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  2. Thumbnail for A Tasmanian Requiem

    A Tasmanian Requiem
    24 Apr 2018: On December 26, 1847, a small group of Aboriginal people sat in the Lieutenant-Governor’s box at Hobart’s Theatre Royal watching a new pantomime. A local newspaper reported how “the natives … seemed gratified at their first public
  3. Thumbnail for Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human population, but it has inspired a wealth of imaginative literature

    Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent human…,-but-it-has-inspired-a-wealth-of-imaginative-literature
    17 Jan 2024: Elizabeth Leane, Professor of Antarctic StudiesWhen I was working on my book Antarctica in Fiction, friends and colleagues would joke about what an easy task I had taken on. How many writers would choose to set a novel in a continent with no
  4. Thumbnail for Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the women?

    Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the…
    13 Feb 2019: In the last decade, a plethora of lists have sought to rank our guitar greats, drawing variously on panels of experts, lone “specialists”, and public opinion polls. My colleagues and I recently analysed ten such lists, which were published on
  5. Thumbnail for Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents

    Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents
    5 Apr 2016: Patents give individuals and entities the exclusive right to make and sell their inventions. If you invested considerable money and effort developing an invention, would it be fair for someone else to simply copy and sell it? The law says it’s
  6. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  7. Thumbnail for How a biography brought me to family history

    How a biography brought me to family history
    11 Jun 2021: Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this article may contain the names and images of people who are now deceased. Back in the early 2000s, the Australian Dictionary of Biography decided to prepare a supplement
  8. Thumbnail for New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques

    New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques
    19 Mar 2021: The horrendous mass murders in New Zealand on March 15 2019 had a strong link with Australia. The New Zealand royal commission into the attacks found the Australian perpetrator had long subscribed to violent right-wing Islamophobia and had taken
  9. Thumbnail for Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but virtually ignored Myanmar?

    Why has the West given billions in military aid to Ukraine, but…,-but-virtually-ignored-myanmar
    30 Jan 2023: Two years after Myanmar’s coup on February 1 2021, the country’s large and growing resistance forces receive almost no attention outside the country. The democratic opposition, fronted by the National Unity Government (NUG), but comprising many
  10. Thumbnail for Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?

    Will the Najib Razak verdict be a watershed moment for Malaysia?
    30 Jul 2020: By Professor James ChinMalaysians are rejoicing the news this week that former Prime Minister Najib Razak has been found guilty on seven charges related to corruption and abuse of power, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Many people want to see
  11. Thumbnail for How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War

    How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War
    14 Mar 2018: As Hobart’s Old Government House was being demolished in the late 1850s, workers made a remarkable discovery. Lifting the floor, they found an old pine board covered with four rows of pictures. Six scenes painted in oils depicted interactions
  12. Thumbnail for Why are we the way we are?

    Why are we the way we are?
    7 Jun 2016: Demographer Amina Keygan didn’t just enjoy studying Sociology, she fell in love with it, quite accidentally. “When I came to University, I was very interested in gender and social structures, and how we become who we are as people and what
  13. Thumbnail for How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people

    How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people
    31 May 2021: The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back of a rumbling wagon, sketching a war-torn landscape. A flashback to her childhood in an orphanage shows her looking at a map of a conflict zone. A
  14. Thumbnail for How Indigenous knowledge can be embedded into the curriculum

    How Indigenous knowledge can be embedded into the curriculum
    15 Oct 2020: By Maggie Walter, Pro Vice Chancellor (Aboriginal Research and Leadership) and Distinguished Professor of Sociology, and Michael A. Guerzoni, Indigenous Higher Education Curricula Officer, Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Aboriginal LeadershipWe
  15. Thumbnail for Why Antarctica is cool for composers

    Why Antarctica is cool for composers
    2 Sep 2015: The frozen continent's allure was particularly potent in the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, when intrepid travellers would return with stories of its beauty and mystery, which in turn inspired works of art, literature and music. Dr Carolyn
  16. Thumbnail for Understanding colonial maps

    Understanding colonial maps
    31 Mar 2021: On Boxing Day 1832 surveyors across southern Van Diemen’s Land were huddled in their tents, sheltering from the rain. Poor Charles Wedge set out to work but was ‘obliged to return’, while Raphael Clint made no pretence, recording in his log,
  17. Thumbnail for More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer. Should we worry about damage to the ice and its ecosystems?

    More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer.…,000-tourists-will-head-to-antarctica-this-summer.-should-we-worry-about-damage-to-the-ice-and-its-ecosystems
    9 Jan 2023: As the summer sun finally arrives for people in the Southern Hemisphere, more than 100,000 tourists will head for the ice. Travelling on one of more than 50 cruise ships, they will brave the two-day trip across the notoriously rough Drake Passage
  18. Thumbnail for Scientists, teachers, warriors

    Scientists, teachers, warriors
    8 May 2023: Over the course of a long and dynamic academic career, now in its sixth decade, geographer and conservation ecologist Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick has focused increasingly on changes to the natural world from human – usually economic –
  19. Thumbnail for Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections

    Gateway to a new vision for Antarctic connections
    19 May 2016: Elizabeth Leane’s mission is to integrate science and the humanities. And her latest project will take that mission global. Associate Professor Leane’s slightly unusual dual expertise of science and English (Arts and IMAS) makes her the
  20. Thumbnail for Locked down with D.H. Lawrence? Yeah, nah

    Locked down with D.H. Lawrence? Yeah, nah,-nah
    20 Feb 2023: Are we, finally, post-COVID?Reading Lara Feigel’s Look! We Have Come Through!, it feels like we are. The emotional consequences and aesthetic ramifications of the pandemic will continue to ripple through culture, changing our way of seeing the world
  21. Thumbnail for Is it time for a Green New Deal in Australia?

