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  2. Thumbnail for Whale warning signs revealed in historical records

    Whale warning signs revealed in historical records
    23 Jun 2017: A study of historic whaling records has revealed there were warning signs that populations of commercially harvested whales were heading for global collapse up to 40 years before the event. The research by scientists from the Institute for Marine
  3. Thumbnail for Why plastic in our oceans is impacting the UN

    Why plastic in our oceans is impacting the UN
    22 Feb 2018: Plastic pollution of the world’s oceans is posing a growing challenge not only for wildlife, scientists and environmentalists but also for nations and international bodies such as the United Nations. In an article published in the international
  4. Thumbnail for No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in Tasmania

    No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in…
    1 Mar 2023: For the first time in Australia, a form of fertility control is being trialled to manage a major pest to the apple industry, codling moth. Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are partnering with local apple growers to pilot a
  5. Thumbnail for Climate change likely culprit for marine heatwave

    Climate change likely culprit for marine heatwave
    17 Jul 2017: A new study has found that human-induced climate change was almost certainly responsible for a marine heatwave off Tasmania’s east coast in the summer of 2015/16, and similar events are increasingly likely in the coming decades. Published in the
  6. Thumbnail for What do increasingly acidic oceans mean for seaweed?

    What do increasingly acidic oceans mean for seaweed?
    19 Apr 2017: Research at volcanic vents in the Mediterranean Sea is helping Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists to understand how ocean acidification will affect different species of macroalgae (seaweed) in the future. The world’s
  7. Thumbnail for Earth’s future linked to algae growth

    Earth’s future linked to algae growth
    8 Jun 2017: In the time it takes to read this sentence, you will almost certainly have inhaled oxygen disgorged by algae. Tiny ocean-borne algae played a critical role in creating the atmospheric conditions on Earth and produce half the oxygen we breathe
  8. Thumbnail for Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the law?

    Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the…
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaYou might have seen articles or comments on social media lately alluding to “sovereign citizens”, or “SovCits” for short, with some reports suggesting COVID-19
  9. Thumbnail for Responding to the harsh realities of a world on edge

    Responding to the harsh realities of a world on edge
    15 Sep 2022: Since the election of the Albanese government, Australia has clarified and reinforced its focus on the immediate Indo-Pacific region. The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister have made good on their ambitions to ensure Australia is active where it
  10. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    1 Mar 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments and technology law are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers and alumni have been
  11. Thumbnail for Where are whales giving birth in WA?

    Where are whales giving birth in WA?
    13 Dec 2017: A study that looked at where humpback whales give birth along the coast of Western Australia has shown that the calving grounds extend more than 1,000 kilometres further south than currently recognised. The research by Institute for Marine and
  12. Thumbnail for Thick ones, pointy ones – how albatross beaks evolved to match their prey

    Thick ones, pointy ones – how albatross beaks evolved to match their…,-pointy-ones-how-albatross-beaks-evolved-to-match-their-prey
    18 Aug 2023: Albatross are among the world’s largest flying birds, with wingspans that can stretch beyond a remarkable three metres. These majestic animals harness ocean winds to travel thousands of kilometres in search of food while barely flapping their wings
  13. Thumbnail for Seals help plug Antarctic water mystery

    Seals help plug Antarctic water mystery
    8 Sep 2016: Elephant seals have helped scientists to demonstrate that fresh water from Antarctic’s melting ice shelves slows the processes responsible for the formation of deep-water ocean currents that regulate global temperatures. The study, led by Dr Guy
  14. Thumbnail for Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age

    Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age
    13 Jun 2017: Tiny fossils found in ocean sediments are helping scientists from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Canada to determine how the prehistoric ocean contributed to the last Ice Age 125,000 to 18,000
  15. Thumbnail for Two Laureates and two big projects

    Two Laureates and two big projects
    10 May 2016: There’s only a handful of ARC Laureates in Australia, and for the first time two Tasmanian-based researchers have received the prestigious honour. Two outstanding University of Tasmania Professors will lead projects supported by almost $11 million
  16. Thumbnail for Unlocking the secrets of Antarctic fur seal winter foraging

    Unlocking the secrets of Antarctic fur seal winter foraging
    9 Nov 2016: Research into the winter foraging and diving behaviour of Antarctic fur seals has revealed, for the first time, two contrasting strategies the predators use to survive in one of the world’s most inhospitable environments. Institute for Marine and
  17. Thumbnail for Canute helps councils prepare for sea level rise

    Canute helps councils prepare for sea level rise
    19 Nov 2018: How will rising sea levels and storm surges affect our coastal buildings and roads? With more than half of Australians living within seven kilometres of the coast, we need to plan for the rise in sea levels predicted for coming decades. The Canute
  18. Thumbnail for The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born

    The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born
    22 Mar 2022: A photo of Lake Pedder before it flooded. Stefan Karpiniec. Fifty years ago this week, the world’s first “green” political party was born in Tasmania after the state government purposefully flooded the magnificent Lake Pedder. The flooding made
  19. Thumbnail for Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their hundreds?

    Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their…
    16 Nov 2023: In October and November, horrified beachgoers often find dead and dying muttonbirds washing up in an event called a seabird “wreck”. Again this year, there are reports of Australia’s beautiful east coast beaches turned grim with hundreds of
  20. Thumbnail for Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships

    Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships
    11 Oct 2023: Ten University of Tasmania alumni have received 2023 Churchill Fellowships. The fellowships offer Australia’s best and brightest minds the opportunity to travel the world from four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are
  21. Thumbnail for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science
    9 Feb 2023: Communities around the world will observe International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Saturday 11 February 2023. This year’s focus is the contribution of women in science to tackling the UN sustainable development goals; working towards
  22. Thumbnail for Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species

    Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species
    18 Mar 2016: Shrinking glaciers in the Antarctic is a global concern. But for one species, there are surprising benefits. A study led by Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researcher Jane Younger has found that Adelie penguins in East Antarctica
  23. Thumbnail for Learning the secrets of lobster lives

    Learning the secrets of lobster lives
    4 Dec 2017: The mystery of how to close the larval cycle of lobsters on a commercial scale has eluded science since the 1960s. But now there are some answers, thanks to researchers at the University of Tasmania. Associate Professor Greg Smith is Director of the
  24. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  25. Thumbnail for From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean

    From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean
    11 Dec 2017: In a world-first, a research team of Australian and international scientists has used data collected by satellites and an ocean model to explain and predict biodiversity on the Antarctic seafloor. The researchers combined satellite images of
  26. Thumbnail for Microplastics litter the seafloor

    Microplastics litter the seafloor
    13 Jul 2017: Scientific sampling along the South East Australian coast has found high concentrations of microplastics in seafloor sediments, including along even remote stretches of coastline. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists found an
  27. Thumbnail for Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling and why that’s bad news

    Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling…
    27 Jun 2023: There’s more to Antarctic ice than meets the eye. Sea ice is not a uniform crust overlying the salty Southern Ocean. Our new research is the first to review the many crucial roles of  “landfast” sea ice around Antarctica. Landfast ice is
  28. Thumbnail for This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse

    This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse
    28 Nov 2017: We can now predict a potential crash in whale populations several decades in advance, and it looks like shrinking body size is the key indicator. "It’s about finding some early warning signals that might indicate that a species has been
  29. Thumbnail for Coral Sea voyage uncovers volcanic secrets of the seafloor.

    Coral Sea voyage uncovers volcanic secrets of the seafloor.
    3 Sep 2019: Scientists arriving in Brisbane after a 28-day voyage to the Coral Sea are amazed by their discoveries in the deep sea, including 5km deep seafloor canyons, unnamed volcanic seamounts, and likely new species of deep-water coral. The discoveries came
  30. Thumbnail for Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution

    Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution
    18 May 2019: Banner image: Dr Jennifer Lavers  and Silke Stuckenbrock with plastic debris on Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Image credit: Silke Stuckenbrock. A survey of plastic pollution on Australia’s Cocos (Keeling) Islands has revealed the territory’s beaches
  31. Thumbnail for Thousands of students get in deep with marine science MOOC

    Thousands of students get in deep with marine science MOOC
    4 Apr 2016: Thousands of people around the world have been given an introduction to marine science thanks to the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies’ (IMAS) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). IMAS is celebrating a milestone
  32. Thumbnail for Antarctic process contributing to sea-level rise and climate change

    Antarctic process contributing to sea-level rise and climate change
    19 Apr 2018: A new Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)-led study has revealed a previously undocumented process where melting glacial ice sheets change the ocean in a way that further accelerates the rate of ice melt and sea level rise. Led by IMAS
  33. Thumbnail for Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change

    Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change
    6 Jul 2017: Innovative research using fish-borne sensors has revealed how farmed Atlantic salmon are likely to respond to climate change as their aquaculture cages experience warmer temperatures and falling oxygen levels. The study by a team of Institute for
  34. Thumbnail for Oceans of knowledge for chemical oceanography student

    Oceans of knowledge for chemical oceanography student
    19 Jan 2017: It was the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies' world class reputation that attracted PhD candidate Habacuc Perez-Tribouillier from Mexico all the way to Hobart. And three amazing voyages on Research Vessel Investigator have provided him with
  35. Thumbnail for Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search

    Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search
    23 Jan 2018: A team of divers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the citizen science project Reef Life Survey (RLS) have discovered a new population of what is believed to be the world’s rarest fish. Red handfish (Thymichthys politus
  36. Thumbnail for It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...

