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101 - 150 of 254 search results
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  2. Thumbnail for Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants

    Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants
    1 Sep 2023: Four early-career researchers from the University of Tasmania have been awarded a total of $1,773,740. 00 in the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs), funded by the Australian Research Council. The funding scheme provides support across a
  3. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  4. Thumbnail for ‘How long before climate change will destroy the Earth?’: research reveals what Australian kids want to know about our warming world

    ‘How long before climate change will destroy the Earth?’: research…
    21 Mar 2024: Every day, more children discover they are living in a climate crisis. This makes many children feel sad, anxious, angry, powerless, confused and frightened about what the future holds. The climate change burden facing young people is inherently
  5. Thumbnail for Geological secrets of Antarctic interior revealed

    Geological secrets of Antarctic interior revealed
    26 Jul 2019: Banner image: Rock outcrop visited in Wilkes Land. Image by Tobias Stal. Bedrock buried under kilometres of ice in a remote part of Antarctica has revealed some of its secrets for the first time in a new study by scientists from IMAS and Macquarie
  6. Thumbnail for It's game on for new psychological testing

    It's game on for new psychological testing
    27 Jun 2019: Have you ever spent way too many hours gaming? How do you know when it's become a real problem?The psychosocial and mental health implications of Gaming Disorder (GD) can now be better understood with researchers developing the world’s first
  7. Thumbnail for The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born

    The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born
    22 Mar 2022: A photo of Lake Pedder before it flooded. Stefan Karpiniec. Fifty years ago this week, the world’s first “green” political party was born in Tasmania after the state government purposefully flooded the magnificent Lake Pedder. The flooding made
  8. Thumbnail for Agriculture graduate becomes a future industry leader

    Agriculture graduate becomes a future industry leader
    30 Jan 2017: An agriculture graduate from the University of Tasmania has received a prestigious $120,000 Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship to continue her research into Tasmania’s cider industry. Madeleine Way, 22, graduated from the University of Tasmania
  9. Thumbnail for Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy

    Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy,-senior-lecturer-in-curriculum-and-pedagogy
    26 Jun 2023: Dr Kim Beasy specialises in education for sustainability. Kim’s teaching and research engage diverse communities in the social, environmental, economic and cultural dimensions of sustainability. She seeks to inform and show how transitions toward
  10. Thumbnail for Three ways Russia has shown military ‘incompetence’ during invasion

    Three ways Russia has shown military ‘incompetence’ during invasion
    18 Mar 2022: Two weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has become apparent Russia’s military is experiencing failures – both technical and strategic – that are perhaps unexpected from one of the world’s largest military forces. There are multiple
  11. Thumbnail for Database a window into climate change since the Roman era

    Database a window into climate change since the Roman era
    12 Jul 2017: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researcher Dr Steven Phipps, who co-authored the study published in the international journal Scientific Data as a member of the PAGES2k Consortium, said the database shows a long-term cooling trend
  12. Thumbnail for 5 reasons why this is the coolest PhD project you’ll ever hear about

    5 reasons why this is the coolest PhD project you’ll ever hear about
    7 Jun 2017: Sahan Jayasinghe came to the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) to do his PhD, and he was blown away by the opportunities. He became an astrobiologist and is exploring the possibility of life on Jupiter’s
  13. Thumbnail for Scholarship winner's eye on the future of climate change

    Scholarship winner's eye on the future of climate change
    29 Jun 2021: “Take all the chances you can, go further, learn more, change lives. ”These are the words that University of Tasmania higher degree by research candidate and alumna Charlotte Jones carries with her as she embarks on an exciting new chapter as a
  14. Thumbnail for Bringing seafood governance to the surface

    Bringing seafood governance to the surface
    3 May 2018: In Tasmania, marine farming and aquaculture has expanded rapidly since the 1990s and is now one of the state's major industries. With its expansion comes the complexities of the governance of this industry. University of Tasmania PhD candidate Coco
  15. Thumbnail for Survivability: Designing safer ships

    Survivability: Designing safer ships
    11 May 2017: For Martin Friebe, opening a door that he designed was a hugely exciting experience - because it was no ordinary door. “My first task ever as a naval architect was designing a machinery room door of the 214 class submarine, which was composed of
  16. Thumbnail for Expert warns of rising inequality as a result of GST review

    Expert warns of rising inequality as a result of GST review
    4 Jul 2018: University of Tasmania political scientist Richard Eccleston says a change to the distribution of GST funding risks increasing inequality between states. Professor Eccleston, pictured, has written widely on federalism and his most recent book, The
  17. Thumbnail for The intersection of genetics and the law

    The intersection of genetics and the law
    19 Oct 2018: As our technologies have advanced, so has our understanding of—and ability to manipulate—the genes of living things. With our increasing globalisation, researchers can share information or biological material with colleagues on the other side of
  18. Thumbnail for The eyes have it...

