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  2. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  3. Thumbnail for Plan bee, C and D: more alternatives may have a role to play in pollination process

    Plan bee, C and D: more alternatives may have a role to play in…,-c-and-d-more-alternatives-may-have-a-role-to-play-in-pollination-process
    30 Mar 2023: While bumblebees are a feral species, they have proven to be effective pollinators that researchers are keen to learn more about. First discovered in a garden in the inner Hobart suburb of Sandy Bay in 1992, it is thought the bumblebee arrived from
  4. Thumbnail for Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy – how can we stop overconsuming?

    Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy …$163-a-month-on-average-to-store-all-the-stuff-we-buy-how-can-we-stop-overconsuming
    10 Jan 2023: Many of us are drowning in “stuff”. To find space for all our possessions, we are paying off-site storage companies. Australians spend an average of A$163 per month on self-storage, one recent survey found. The number one item stored in these
  5. Thumbnail for Healthy soil, healthy stock

    Healthy soil, healthy stock,-healthy-stock
    10 Feb 2023: Greenhams’ far manager Aiden Coombe is Circular Head born and bred. The region includes some of Tasmania’s most productive farming properties and Circular Head is well known for its reliable rainfall and fertile green pastures. The area supports
  6. Thumbnail for AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

    AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with …,-but-it-can-also-help-you-score-a-new-one-with-these-simple-tips
    14 Mar 2023: It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need
  7. Thumbnail for Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither

    Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless?…
    13 Jan 2023: Nudging – the idea that simple changes to how a choice is presented can lead people to make better decisions – has been one of the most popular ideas to emerge from economics in the past two decades. But nudging is now under attack, entangled in
  8. Thumbnail for Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are missing out

    Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are…
    18 Jan 2023: Consistent school attendance is important in any child’s education but for many children in out-of-home care, going to school every day is no easy thing. There are three main types of out-of-home care in Australia: relative (or kinship) care,
  9. Thumbnail for Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy

    Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy
    28 Sep 2022: A researcher at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research is the 2022 Tasmanian Tall Poppy award recipient for her work in helping the community better understand multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr Suzi Claflin is one of four

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