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  2. Thumbnail for How Councils help with affordable housing

    How Councils help with affordable housing
    5 Jun 2018: Tasmania is in the grip of a rental housing affordability crisis. What do local governments do to help?Rural areas in particular lack rental options. To find housing, older people living in rural areas may often face a heartbreaking decision to
  3. Thumbnail for State of the states: Tasmania

    State of the states: Tasmania
    10 May 2019: The Conversation's “state of the states” series takes stock of the key issues, seats and policies affecting the vote in each of Australia’s states. Here's Professor Richard Eccleston and Dain Bolwell's insights into Tasmania's current
  4. Thumbnail for Rooms with a view – and a story to tell

    Rooms with a view – and a story to tell
    10 Aug 2018: Tasmanian School of Business and Economics’ PhD student Monika Belhaj will lead an intensive study into the unique offerings of MACq 01 Hotel on Hobart’s waterfront. Her research will explore the links between marketing and visitor experience,
  5. Thumbnail for Why ‘best before’ food labelling is not best for the planet or your budget

    Why ‘best before’ food labelling is not best for the planet or your…
    20 Sep 2022: UK supermarkets have removed “best before” dates on thousands of fresh food products in an effort to reduce food waste. One of the major supermarket chains, Sainsbury’s, is replacing these labels with product messaging that says “no date
  6. Thumbnail for Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy – how can we stop overconsuming?

    Australians pay $163 a month on average to store all the stuff we buy …$163-a-month-on-average-to-store-all-the-stuff-we-buy-how-can-we-stop-overconsuming
    10 Jan 2023: Many of us are drowning in “stuff”. To find space for all our possessions, we are paying off-site storage companies. Australians spend an average of A$163 per month on self-storage, one recent survey found. The number one item stored in these
  7. Thumbnail for AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

    AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with …,-but-it-can-also-help-you-score-a-new-one-with-these-simple-tips
    14 Mar 2023: It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need
  8. Thumbnail for Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither

    Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless?…
    13 Jan 2023: Nudging – the idea that simple changes to how a choice is presented can lead people to make better decisions – has been one of the most popular ideas to emerge from economics in the past two decades. But nudging is now under attack, entangled in
  9. Thumbnail for In the business world, context is everything

    In the business world, context is everything
    27 Mar 2018: Any hiring manager can tell you about the gap between new graduates and industry veterans. The good news is that bridging this gap doesn’t have to take years. By adding seasoned professionals to the mix, students can gain a valuable understanding
  10. Thumbnail for The Murray-Darling Basin Plan isn't delivering on conservation promise

    The Murray-Darling Basin Plan isn't delivering on conservation…
    7 Jun 2018: Established in 2012, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was intended to restore the environmental condition of the vital wetlands and rivers that make up southeast Australia’s most significant networks of waterways. At the time, this laudable goal
  11. Thumbnail for We know sweatshop clothing is bad - and buy it anyway. Here’s how your brain makes excuses

    We know sweatshop clothing is bad - and buy it anyway. Here’s how…
    25 Nov 2022: You face a dilemma. You've found the perfect shirt, and it's an absolute bargain, but you notice it's "Made in Bangladesh". You're conscious it was probably made using cheap labour. Do you buy it, or walk away?Today Oxfam released its annual Naughty

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