    The eyes have it...
    12 Jun 2017: Writing, reading, pouring a cup of coffee– all tasks that seem inconsequential until our sight is at risk. At least one in seven Australians have a genetic disposition to developing blinding eye disease, but the University of Tasmania’s research
  19. Thumbnail for Surprise historical discovery could help whale survival

    Surprise historical discovery could help whale survival
    20 Mar 2017: The chance discovery of a unique set of whaling records dating back to 1952 has provided new insights into the lives and physiology of humpback and sperm whales. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) PhD student Lyn Irvine heard from a
  20. Thumbnail for Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time

    Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time
    27 Apr 2020: The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) might be extinct, but at least 764 specimens still exist in museums and collections around the world. Through an exploration of the lives, deaths and afterlife as museum specimens of individual thylacines, a new
  21. Thumbnail for Putting the emotion into maths for better learning

    Putting the emotion into maths for better learning
    17 Dec 2017: Are you a “maths person”? Most people think they are, or they aren’t. What if we told you there was no such thing? Professor Kim Beswick is an ARC Future Fellow, and her research is aiming to help teachers educate their students better, by
  22. Thumbnail for It's a rocky road, but lobsters surviving

    It's a rocky road, but lobsters surviving
    20 Jun 2017: New Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) research investigating the environmental factors that influence Southern Rock Lobster settlement on reefs has found evidence that the fishery is showing broad resilience to climate change. The
  23. Thumbnail for Doctors offered more reasons to remain rural

    Doctors offered more reasons to remain rural
    14 Aug 2017: Postgraduate training opportunities for Tasmanian doctors will soon be expanded, in a significant development for medical professionals interested in working and training in rural regions. The University of Tasmania has successfully secured federal
  24. Thumbnail for Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the law?

    Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the…
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaYou might have seen articles or comments on social media lately alluding to “sovereign citizens”, or “SovCits” for short, with some reports suggesting COVID-19
  25. Thumbnail for Shedding the maths stigma

    Shedding the maths stigma
    3 Aug 2017: Many of us gain a sense of control over a situation when we are able to create some kind of order. Teachers presented with a class full of children also tend to do this; grouping children with others who appear to be at the same level as them in
  26. Thumbnail for How language can help us love and care for a frozen land

    How language can help us love and care for a frozen land
    19 Oct 2018: Hobart has a special role in determining how Australia relates to Antarctica. The city is already home to the largest community of Antarctic scientists in the world. Now a national research project is exploring how language and art can help us
  27. Thumbnail for Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment

    Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment
    12 Feb 2020: It’s hard for women to succeed in science. Our research shows it’s even harder for women of colour. We interviewed women of colour working in scientific and technical organisations across Australia about their experiences. As well as direct
  28. Thumbnail for How does island life shape Tasmanians?

    How does island life shape Tasmanians?
    19 Oct 2018: While geographical disconnection has many obvious implications on daily life (for example the cost of fuel, access to certain services, ability to collaborate with peers, etc. ) the impact of 'place' is also a common theme running through many
  29. Thumbnail for The data that makes you, you

    The data that makes you, you
    22 Aug 2018: The colour of your hair and eyes, your height, and your susceptibility to certain diseases. Your genetic material is everything that makes you, you. And it is undoubtedly your property. Or is it? Should your genetic material be available for
  30. Thumbnail for Reforms needed for laws surrounding dangerous criminals

    Reforms needed for laws surrounding dangerous criminals
    12 Jul 2017: Reforms are needed in Tasmania’s legislation where offenders are declared as dangerous criminals by the courts, new research has found. The Tasmania Law Reform Institute today released a research paper, A Comparative Review of National Legislation
  31. Thumbnail for 7 red flags your teen might be in an abusive relationship – and 6 signs it’s escalating

    7 red flags your teen might be in an abusive relationship – and 6…
    13 Sep 2023: Australian teens need adults to help them recognise red flags for potentially abusive relationships. Dr Carmel Hobbs, School of Education The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates 2. 2 million adults have been victims of physical and/or sexual
  32. Thumbnail for New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania

    New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania
    23 Nov 2023: A new centre for cutting-edge research and post-graduate training in the field of separation science has launched in Hobart, in a move that connects the University of Tasmania’s world-leading analytical chemistry research group with renowned
  33. Thumbnail for Where are whales giving birth in WA?

