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  2. Thumbnail for Ripple effect: handfish exhibition inspires next generation of marine scientists

    Ripple effect: handfish exhibition inspires next generation of marine …
    6 Feb 2023: At the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), we are always striving to deliver science and education that will have a positive impact in Tasmania and around the world. So it was an incredible experience for one of our marine ecologists
  3. Thumbnail for The full bottle on climate change

    The full bottle on climate change
    8 May 2023: Tasmania enjoys a growing reputation as a producer of stellar sparkling wine, a worthy rival to the famed Champagne region of France. But research by Dr Tom Remenyi, one of the University’s climate research fellow in Geography and Spatial Sciences,
  4. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    1 Mar 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments and technology law are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers and alumni have been
  5. Thumbnail for What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?

    What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?
    4 Oct 2022: Footage shared online of school-yard fights is concerning. However, in responding, it is imperative to reflect upon causes of such violence and apply preventative strategies rather than ‘getting tough’. For more than 50 years we have known that
  6. Thumbnail for A matter of urgency

    A matter of urgency
    8 May 2023: The trajectory of the world’s climate and ecology is rightly described as a crisis: a crisis of our making. But this crisis can also, from the University’s perspective, be seen as a challenging problem, or set of related problems, requiring
  7. Thumbnail for Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals

    Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals
    8 May 2023: For many years our University has been working hard to deliver more sustainable outcomes for Tasmania, and from Tasmania to the world. We know that our mission is a pressing one. Now is the time to create a society based on a climate positive and
  8. Thumbnail for School holidays a window for learning for Children's University students

    School holidays a window for learning for Children's University…
    21 Jul 2023: A school holiday program for Children's University Tasmania families was drawing to a close at the School of Creative Arts and Media - Media School, University of Tasmania, when words that felt like music to our ears, if not our soul, were uttered
  9. Thumbnail for If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a choir, orchestra or band

    If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a…,-get-them-to-join-a-choir,-orchestra-or-band
    24 Oct 2022: William James Baker, University of Tasmania; Anne-Marie Forbes, University of Tasmania, and Kim McLeod, University of TasmaniaOne of the most important qualities for a young person to develop is resilience. This involves their ability to overcome
  10. Thumbnail for Our sustainability journey

    Our sustainability journey
    8 May 2023: The University of Tasmania has been on a sustainability journey for many years. This is largely a self-directed journey, not a destination. But to get anywhere at all we’ve needed to move as a community, an organisation, a collection of individuals
  11. Thumbnail for Riding the wave of renewable energy

    Riding the wave of renewable energy
    23 Aug 2022: As the world begins its transition to 100 per cent renewable energy, Tasmania is ideally positioned to harness the power of one of its most abundant natural assets: the ocean. Australian developer Wave Swell Energy is working to unlock the potential
  12. Thumbnail for The underwater eco detectives

    The underwater eco detectives
    8 May 2023: Stored in the controlled chaos of Gretta Pecl’s office on the banks of the River Derwent are jars containing samples of the giant squid that now and then wash up on Tasmanian shores. Professor Pecl, a self-confessed sucker for squid, keeps these
  13. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;
  14. Thumbnail for Law alumna breaks glass ceiling to become a Malaysian federal minister

    Law alumna breaks glass ceiling to become a Malaysian federal minister
    10 May 2023: Malaysian member of parliament Hannah Yeoh (LLB 2001, GradCertLegalPrac 2003) has created history in her country. In 2013, prior to becoming a federal minister, she was appointed Selangor Legislative Assembly Speaker – the youngest speaker and the

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