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  2. Thumbnail for Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants

    Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants
    1 Sep 2023: Four early-career researchers from the University of Tasmania have been awarded a total of $1,773,740. 00 in the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs), funded by the Australian Research Council. The funding scheme provides support across a
  3. Thumbnail for Christine prepares for the next chapter

    Christine prepares for the next chapter
    19 Dec 2022: As Christine Angel tells it, the moment she visited the University of Tasmania Cradle Coast campus in 2003 she felt like she had found her tribe after feeling out of step with the world. Born in Queenstown, Christine left school in Burnie at the age
  4. Thumbnail for New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania

    New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania
    23 Nov 2023: A new centre for cutting-edge research and post-graduate training in the field of separation science has launched in Hobart, in a move that connects the University of Tasmania’s world-leading analytical chemistry research group with renowned
  5. Thumbnail for Research at the forefront of national agenda with over $3.5 million in new funding

    Research at the forefront of national agenda with over $3.5 million…$3.5-million-in-new-funding
    3 Nov 2023: University of Tasmania researchers have been awarded almost $4 million for discovery projects and infrastructure, highlighting Tasmania’s reputation for the highest quality research that contributes to the nation and world. Five research teams have
  6. Thumbnail for Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer

    Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring …,-inspiring-and-safe-banning-is-not-the-answer
    29 Nov 2022: To a young mind, science can be magical. Perhaps you remember a visually striking or seemingly inexplicable scientific demonstration from your own youth?A liquid spontaneously and unexpectedly changes colour. A banknote is set alight without being
  7. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    1 Mar 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments and technology law are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers and alumni have been
  8. Thumbnail for How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts

    How to make the perfect pavlova, according to chemistry experts,-according-to-chemistry-experts
    11 Jan 2023: The pavlova is a summer icon; just a few simple ingredients can be transformed into a beautifully flavoured and textured dessert. But despite its simplicity, there’s a surprising amount of chemistry involved in making a pavlova. Knowing what’s
  9. Thumbnail for Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes

    Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes
    21 Sep 2023: Ten years of preparation led University of Tasmania space scientist Dr Guifrà Molera CalvÃs from the School of Natural Sciences to a career highlight. The researcher is among dozens of scientists across the world contributing to the European Space
  10. Thumbnail for What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?

    What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?
    4 Oct 2022: Footage shared online of school-yard fights is concerning. However, in responding, it is imperative to reflect upon causes of such violence and apply preventative strategies rather than ‘getting tough’. For more than 50 years we have known that
  11. Thumbnail for Queensland police killings show the threat posed by conspiracy theories – how should police respond?

    Queensland police killings show the threat posed by conspiracy…
    23 Dec 2022: The killing of two police officers and a good samaritan, as well as the wounding of two other officers in Wieambilla, Queensland, has sent shockwaves through Australia. While more details about possible motives will emerge over time, evidence already
  12. Thumbnail for Secret lives of devils revealed

    Secret lives of devils revealed
    6 Apr 2020: New insight into the behaviour of Tasmanian devils in the wild has been gained using lightweight collars fitted with video cameras to track their movements. The recently published study, carried out by University of Tasmania’s School of Natural
  13. Thumbnail for Dr Eric Guiler Tasmanian Devil Research Grants awarded

    Dr Eric Guiler Tasmanian Devil Research Grants awarded
    15 Jul 2021: The fight to secure the future for the iconic Tasmanian devil has received a timely boost, with leading scientists being awarded more than $300,000 in research grants. These funds have been made possible due to generous donors to the Save the
  14. Thumbnail for From the north-west to wolves and a career in STEM

    From the north-west to wolves and a career in STEM
    8 Mar 2023: I grew up in a farming community on the far north-west coast of Tasmania, from a place few people have heard of: Nabageena. When I was in my mid-teens in the late 1980s, and thinking about going to university, my pop - and patriarch of our farming
  15. Thumbnail for Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium and transform Hobart – and other cities too

    Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium…
    5 May 2023: Following a decision to fund an AFL stadium on Hobart’s waterfront, the Tasmanian premier announced plans for a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system and ferry services to avoid traffic congestion. These plans are linked to Hobart’s City Deal and
  16. Thumbnail for The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful on Australian farms today

    The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful…
    17 Jul 2023: Lugres/Shutterstock Christopher Johnson, University of Tasmania and Linda van Bommel, University of Tasmania Guardian dogs do a great job of protecting Australian livestock from predators. In a new survey of Australian farmers, we have found that
  17. Thumbnail for Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy

    Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy
    28 Sep 2022: A researcher at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research is the 2022 Tasmanian Tall Poppy award recipient for her work in helping the community better understand multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr Suzi Claflin is one of four
  18. Thumbnail for Riding the wave of renewable energy

    Riding the wave of renewable energy
    23 Aug 2022: As the world begins its transition to 100 per cent renewable energy, Tasmania is ideally positioned to harness the power of one of its most abundant natural assets: the ocean. Australian developer Wave Swell Energy is working to unlock the potential
  19. Thumbnail for They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with emus will be good for the island state’s ecosystems

    They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with…
    24 Jan 2023: The emu is iconically Australian, appearing on cans, coins, cricket bats and our national coat of arms, as well as that of the Tasmanian capital, Hobart. However, most people don’t realise emus once also roamed Tasmania but are now extinct
  20. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive  their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    11 Dec 2020: Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has decimated Tasmanian devil populations is not likely to lead to their demise. The study, published in the journal Science, indicated that the devils’ pandemic is shifting
  21. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight: is natural selection finding a way to combat cancer?

    Darwin and the devil’s plight: is natural selection finding a way to…
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural adaptations

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