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  2. Thumbnail for Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their hundreds?

    Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their…
    16 Nov 2023: In October and November, horrified beachgoers often find dead and dying muttonbirds washing up in an event called a seabird “wreck”. Again this year, there are reports of Australia’s beautiful east coast beaches turned grim with hundreds of
  3. Thumbnail for Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships

    Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships
    11 Oct 2023: Ten University of Tasmania alumni have received 2023 Churchill Fellowships. The fellowships offer Australia’s best and brightest minds the opportunity to travel the world from four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are
  4. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  5. Thumbnail for Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political satire, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

    Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political…,-the-seven-moons-of-maali-almeida
    19 Oct 2022: Sri Lankan novelist Shehan Karunatilaka has won the 2022 Booker Prize for his second novel, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida. The win couldn’t come at a better time for Sri Lanka, a country once more engaged in political and economic instability,
  6. Thumbnail for Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling and why that’s bad news

    Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling…
    27 Jun 2023: There’s more to Antarctic ice than meets the eye. Sea ice is not a uniform crust overlying the salty Southern Ocean. Our new research is the first to review the many crucial roles of  “landfast” sea ice around Antarctica. Landfast ice is
  7. Thumbnail for Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania

    Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania
    28 May 2020: Every three months Matthew Fielding arrives at Melbourne Airport with a large box to put on a plane. When he tells the airline staff what’s in it, they rush off to speak to their managers, mouths agape. After all, it’s not every day you are asked
  8. Thumbnail for Record-smashing heatwaves are hitting Antarctica and the Arctic

    Record-smashing heatwaves are hitting Antarctica and the Arctic
    22 Mar 2022: Windmill Islands, near Casey Research Station, Antarctica. Dana M Bergstrom (Author provided). Record-breaking heatwaves hit both Antarctica and the Arctic simultaneously this week, with temperatures reaching 47℃ and 30℃ higher than
  9. Thumbnail for Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human population, but it has inspired a wealth of imaginative literature

    Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human…,-but-it-has-inspired-a-wealth-of-imaginative-literature
    17 Jan 2024: Elizabeth Leane, Professor of Antarctic StudiesWhen I was working on my book Antarctica in Fiction, friends and colleagues would joke about what an easy task I had taken on. How many writers would choose to set a novel in a continent with no
  10. Thumbnail for Robotics, Rosehaven, and rhododendrons

    Robotics, Rosehaven, and rhododendrons
    19 Oct 2018: The state's Year 12 completion rates are well below the national average, and fewer Tasmanians have degrees than their interstate peers. So, recognising that its research agenda could help improve social policy and community wellbeing in Tasmania,
  11. Thumbnail for Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction

    Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction
    21 Sep 2020: They may not be cute and cuddly, but these Aussie animals need our help before it is too late. A new study from the Threatened Species Recovery Hub predicts that 11 species of snakes and lizards are likely to become extinct by 2040 unless there is a
  12. Thumbnail for Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots

    Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots
    17 Dec 2020: After years of training, two very special Guardian dogs are ready to fulfil their mission to help bring the endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot back from extinction in the wild. In a collaborative research trial between Zoos Victoria and the
  13. Thumbnail for The multicultural colony: not just convicts

    The multicultural colony: not just convicts
    14 Oct 2022: Having convict heritage is considered to be a real badge of honour these days. In fact, we use the term “Australian Royalty” to refer to those with a convict in the family. But this is only one part of the story of colonial Australia. According
  14. Thumbnail for Can we eat our way through an exploding sea urchin problem?

    Can we eat our way through an exploding sea urchin problem?
    6 Nov 2023: Longspined sea urchins are native to temperate waters around New South Wales. But as oceans heat up, their range has expanded more than 650km, through eastern Victoria and south to Tasmania. Their numbers are exploding in the process, clear-felling
  15. Thumbnail for Professor Craig Johnson

    Professor Craig Johnson
    10 Feb 2023: BSc Hons 1980University of Tasmania ecologist and alumnus Professor Craig Johnson has spent his career underwater. He has dived under the ice with the navy in Canada, studied the rich kelp forests off South Africa, and researched the crown-of-thorns
  16. Thumbnail for Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals

    Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals
    8 May 2023: For many years our University has been working hard to deliver more sustainable outcomes for Tasmania, and from Tasmania to the world. We know that our mission is a pressing one. Now is the time to create a society based on a climate positive and
  17. Thumbnail for Tasmanian artists bound for heart of Paris

    Tasmanian artists bound for heart of Paris
    4 Nov 2022: Six Tasmanian artists will jet off to Paris in 2023 where they will immerse themselves in the creative arts after being selected for a unique opportunity, offered by the University of Tasmania - Rosamond McCulloch Studio Residency. Emerging artist
  18. Thumbnail for Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives

    Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives
    14 Apr 2016: Tasmania is one of the few places on the planet where it is possible to study intergenerational health issues. This is because the settler population was amongst the best documented in the British Empire. Why? They came against their will. The life
  19. Thumbnail for From paddock to pallet to plate

    From paddock to pallet to plate
    12 Aug 2020: Tasmania’s booming horticultural exports to China will be enhanced by a supply-chain traceability system to be developed by University of Tasmania researchers. They have won $455,000 in funding for a new cloud-based system in a highly competitive
  20. Thumbnail for Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens

    Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens
    19 Mar 2018: Ever wondered how your perception of Antarctica has been shaped over the years? Influences are usually documentaries, advertising, or by reading books on the continent. Being a continent that is accessible to very few people, Antarctica is regarded
  21. Thumbnail for Migration is slowing Australia's rate of ageing

    Migration is slowing Australia's rate of ageing
    20 Apr 2018: Lisa Denny, Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Social Change shares her expertise with The Conversation. Migration is actually slowing the rate of ageing of Australia’s population. I modelled how much fertility, mortality,
  22. Thumbnail for Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold

    Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold
    8 May 2023: In early 2020 the World Meteorological Organization warned that the volume of ice shed annually from Antarctica had increased at least sixfold since 1979. The 14-million-square-kilometre continent that locks up 90 per cent of the world’s fresh
  23. Thumbnail for Activating a township through gardens of "horror"

    Activating a township through gardens of "horror"
    4 Oct 2016: During Hobart’s winter, two very strange events grew out of the darkness…On June 16, between 7pm and 12pm, more than 600 people descended into an underground basement in Hobart, navigating the subterranean city space to experience projected
  24. Thumbnail for An iconic life on the stage, reborn

    An iconic life on the stage, reborn
    31 Jul 2018: Head of Discipline (Theatre and Performance) Dr Jane Woollard has shed a new light on the ground-breaking acting career of Eliza Winstanley — a superstar of Sydney’s theatre scene in the 1830s and 40s — though her research and creative practice
  25. Thumbnail for Will Australia receive a red card for gender equity at the 2023 Women’s World Cup?

    Will Australia receive a red card for gender equity at the 2023…
    11 Jan 2023: This year’s FIFA men’s World Cup has cast a media spotlight on Qatar’s human rights record. The tournament also offered an opportunity to draw attention to the current protests in Iran surrounding the mistreatment of women. Qatar’s imbalance
  26. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  27. Thumbnail for Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time

    Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time
    27 Apr 2020: The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) might be extinct, but at least 764 specimens still exist in museums and collections around the world. Through an exploration of the lives, deaths and afterlife as museum specimens of individual thylacines, a new
  28. Thumbnail for Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic surveys can harm marine life

    Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic …
    11 Sep 2023: Woodside Energy this week announced it would start seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off Australia’s west coast, before reversing the decision in the face of a legal challenge from Traditional Owners. Seismic testing is highly
  29. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  30. Thumbnail for Recognising differences without denying them

    Recognising differences without denying them
    6 Mar 2016: It’s a contemporary issue that almost everyone has a strong opinion on. Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy and Gender Studies in the University’s School of Humanities, examines the issue of same-sex marriage in her new book
  31. Thumbnail for The beat goes on, but police and researchers are now in sync

    The beat goes on, but police and researchers are now in sync
    29 Apr 2020: It's the antithesis of the ivory tower. Out on the beat and in the courts, at crime scenes and in emergency situations, police management and decision-making is being informed by a productive and long-standing collaboration between the University of
  32. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  33. Thumbnail for A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France

    A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France
    12 May 2021: This week, a farmer in the Belgian town of Erquelinnes caused an international ruckus when he moved a stone standing in his tractor’s path. This stone marked the boundary between Belgium and France. By moving it 2. 29 metres, he expanded Belgium’s
  34. Thumbnail for A year after coup, Myanmar is sliding into an intractable civil war