    It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...
    15 May 2017: After 17 years researchers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) based at the University’s Taroona laboratories have developed the solution to a problem that scientists around the globe had been trying to solve for decades.
  37. Thumbnail for Investigating world-first technology to manage botrytis disease in vineyards

    Investigating world-first technology to manage botrytis disease in…
    12 Apr 2023: Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are leading a world-first project to investigate the use of BioClayTM to supress botrytis bunch rot disease in wine grapes. It could be a game-changer for the wine industry, offering growers
  38. Thumbnail for A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas

    A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas
    26 Sep 2019: Banner image: Beachgoers cool off in the water at Bondi Beach in Sydney, February 2019. Australia’s coast dwellers must adapt to the inevitable effects of climate change. Joel Carrett/AAP. A landmark scientific report has confirmed that climate
  39. Thumbnail for Can we eat our way through an exploding sea urchin problem?

    Can we eat our way through an exploding sea urchin problem?
    6 Nov 2023: Longspined sea urchins are native to temperate waters around New South Wales. But as oceans heat up, their range has expanded more than 650km, through eastern Victoria and south to Tasmania. Their numbers are exploding in the process, clear-felling
  40. Thumbnail for Patient input at the centre of modern health care

    Patient input at the centre of modern health care
    10 Sep 2020: What better way to redesign a healthcare service than with strong input from the people who use it?This was the exact philosophy behind the work of University of Tasmania researcher Dr Sarah Prior  when faced with the gravity of the difficulties in
  41. Thumbnail for Voyage to underwater volcanoes yields explosive findings

    Voyage to underwater volcanoes yields explosive findings
    29 Feb 2016: A major IMAS voyage to the Southern Ocean has ended in Hobart with the arrival of the CSIRO’s Marine National Facility research vessel Investigator after a 16, 000 kilometre journey. The voyage made news around the world when scientists on board
  42. Thumbnail for Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium and transform Hobart – and other cities too

    Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium…
    5 May 2023: Following a decision to fund an AFL stadium on Hobart’s waterfront, the Tasmanian premier announced plans for a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system and ferry services to avoid traffic congestion. These plans are linked to Hobart’s City Deal and
  43. Thumbnail for Healthy soil, healthy stock

    Healthy soil, healthy stock,-healthy-stock
    10 Feb 2023: Greenhams’ far manager Aiden Coombe is Circular Head born and bred. The region includes some of Tasmania’s most productive farming properties and Circular Head is well known for its reliable rainfall and fertile green pastures. The area supports
  44. Thumbnail for AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips

    AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with …,-but-it-can-also-help-you-score-a-new-one-with-these-simple-tips
    14 Mar 2023: It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need
  45. Thumbnail for Choose your own adventure

    Choose your own adventure
    14 Feb 2017: PhD student Lily is an acoustician. But what is that exactly? She studies the acoustics of concert halls, and she has done it in virtually all of the major concert halls in Australia, including the Sydney Opera House, Perth Concert Hall, Hamer Hall,
  46. Thumbnail for Without more scientists, Australia's $80B ‘blue economy’ is at risk

    Without more scientists, Australia's $80B ‘blue economy’ is at…
    25 Nov 2021: Australia is a marine nation. First Nations people have deep and unbroken connections to sea, 85% of us live within 50km of the coast, and our ocean territory is twice that of our land mass. A large part of our economy – the “blue economy” –
  47. Thumbnail for The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet

    The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet
    28 Nov 2017: If you’ve never seen a handfish before, imagine dipping a toad in some brightly coloured paint, telling it a sad story, and forcing it to wear gloves two sizes too big. Welcome to the bizarre reality of one of the ocean’s weirdest life forms.
  48. Thumbnail for Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic surveys can harm marine life

    Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: how seismic …
    11 Sep 2023: Woodside Energy this week announced it would start seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off Australia’s west coast, before reversing the decision in the face of a legal challenge from Traditional Owners. Seismic testing is highly
  49. Thumbnail for Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia

    Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia
    27 Sep 2017: A team of 32 scientists from 12 countries has arrived in Hobart on the research vessel JOIDES Resolution after a nine-week voyage to study the lost and now submerged continent of Zealandia in the South Pacific. The University of Tasmania is one of 16
  50. Thumbnail for University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers

    University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers
    7 Oct 2020: As the yearning to further explore the galaxy remains high, the demand for space medicine to better understand human health, nurtition and performance in space continues to grow with Tasmania positioning itself to lead the field nationally. The
  51. Thumbnail for Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to conserve pelagic fisheries

    Chasing barrels and billfish: meet the scientist on a mission to…
    28 Jun 2023: IMAS scientist Sean Tracey has spent many years catching tuna, swordfish and other large pelagic fish around Australia, but it’s not just the thrill of the chase that drives him. He is dedicated to fisheries research – and especially to

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