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  2. Thumbnail for Staff giving from the heart

    Staff giving from the heart
    4 Apr 2023: That’s all changing now, as an increasing number of year 12 students and adult learners from across Tasmania look to the University as the portal to the future. Associate Professor Ashley Townsend, a leader at the University’s Central Science
  3. Thumbnail for Stellar year for alumni in Australia Day Honours

    Stellar year for alumni in Australia Day Honours
    10 Feb 2023: Eighteen University of Tasmania alumni have been celebrated in the 2023 Australia Day Honours, with contributions to society ranging from youth, public service and government to wildlife and land conservation. Among those awarded were Sarah Merridew
  4. Thumbnail for High stakes for decade ahead

    High stakes for decade ahead
    22 Nov 2022: Australia needs a new national conversation to find a balance between national security considerations and the need to embrace new strategic opportunities. That’s the view of Dr Heather Smith who will discuss the issues confronting Australia in the
  5. Thumbnail for Foundation USA

    Foundation USA
    4 Apr 2023: It seems worlds apart from the small, pristine and laid-back island of Tasmania where the Chief Executive of private equity investment firm Beckway studied. Despite the differences and the vast distance, the bond between Mark and the University of
  6. Thumbnail for Antarctic researcher wins prestigious Fellowship to study in the US

    Antarctic researcher wins prestigious Fellowship to study in the US
    10 Feb 2023: A University of Tasmania Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) graduate has won a prestigious Quad Fellowship to investigate the historic impacts of climate change on glacial melting in Antarctica. Mika Bighin has arrived in the United
  7. Thumbnail for Hobart educational heritage set to be restored

    Hobart educational heritage set to be restored
    28 Nov 2022: Work to conserve an important piece of Hobart’s educational heritage has begun with contractors on site to carry out a $13. 5 million restoration of the Philip Smith Centre on the Domain. Originally completed in 1910, the Philip Smith Centre was
  8. Thumbnail for Local contractor appointed for Makers transformation

    Local contractor appointed for Makers transformation
    9 Jun 2023: An exciting future is coming to Burnie’s iconic Makers’ Workshop thanks to a new chapter being progressed by the University of Tasmania and its partners. Work has begun on a $4 million+ internal refurbishment with local firm Fairbrother leading
  9. Thumbnail for Charitable trust makes enduring impact

    Charitable trust makes enduring impact
    4 Apr 2023: The year before her death, Irene Phelps reflected on her life: the girl from a former gold mining town in northern Tasmania, who had started out sweeping floors at a women’s apparel store, had travelled the globe, established a new life in
  10. Thumbnail for Conference showcases influence of research in regional areas

    Conference showcases influence of research in regional areas
    24 Oct 2022: The diversity of education and research conducted in regional Australia will be celebrated at a conference in Devonport in November. The Celebrating the Impact of Regional Research and Education Conference will showcase the work of sociologists,
  11. Thumbnail for Taking on sustainability – boldly

    Taking on sustainability – boldly
    13 Dec 2022: The University of Tasmania has been certified carbon neutral since 2016, one of only two universities in Australasia to reach this milestone. Our strong commitment to sustainability has also been recognised through various international awards, a

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