    A year after coup, Myanmar is sliding into an intractable civil war
    2 Feb 2022: In the year since Myanmar’s coup on February 1 2021, the country’s prospects have deteriorated sharply, with untold misery for millions: deaths, arrests, detention, sickness, displacement, poverty and trauma. The military’s misjudgement of the
  35. Thumbnail for Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to conserve pelagic fisheries

    Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to…
    28 Jun 2023: IMAS scientist Sean Tracey has spent many years catching tuna, swordfish and other large pelagic fish around Australia, but it’s not just the thrill of the chase that drives him. He is dedicated to fisheries research – and especially to
  36. Thumbnail for Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the women?

    Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the…
    13 Feb 2019: In the last decade, a plethora of lists have sought to rank our guitar greats, drawing variously on panels of experts, lone “specialists”, and public opinion polls. My colleagues and I recently analysed ten such lists, which were published on
  37. Thumbnail for Self-driving ships to see us into 2050

    Self-driving ships to see us into 2050
    6 Aug 2020: Like self-driving trucks and trains, the future of commercial ships is set to rely on machine learning, artificial Intelligence, and smart satellite technology to improve shipping safety and efficiency. Australian Maritime College researcher Dr Reza
  38. Thumbnail for Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment

    Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment
    12 Feb 2020: It’s hard for women to succeed in science. Our research shows it’s even harder for women of colour. We interviewed women of colour working in scientific and technical organisations across Australia about their experiences. As well as direct
  39. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  40. Thumbnail for Delphine Lannuzel

    Delphine Lannuzel
    27 Jun 2023: Delphine Lannuzel’s feeling for the ocean - its health, many threats and challenges - first emerged with an eco-tragedy in her native France, in 1999, when the MV Erika, a Japanese-built tanker carrying 31,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, ran into
  41. Thumbnail for Marine species are being pushed towards the poles. From dugong to octopuses, here are 8 marine species you might spot in new places

    Marine species are being pushed towards the poles. From dugong to…
    26 Jun 2023: If you take a plunge in the sea this winter, you might notice it’s warmer than you expect. And if you’re fishing off Sydney and catch a tropical coral trout, you might wonder what’s going on. The reason is simple: hotter water. The ocean has
  42. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    17 Dec 2020: Amid the global COVID-19 crisis, there is some good news about a wildlife pandemic which may also help scientists better understand how other emerging diseases evolve. Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has
  43. Thumbnail for Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents

    Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents
    5 Apr 2016: Patents give individuals and entities the exclusive right to make and sell their inventions. If you invested considerable money and effort developing an invention, would it be fair for someone else to simply copy and sell it? The law says it’s
  44. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  45. Thumbnail for New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques

    New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques
    19 Mar 2021: The horrendous mass murders in New Zealand on March 15 2019 had a strong link with Australia. The New Zealand royal commission into the attacks found the Australian perpetrator had long subscribed to violent right-wing Islamophobia and had taken
  46. Thumbnail for Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar

    Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar
    10 Sep 2020: Wombats are nocturnal, solitary animals that spend the daylight hours slumbering in underground burrows. This subterranean habitat can range from a single burrow to a complex network of burrows with multiple entrances. While they tend to sleep alone,
  47. Thumbnail for Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery

    Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery
    12 Nov 2020: Beneath the sparkling waters of Tasmania’s ‘Blue Lakes’ lie three old open-cut mine pits that were targeted for tin. While the pristine blue appearance attracts water skiers and swimmers, the historic mine waste from the Endurance tin mine in
  48. Thumbnail for Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?

    Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?
    30 Jul 2020: By Professor James ChinMalaysians are rejoicing the news this week that former Prime Minister Najib Razak has been found guilty on seven charges related to corruption and abuse of power, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Many people want to see
  49. Thumbnail for Why are we the way we are?

    Why are we the way we are?
    7 Jun 2016: Demographer Amina Keygan didn’t just enjoy studying Sociology, she fell in love with it, quite accidentally. “When I came to University, I was very interested in gender and social structures, and how we become who we are as people and what
  50. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  51. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight

    Darwin and the devil’s plight
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their own natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural

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