the better
  8. Thumbnail for An artistic life

    An artistic life
    31 May 2016: Rebecca is a Principal Designer at Birrelli art design architecture, a business she co-owns with her husband Jack. “I went to art school because while I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I knew it would be in the creative fields,” she said. The
  9. Thumbnail for From architect to historian

    From architect to historian
    22 Jun 2016: Prue Slatyer thought Tasmania was missing an incredible opportunity to capitalise socially and economically from its regional historical assets. So she went back to university to change that. An avid traveller and established architect with a strong
  10. Thumbnail for From pastry chef to hospitality teacher

    From pastry chef to hospitality teacher
    2 Jun 2016: Kirsten Bacon has two passions. One is pastisserie, and the other is helping students learn. “I came to University as a non-school leaver. When I left school I went into a pastry chef apprenticeship. I had always wanted to be a teacher as well,
  11. Thumbnail for A street art tour of Hobart

    A street art tour of Hobart
    20 Jul 2018: Looking for vibrant street art in one of Australia’s oldest cities? You’ll need to venture beyond the historic waterfront and into the city’s little-used laneways to find the work of talented locals – and a few well-known interlopers, too. 1.
  12. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  13. Thumbnail for It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program

    It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program
    26 May 2017: Taking the opportunity to learn French in high school even though she wasn’t sure how’d she go, Lily Russell quickly discovered she had a natural flair for the language. Studying French through the University Connections Program (UCP) proved to
  14. Thumbnail for AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition

    AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition
    29 May 2020: AMC alumnus Tim Macdonald has lived life to the fullest of late, demonstrating the opportunities and adventure that an Australian Maritime College degree can unleash. Not only was Tim involved in the expedition which set a world record plumbing the
  15. Thumbnail for The secret ingredient

    The secret ingredient
    30 Apr 2018: Chloe Proud, 31, runs two of the hottest food brands in Hobart. Chloe says the key to her success in this competitive field is an Arts degree from UTAS. She says she was always destined for university. “I was a really academic kid and I had my
  16. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  17. Thumbnail for Creating mystical worlds

    Creating mystical worlds
    1 Mar 2016: When Karin Chan left Singapore to study a Fine Arts degree in Tasmania, her family thought she would graduate to become an art teacher. But Karin had bigger aspirations. She wanted to practice fine art on the world stage. Four years later and Karin
  18. Thumbnail for How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student

    How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student
    7 Dec 2016: Shanshan had worked in the media for Beijing Evening News as the Art Editor and reporter for eleven years. But painting had always been her passion. Her father was an artist, so she believes painting is in her genes. She had always wanted to become
  19. Thumbnail for Pioneers reclaimed

    Pioneers reclaimed
    28 Jun 2018: When a Melbourne retiree started the online Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania she had no inkling that her own connection to the island state would be revealed. The author with her first book. Former teacher Janeen O’Connell had
  20. Thumbnail for A day in the life of a media student

    A day in the life of a media student
    21 Jan 2018: For Paul Strk, a casual news editor at the ABC and Bachelor of Media student, work and study feed into each other beautifully – but managing time is the biggest challenge of all. In his own words, here’s a typical busy day towards the pointy end
  21. Thumbnail for From science to teaching

    From science to teaching
    13 Jun 2016: Coleen Cole always dreamt of being a teacher, but life took her in another direction. Now nearly 20 years later, she is studying to make her dream a reality. “I wanted to be a teacher ever since I left university the first time round, but it
  22. Thumbnail for From graphic designer to nurse

    From graphic designer to nurse
    9 Jun 2016: You might think graphic design and nursing are chalk and cheese, but for Adele Close the two careers give her the perfect life balance. “The design side is a really good creative outlet and gives me time at home with the kids. Whereas the nursing
  23. Thumbnail for Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world

    Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world
    14 Oct 2016: In high school she followed her passions, at University she learned how to argue for them. Now she stands up for them in the highest office in the land. Lisa Singh never strayed from what she believes in, and it has taken her right to the top. I
  24. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  25. Thumbnail for Meet the global storyteller moving people to change

    Meet the global storyteller moving people to change
    16 Jan 2017: On December 25, 2014, Karl and a photojournalist covertly entered an asylum seeker camp on the Pacific Island of Nauru to uncover their stories. “It was a risky thing to do. Journalists are effectively banned from Nauru so we went as tourists. We
  26. Thumbnail for Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

    Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style
    19 Feb 2019: Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will
  27. Thumbnail for Building spiders and burning fears

    Building spiders and burning fears
    8 Jun 2018: Ogoh-ogoh made for Dark Mofo 2015, including the Spotted Handfish. The story of the ogoh-ogoh ritual in Dark Mofo started at UTAS in 2015. “We were thinking about what we could do with students in winter in relation to myths and beliefs,” explains
  28. Thumbnail for From cabinet maker to teacher