    Where are whales giving birth in WA?
    13 Dec 2017: A study that looked at where humpback whales give birth along the coast of Western Australia has shown that the calving grounds extend more than 1,000 kilometres further south than currently recognised. The research by Institute for Marine and
  34. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    1 Mar 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments and technology law are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers and alumni have been
  35. Thumbnail for Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens

    Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens
    19 Mar 2018: Ever wondered how your perception of Antarctica has been shaped over the years? Influences are usually documentaries, advertising, or by reading books on the continent. Being a continent that is accessible to very few people, Antarctica is regarded
  36. Thumbnail for Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships

    Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships
    11 Oct 2023: Ten University of Tasmania alumni have received 2023 Churchill Fellowships. The fellowships offer Australia’s best and brightest minds the opportunity to travel the world from four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are
  37. Thumbnail for Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age

    Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age
    13 Jun 2017: Tiny fossils found in ocean sediments are helping scientists from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Canada to determine how the prehistoric ocean contributed to the last Ice Age 125,000 to 18,000
  38. Thumbnail for Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives

    Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives
    14 Apr 2016: Tasmania is one of the few places on the planet where it is possible to study intergenerational health issues. This is because the settler population was amongst the best documented in the British Empire. Why? They came against their will. The life
  39. Thumbnail for Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but virtually ignored Myanmar?

    Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but…,-but-virtually-ignored-myanmar
    30 Jan 2023: Two years after Myanmar’s coup on February 1 2021, the country’s large and growing resistance forces receive almost no attention outside the country. The democratic opposition, fronted by the National Unity Government (NUG), but comprising many
  40. Thumbnail for The frozen continent and its connection to us

    The frozen continent and its connection to us
    4 Jul 2017: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers have joined the City of Hobart for the official launch of a new research project that aims to enhance Hobart’s role as an Antarctic gateway. The Antarctic Cities project is studying the
  41. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  42. Thumbnail for Basqueing in the light

    Basqueing in the light
    21 Dec 2016: Institute for Regional Development PhD Candidate Emma Lee has swapped selling fuel at her local service station for study, a move which now sees her sampling seafood in Spain. She’s currently in Basque Country, observing traditional fishing
  43. Thumbnail for Making models for safer mining

    Making models for safer mining
    10 May 2017: When Cassady Harraden moved from the US to Tasmania, her luggage weighed a lot. Because as a geologist, she had to take her rock collection to her new home where she is studying her PhD at CODES in the Transforming the Mining Value Chain research hub
  44. Thumbnail for Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species

    Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species
    18 Mar 2016: Shrinking glaciers in the Antarctic is a global concern. But for one species, there are surprising benefits. A study led by Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researcher Jane Younger has found that Adelie penguins in East Antarctica
  45. Thumbnail for Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political satire, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

    Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political…,-the-seven-moons-of-maali-almeida
    19 Oct 2022: Sri Lankan novelist Shehan Karunatilaka has won the 2022 Booker Prize for his second novel, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida. The win couldn’t come at a better time for Sri Lanka, a country once more engaged in political and economic instability,
  46. Thumbnail for What we can learn from book clubs

    What we can learn from book clubs
    3 Oct 2017: Children’s book clubs have been in the news lately. In July, ABC Online featured a number of Year 6 students who had formed their own clubs. The kids love their reading groups and the story describes how the groups form the basis of lasting
  47. Thumbnail for Microplastics litter the seafloor

    Microplastics litter the seafloor
    13 Jul 2017: Scientific sampling along the South East Australian coast has found high concentrations of microplastics in seafloor sediments, including along even remote stretches of coastline. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists found an
  48. Thumbnail for Top of the table

    Top of the table
    19 Dec 2016: London-based alumni Brodie Neill not only earned a place at the table of leading world designers in September – he also provided the table. Representing Australia, Brodie unveiled a new installation, Plastic Effects, at the inaugural London Design
  49. Thumbnail for A tiny world printed on a chip

    A tiny world printed on a chip
    6 May 2021: Each day that she works in the chemistry lab, University of Tasmania PhD candidate Atiyeah Ganjalinia gets to see the world at the smallest possible scale. “The smallest fragments fascinate and intrigue me. At this scale, if you just look at cells,
  50. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  51. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to

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  • Research degree 254
  • Arts, Law and Education 254
  • History and Classics 254
  • Creative Arts and Design 254
  • Short courses 0
  • School of Psychological Sciences The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> value.count [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" at line 43, column 67] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${value.count?string} [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" in macro "Facets" at line 43, column 65] - Reached through: @facets.Facets facets=tabFacets [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-project.ftl" in macro "Results" at line 109, column 17] - Reached through: @project.Results [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 27, column 7] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "web/templates/modernui/funnelback_classic.ftl" in macro "AfterSearchOnly" at line 94, column 9] ~ Reached through: @s.AfterSearchOnly [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 25, column 5] ----