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  2. Thumbnail for Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?

    Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?
    5 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will not move to the House of Representatives for further
  3. Thumbnail for Australia, you have unfinished business.

    Australia, you have unfinished business.
    31 May 2020: Since 2019s summer bushfire crisis, there’s been a quantum shift in public awareness of Aboriginal fire management. It’s now more widely understood that Aboriginal people used landscape burning to sustain biodiversity and suppress large
  4. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and
  5. Thumbnail for Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.

    Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.
    23 Sep 2021: Almost half a million Australians are now living with dementia. Three times that number are involved in their care. As medical advances enable us all to live longer, these figures are set to increase significantly. Like so many, Rowena Howard
  6. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British

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