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  2. Thumbnail for Trouble in paradise

    Trouble in paradise
    18 May 2018: A code red alert level for aviation has been issued this week on Hawai'i’s big island, as Kīlauea volcano continues its explosive activity at the summit. The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory’s warning for Kīlauea said:At any time, activity may
  3. Thumbnail for How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the ‘wilderness'

    How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the…
    24 Aug 2020: By Professor Libby Lester, Director, Institute for Social Change, University of TasmaniaTo understand Bob Brown’s impact on Australian political debate, watch Tasmanian commercial television and stay on the couch during the ad breaks. Here’s an
  4. Thumbnail for Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies

    Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies
    8 Jun 2018: Scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is making its way back. This highly contagious parasitic skin disease, which is caused by the burrowing itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, is most commonly transmitted
  5. Thumbnail for Bob Brown wins his case

    Bob Brown wins his case
    18 Oct 2017: Bob Brown was arrested under an anti-protest law after refusing to obey police directions to leave a forestry coup at Lapoinya State Forest. AAPThe High Court has ruled today by a 6:1 majority in favour of Bob Brown and Jessica Hoyt’s challenge to
  6. Thumbnail for The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero

    The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
    9 Aug 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of deceased people. Australians love their war heroes. Our founding myth centres on the heroism of the ANZACs. Our Victoria Cross recipients are
  7. Thumbnail for Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis

    Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis
    9 May 2018: TasmaniaDr Maria Yanotti, Lecturer of Economics and Finance, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of TasmaniaCuts to GST revenue and personal income tax will have the biggest impact for Tasmanians. Changes to the GST carve-up could
  8. Thumbnail for On the trail of the London thylacines

    On the trail of the London thylacines
    9 Apr 2018: On a cold, dark night in the winter of June 2017, hundreds of people gathered on the lawns of Hobart’s parliament house to join a procession that carried an effigy of a giant Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) to be ritually burnt at Macquarie Point. In

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