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  2. Thumbnail for Why ‘best before’ food labelling is not best for the planet or your budget

    Why ‘best before’ food labelling is not best for the planet or your…
    20 Sep 2022: UK supermarkets have removed “best before” dates on thousands of fresh food products in an effort to reduce food waste. One of the major supermarket chains, Sainsbury’s, is replacing these labels with product messaging that says “no date
  3. Thumbnail for Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium and transform Hobart – and other cities too

    Bus rapid transit can avoid traffic chaos for the AFL’s new stadium…
    5 May 2023: Following a decision to fund an AFL stadium on Hobart’s waterfront, the Tasmanian premier announced plans for a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system and ferry services to avoid traffic congestion. These plans are linked to Hobart’s City Deal and
  4. Thumbnail for If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a choir, orchestra or band

    If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a…,-get-them-to-join-a-choir,-orchestra-or-band
    24 Oct 2022: William James Baker, University of Tasmania; Anne-Marie Forbes, University of Tasmania, and Kim McLeod, University of TasmaniaOne of the most important qualities for a young person to develop is resilience. This involves their ability to overcome
  5. Thumbnail for Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes

    Space probe JUICE in line of sight for Tassie telescopes
    21 Sep 2023: Ten years of preparation led University of Tasmania space scientist Dr Guifrà Molera CalvÃs from the School of Natural Sciences to a career highlight. The researcher is among dozens of scientists across the world contributing to the European Space
  6. Thumbnail for Australian fish population decreasing

    Australian fish population decreasing
    7 Jun 2018: Large fish species are rapidly declining around Australia, according to the first continental diver census of shallow reef fish. Contrary to years of sustainability reports, our study indicates that excessive fishing pressure is contributing to
  7. Thumbnail for Healthy soil, healthy stock

    Healthy soil, healthy stock,-healthy-stock
    10 Feb 2023: Greenhams’ far manager Aiden Coombe is Circular Head born and bred. The region includes some of Tasmania’s most productive farming properties and Circular Head is well known for its reliable rainfall and fertile green pastures. The area supports
  8. Thumbnail for A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France

    A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France
    12 May 2021: This week, a farmer in the Belgian town of Erquelinnes caused an international ruckus when he moved a stone standing in his tractor’s path. This stone marked the boundary between Belgium and France. By moving it 2. 29 metres, he expanded Belgium’s
  9. Thumbnail for Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human population, but it has inspired a wealth of imaginative literature

    Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human…,-but-it-has-inspired-a-wealth-of-imaginative-literature
    17 Jan 2024: Elizabeth Leane, Professor of Antarctic StudiesWhen I was working on my book Antarctica in Fiction, friends and colleagues would joke about what an easy task I had taken on. How many writers would choose to set a novel in a continent with no
  10. Thumbnail for Will Australia receive a red card for gender equity at the 2023 Women’s World Cup?

    Will Australia receive a red card for gender equity at the 2023…
    11 Jan 2023: This year’s FIFA men’s World Cup has cast a media spotlight on Qatar’s human rights record. The tournament also offered an opportunity to draw attention to the current protests in Iran surrounding the mistreatment of women. Qatar’s imbalance
  11. Thumbnail for Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the women?

    Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the…
    13 Feb 2019: In the last decade, a plethora of lists have sought to rank our guitar greats, drawing variously on panels of experts, lone “specialists”, and public opinion polls. My colleagues and I recently analysed ten such lists, which were published on
  12. Thumbnail for What’s driving the subscription economy?

    What’s driving the subscription economy?
    20 Jul 2022: From gym memberships to music and movies, to razors, toilet paper, meal kits and clothes, there’s seemingly no place the subscription economy can’t go. Having conquered the software market – where it gets its own acronym, SaaS (Software as a
  13. Thumbnail for Hobart’s poorer suburbs are missing out on the ‘MONA effect’

    Hobart’s poorer suburbs are missing out on the ‘MONA effect’
    18 Jun 2018: When Hobart is illuminated in red lights during the chill of winter, thousands of visitors flock to MONA's Dark Mofo events. But who benefits from this tourism influx? Dr Kate Booth pens her opinion for The Conversation. Popular opinion has it that
  14. Thumbnail for Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets

    Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets
    26 Feb 2018: “It’s like looking for a freak flood in Brisbane,” said Dr Nagaratnam (Sree) Jeyasreedharan, a lecturer in finance at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics. “We can model for 10 or 50 years, but what happens when there’s a
  15. Thumbnail for Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment

    Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment
    12 Feb 2020: It’s hard for women to succeed in science. Our research shows it’s even harder for women of colour. We interviewed women of colour working in scientific and technical organisations across Australia about their experiences. As well as direct
  16. Thumbnail for We know sweatshop clothing is bad - and buy it anyway. Here’s how your brain makes excuses

    We know sweatshop clothing is bad - and buy it anyway. Here’s how…
    25 Nov 2022: You face a dilemma. You've found the perfect shirt, and it's an absolute bargain, but you notice it's "Made in Bangladesh". You're conscious it was probably made using cheap labour. Do you buy it, or walk away?Today Oxfam released its annual Naughty
  17. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  18. Thumbnail for Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are missing out

    Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are…
    18 Jan 2023: Consistent school attendance is important in any child’s education but for many children in out-of-home care, going to school every day is no easy thing. There are three main types of out-of-home care in Australia: relative (or kinship) care,
  19. Thumbnail for Record-smashing heatwaves are hitting Antarctica and the Arctic

    Record-smashing heatwaves are hitting Antarctica and the Arctic
    22 Mar 2022: Windmill Islands, near Casey Research Station, Antarctica. Dana M Bergstrom (Author provided). Record-breaking heatwaves hit both Antarctica and the Arctic simultaneously this week, with temperatures reaching 47℃ and 30℃ higher than
  20. Thumbnail for New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques

    New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques
    19 Mar 2021: The horrendous mass murders in New Zealand on March 15 2019 had a strong link with Australia. The New Zealand royal commission into the attacks found the Australian perpetrator had long subscribed to violent right-wing Islamophobia and had taken
  21. Thumbnail for Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?

    Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?
    30 Jul 2020: By Professor James ChinMalaysians are rejoicing the news this week that former Prime Minister Najib Razak has been found guilty on seven charges related to corruption and abuse of power, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Many people want to see
  22. Thumbnail for ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’

    ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’
    21 Jun 2018: Retail guru Dr Louise Grimmer lets The Conversation know why supermarkets are getting smaller. If you think your local supermarket is shrinking, you might be right. Coles has announced that it will open smaller-sized supermarkets in more locations.
  23. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  24. Thumbnail for Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...

    Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...
    7 Jul 2017: Icebergs breaking off Antarctica, even massive ones, do not typically concern glaciologists. But the impending birth of a new massive iceberg could be more than business as usual for the frozen continent. The Larsen C ice shelf, the fourth-largest
  25. Thumbnail for Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions

    Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions
    22 May 2019: Predicting when a volcano will next blow is tricky business, but lessons we learned from one of Hawaii’s recent eruptions may help. Kīlauea, on the Big Island of Hawai'i, is probably the best understood volcano on Earth. That’s thanks to
  26. Thumbnail for How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people

    How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people
    31 May 2021: The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back of a rumbling wagon, sketching a war-torn landscape. A flashback to her childhood in an orphanage shows her looking at a map of a conflict zone. A
  27. Thumbnail for Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence

    Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence
    20 Aug 2019: Ooshies, the plastic collectible toys Australian supermarket chain Woolworths is using to lure shoppers to its aisles, aren’t just a bit of fun. They’ve been connected to a black market among Woolworths staff, frenzied online trading replete with
  28. Thumbnail for They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with emus will be good for the island state’s ecosystems

    They’re on our coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania. Rewilding with…
    24 Jan 2023: The emu is iconically Australian, appearing on cans, coins, cricket bats and our national coat of arms, as well as that of the Tasmanian capital, Hobart. However, most people don’t realise emus once also roamed Tasmania but are now extinct
  29. Thumbnail for Early exposure to infections doesn’t protect against allergies...

    Early exposure to infections doesn’t protect against allergies...
    12 Feb 2020: Over the past few decades, allergies and asthma have become common childhood diseases, especially in developed countries. Almost 20% of Australians experience some kind of allergy, whether it’s to food, pollen, dust, housemites, mould or animals
  30. Thumbnail for Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but virtually ignored Myanmar?

    Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but…,-but-virtually-ignored-myanmar
    30 Jan 2023: Two years after Myanmar’s coup on February 1 2021, the country’s large and growing resistance forces receive almost no attention outside the country. The democratic opposition, fronted by the National Unity Government (NUG), but comprising many
  31. Thumbnail for The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail

    The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail
    2 Nov 2020: By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology; Louise Grimmer, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Tasmania; and Paul J. Maginn, Associate Professor of Urban/Regional Planning,
  32. Thumbnail for Dog's plane death shows how climate change complicates pet ownership

    Dog's plane death shows how climate change complicates pet…
    12 Feb 2020: This summer’s bushfires and heatwaves may have led you to wonder how climate change will shape our lives. But have you given any thought to how it might affect your pets?The issue of climate change and pet ownership came to the fore in recent
  33. Thumbnail for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science
    9 Feb 2023: Communities around the world will observe International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Saturday 11 February 2023. This year’s focus is the contribution of women in science to tackling the UN sustainable development goals; working towards
  34. Thumbnail for A stamp of approval for legendary sports commentators...

