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  2. Thumbnail for International consortium honours work across Indigenous education

    International consortium honours work across Indigenous education
    9 Mar 2023: Associate Professor Clair Andersen, who has spent a lifetime promoting education opportunities for Australia’s First Nations people, has been recognised for those efforts on an international stage. She has been inducted to the World Indigenous
  3. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    27 Jun 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments  and technology law and policy are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers have been
  4. Thumbnail for Cultural and community spirit alive at Inveresk

    Cultural and community spirit alive at Inveresk
    10 Aug 2023: Tales of the past, present, and future have been shared at the opening celebration of the University’s new River’s Edge building at Inveresk which brought together more than 200 people on Friday, 28 July. While wet weather hampered plans for
  5. Thumbnail for Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer

    Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring …,-inspiring-and-safe-banning-is-not-the-answer
    29 Nov 2022: To a young mind, science can be magical. Perhaps you remember a visually striking or seemingly inexplicable scientific demonstration from your own youth?A liquid spontaneously and unexpectedly changes colour. A banknote is set alight without being
  6. Thumbnail for New garden provides sense of belonging and cultural connection

    New garden provides sense of belonging and cultural connection
    9 Nov 2023: Outside the north-eastern entrance of the University of Tasmania’s newest campus building at Inveresk is a flourishing landscape embedded with traditional knowledges. The Riawunna Garden at River’s Edge features native plantings, a performance
  7. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  8. Thumbnail for How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts

    How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts,-according-to-chemistry-experts
    11 Jan 2023: The pavlova is a summer icon; just a few simple ingredients can be transformed into a beautifully flavoured and textured dessert. But despite its simplicity, there’s a surprising amount of chemistry involved in making a pavlova. Knowing what’s
  9. Thumbnail for Queensland police killings show the threat posed by conspiracy theories – how should police respond?

    Queensland police killings show the threat posed by conspiracy…
    23 Dec 2022: The killing of two police officers and a good samaritan, as well as the wounding of two other officers in Wieambilla, Queensland, has sent shockwaves through Australia. While more details about possible motives will emerge over time, evidence already
  10. Thumbnail for Greening the way for others

    Greening the way for others
    29 Sep 2022: Cathy Walker lives in a yurt in rural Tasmania, surrounded by nature and making as little impact as she can on the environment. It’s her way of life. Her journey started at the knee of her grandmother who she now realises was her first holistic
  11. Thumbnail for Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they are also about what COVID might do if it is let loose now.

    Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they…
    1 Dec 2022: While a lot of attention has been given to the unprecedented protests in China about the “dynamic zero COVID” policy, not much has been written about the wider political context, and particularly the young people leading the protests. These young

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