    From cabinet maker to teacher
    14 Jun 2016: In his 20s Craig Gooding was working in a factory, as a labourer for a shop fitter. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. But he knew one thing: he was bored with his repetitive job. Today, he is in a job he loves, teaching primary
  29. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  30. Thumbnail for Who is Jane Reid?  The thesis of Lucy Bennett

    Who is Jane Reid? The thesis of Lucy Bennett
    9 May 2016: "When I started Honours in History, I had no idea what my thesis should be. I just couldn’t get excited about it. Then I read the private and unpublished scrapbook of Jane Williams, an incredible primary source seen by no historian before me. The
  31. Thumbnail for How Journalism 101 changed her life forever

    How Journalism 101 changed her life forever
    31 Oct 2016: On Christmas Day 2015, it was Lucy Breaden behind the News Reader’s desk at WIN Television bringing the news to Tasmania. I thought, ‘oh my gosh, when they finally say cue, am I actually going to be able to speak?’ I was so nervous. I actually
  32. Thumbnail for From equestrian to historian

    From equestrian to historian
    9 May 2016: After school I went to uni and started commerce because I thought that would give me a good job. But I didn’t like it, it was just dry and not for me. I was a horse rider and bought an ex-racehorse that I went to the state championships on in the
  33. Thumbnail for From diesel mechanic to foreign correspondent

    From diesel mechanic to foreign correspondent
    14 Apr 2016: When I was young, all I wanted to do was go into the army. But I have a stutter and I’m colour blind, which meant I could only ever have an office job in the army, which didn’t interest me. I looked into other emergency services, like
  34. Thumbnail for A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place

    A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place
    10 Oct 2018: The island of Tasmania lies suspended beneath Australia like a heart-shaped pendant of sapphire, emerald and tourmaline. Here is where the world runs out, crumbling into the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean. Island Story: Tasmania in Object and
  35. Thumbnail for A career where you never stop learning

    A career where you never stop learning
    10 Jun 2016: It wasn’t until I started year 11 that I realised I wanted to become a teacher. Along with my core pre-tertiary subjects I undertook a unit at college called ‘Working with Children. ' This subject allowed me to realise my passion for teaching
  36. Thumbnail for A PhD at 90 years young

    A PhD at 90 years young
    28 Aug 2016: Joan Webb is just getting started. In August, at the University of Tasmania’s winter graduation round in Launceston, she crossed the stage at the Albert Hall and claimed a new honorific. Mrs Webb became Dr Webb, and at only 90 years young. Though
  37. Thumbnail for Jumping into jive

    Jumping into jive
    6 Jul 2018: Gus Leighton completed a Bachelor of Music with Honours in 2017 and will begin his PhD soon. But he didn’t wait to finish studying to begin his career. In fact, he and some friends began working professionally while still undergrads, as the jump
  38. Thumbnail for Bringing an Australian accent to the birthplace of jazz

    Bringing an Australian accent to the birthplace of jazz
    27 Oct 2016: If you ask Joshua, New York City is a place where jazz is the native language of musicians. But as he discovered, having an Australian accent to his jazz playing was a point of difference; one that made him stand out and proved studying jazz as far
  39. Thumbnail for Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time

    Dr Lionel Nichols: prosecuting some of the biggest cases of our time
    1 Feb 2016: Becoming a lawyer was what Lionel Nichols always wanted to do. He’s now a barrister in London, working for the biggest law firm in the world, practicing international and human rights law. He has prosecuted some of the biggest cases of our time
  40. Thumbnail for Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning

    Our new Associate Degrees: Short, flexible, blended learning
    19 Dec 2016: Associate degrees – awarded by colleges upon completion of a course of study lasting two years – are relatively unknown in Australia but have been a feature of American tertiary education for more than a century. The top-ranked Santa Barbara
  41. Thumbnail for The best seats in the house

    The best seats in the house
    28 Jun 2018: When these six students signed up to study at the School of Creative Arts they had little notion that by second year they would be working on a professional commission. And for one of Australia’s premier arts festivals, no less. As part of their
  42. Thumbnail for The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild west

    The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild…
    11 Nov 2018: Of the many festivals dotted across the island state of Tasmania, The Unconformity is particularly well named. It is an inherently unique event, responsive to the particularities of the western town of Queenstown’s unique geology, ecology and
  43. Thumbnail for Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?

    Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?
    28 Nov 2021: There are two writing units in the Diploma of Family History that teach students about writing. Writing Family History focuses on individual stories while Writing the Family Saga helps students develop compelling multi-generational narratives.
  44. Thumbnail for Making positive change for a better world

    Making positive change for a better world
    21 Jun 2017: From humble beginnings in north-west Tasmania, OXFAM Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Helen Szoke was determined not to let her situation at that point in her life dictate her future. She was determined to get an education and follow her

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