    A stamp of approval for legendary sports commentators...
    13 Feb 2020: Australia Post recently released a commemorative World of Sportset of stamps celebrating six Australian sportscasters. Billed as “household names in their respective sports”, they are all men. Richie Benaud, Reg Gasnier, Les Murray, Lou Richards
  35. Thumbnail for Deadly disease can ‘hide’ from a Tasmanian devil’s immune system

    Deadly disease can ‘hide’ from a Tasmanian devil’s immune system
    4 Jan 2017: The Tasmanian devil facial tumour (DFT) cells may use a molecular deception – common in human cancers – that could allow the deadly disease to avoid the animal’s immune system, according to our new research published this month. Recently it
  36. Thumbnail for Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat

    Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat
    5 Mar 2019: Heatwaves have killed more Australians than road accidents, fires, floods and all other natural disasters combined. Although recent research shows extreme cold is a worry in some parts of Australia, our hottest summer on record points to more
  37. Thumbnail for Sustainable shopping: take the ‘litter’ out of glitter

    Sustainable shopping: take the ‘litter’ out of glitter
    7 Feb 2018: Shopping can be confusing at the best of times, and trying to find environmentally friendly options makes it even more difficult. Read Dr Jennifer Lavers' contribution to The Conversation's Sustainable Shopping series, in which experts  provide
  38. Thumbnail for Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’

    Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’
    8 May 2017: “I’ve never been with so many bogans in my life. Aren’t they fantastic!” cried an enraptured guest at the 2011 opening of Hobart’s Museum of Old and New Art. The general opening party debauchery (despite rumours of an impending orgy)
  39. Thumbnail for The city with growing pains (and why roads won't help)

    The city with growing pains (and why roads won't help)
    28 Feb 2018: Hobart is a city with growing pains. As Australia’s second-oldest city, it might be likened to an octogenarian suddenly experiencing a teenage “growth spurt”. Growth is occurring both in visitor numbers and new residents. The March 3 state
  40. Thumbnail for How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest

    How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest
    20 Mar 2018: Great cities need trees to be great places, but urban changes put pressure on the existing trees as cities develop. As a result, our rapidly growing cities are losing trees at a worrying rate. So how can we grow our cities and save our city
  41. Thumbnail for Is it time for a Green New Deal in Australia?

    Is it time for a Green New Deal in Australia?
    20 Oct 2020: By Kate Crowley, Associate Professor, Public and Environmental PolicyAfter the 2008 global financial crisis, Green New Deals were proposed in various countries as a way to pick up the pieces of the economy. The general idea is to create jobs while
  42. Thumbnail for The role of ring trees

    The role of ring trees
    4 Jul 2018: In the forests of Watti Watti Country of north-west Victoria, you can find trees, typically ancient river red gums, with their branches trained by the Watti Watti people to form rings. There is little knowledge about these marker trees beyond the
  43. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  44. Thumbnail for Let the games begin

    Let the games begin
    5 Apr 2018: Britain’s territorial vastness was neatly summed up in the Victorian era by the observation that “the sun never sets on the British Empire”. For 350 years, dating from when the East India Company was founded in 1600 until after the end of
  45. Thumbnail for New drone rules: with more eyes in the sky, expect less privacy

    New drone rules: with more eyes in the sky, expect less privacy
    29 Sep 2016: Drone footage is everywhere, whether used to film extreme sports, outdoor events, nature, music festivals, or just for its own sake. Recreational aircraft such as quadcopters, fixed-wing and mini drones are getting ever cheaper and easier to buy.
  46. Thumbnail for #LstTxt&Tstmnt

    13 Oct 2017: The unsent text message read:“Dave Nic you and Jack keep all that I have house and superannuation, put my ashes in the back garden with Trish Julie will take her stuff only she’s ok gone back to her ex AGAIN I’m beaten. A bit of cash behind TV
  47. Thumbnail for We developed tools to study cancer in devils. They could help humans

    We developed tools to study cancer in devils. They could help humans
    1 Jul 2020: By Dr Andrew Flies, Dr Amanda Patchett, Associate Professor Bruce Lyons and Professor Greg Woods, University of TasmaniaEmerging infectious diseases, including COVID-19, usually come from non-human animals. However our understanding of most
  48. Thumbnail for Why should my child take swimming lessons?

    Why should my child take swimming lessons?
    12 Feb 2020: Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional death from injury worldwide. From July 2018 to June 2019, 276 people drowned across Australia – a 10% increase on the previous year. Among those were 19 children under four years old, eight
  49. Thumbnail for More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer. Should we worry about damage to the ice and its ecosystems?

    More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer.…,000-tourists-will-head-to-antarctica-this-summer.-should-we-worry-about-damage-to-the-ice-and-its-ecosystems
    9 Jan 2023: As the summer sun finally arrives for people in the Southern Hemisphere, more than 100,000 tourists will head for the ice. Travelling on one of more than 50 cruise ships, they will brave the two-day trip across the notoriously rough Drake Passage
  50. Thumbnail for Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs

    Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs
    27 Apr 2018: Malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic infection that affects about 3. 2 billion people in 95 countries, has become largely a disease of the young and poor. Due to effective medications like chloroquine and artemisinins, malaria deaths dropped an
  51. Thumbnail for Captured! Rare ‘glitch’ in a pulsar’s regular pulsing beat

    Captured! Rare ‘glitch’ in a pulsar’s regular pulsing beat
    11 Apr 2018: Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars and sometimes they abruptly increase their rotation rate. This sudden change of spin rate is called a “glitch” and I was part of a team that recorded one happening in the Vela Pulsar, with the results

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