    Is it time for a Green New Deal in Australia?
    20 Oct 2020: By Kate Crowley, Associate Professor, Public and Environmental PolicyAfter the 2008 global financial crisis, Green New Deals were proposed in various countries as a way to pick up the pieces of the economy. The general idea is to create jobs while
  22. Thumbnail for Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession

    Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession
    14 Jan 2018: We are fast approaching the end of summer holidays and many teachers are turning their attention to preparing for the start of the school year. Many of the teachers who started their careers in 2017 will not return to the classroom in 2018. In fact,
  23. Thumbnail for Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?

    Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?
    20 Sep 2021: The announcement of a new strategic alliance between Australia, the US and UK (AUKUS) has caught many by surprise. Besides France, which reacted with fury over Australia’s scrapping of a major submarine deal with a French company, few countries
  24. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  25. Thumbnail for Growing up online

    Growing up online
    2 Sep 2015: It's an amazing reality that men and women in their 20s can look back through their Facebook posts and see a big chunk of their life recorded in words and pictures like never before. So what do they think when they review the past five years and look
  26. Thumbnail for At Mona Foma, I encountered death rituals, underwater soundscapes, worship - and transcendence

    At Mona Foma, I encountered death rituals, underwater soundscapes,…,-i-encountered-death-rituals,-underwater-soundscapes,-worship-and-transcendence
    23 Feb 2023: Mona Foma has returned to Launceston. As always, the festival offers a diverse program of contemporary art, design, music and performance, and works that sit somewhere between. There will be bands, there will be lasers, and there will be queer
  27. Thumbnail for Hodgman rides Tasmanians’ disdain for minority government

    Hodgman rides Tasmanians’ disdain for minority government
    4 Mar 2018: The Tasmanian election result was an emphatic win for Will Hodgman, but he lost a fair bit of skin along the way. In an era of single-term governments and growing electoral volatility in Australia, the return of Will Hodgman’s Liberal government at
  28. Thumbnail for Soldiers, thieves, Māori warriors

    Soldiers, thieves, Māori warriors
    25 Oct 2017: Soon after it became a British colony, New Zealand began shipping the worst of its offenders across the Tasman Sea. Between 1843 and 1853, an eclectic mix of more than 110 soldiers, sailors, Māori, civilians and convict absconders from the
  29. Thumbnail for #LstTxt&Tstmnt

    13 Oct 2017: The unsent text message read:“Dave Nic you and Jack keep all that I have house and superannuation, put my ashes in the back garden with Trish Julie will take her stuff only she’s ok gone back to her ex AGAIN I’m beaten. A bit of cash behind TV
  30. Thumbnail for New drone rules: with more eyes in the sky, expect less privacy

    New drone rules: with more eyes in the sky, expect less privacy
    29 Sep 2016: Drone footage is everywhere, whether used to film extreme sports, outdoor events, nature, music festivals, or just for its own sake. Recreational aircraft such as quadcopters, fixed-wing and mini drones are getting ever cheaper and easier to buy.
  31. Thumbnail for Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online

    Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online
    31 Jul 2020: By Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy & Gender Studies, University of TasmaniaAnother day, another woman being called a “whore” — and worse — on Twitter. In the wake of her recent interview with Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
  32. Thumbnail for In the future, boats might fly

    In the future, boats might fly
    6 Feb 2017: Sam Smith dreams of one day creating a boat capable of flying above the water. Impossible? Not with hydrofoil innovation research. Sam is studying his PhD at the ARC Research Training Centrefor Naval Design and Manufacturing at the Australian
  33. Thumbnail for ‘The workload was intense’

    ‘The workload was intense’
    22 Sep 2020: By Tracey Muir, Associate Professor in Mathematics Education; Carol Murphy; David Hicks, Lecturer in Cultural Awareness - Aboriginal Studies, and Kim Beasy, Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy (Equity and Diversity)Parents and carers were
  34. Thumbnail for How Councils help with affordable housing

    How Councils help with affordable housing
    5 Jun 2018: Tasmania is in the grip of a rental housing affordability crisis. What do local governments do to help?Rural areas in particular lack rental options. To find housing, older people living in rural areas may often face a heartbreaking decision to
  35. Thumbnail for We need a new Australia Day

    We need a new Australia Day
    29 Nov 2017: The decision by ABC Triple J to move the Hottest 100, its popular musical countdown, from January 26 has reignited the smouldering controversy about Australia Day. The radio station has moved the 2018 poll from Australia Day to January 27 after a
  36. Thumbnail for Should Australia recognise the human right to a healthy environment?

    Should Australia recognise the human right to a healthy environment?
    28 Feb 2018: Australia is one of only 15 nations (a list that also includes Canada and the United States) that does not recognise the human right to a healthy environment at the federal level. Last year, the Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental
  37. Thumbnail for Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide

    Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide
    17 Jan 2018: At a public meeting in Hobart in the late 1830s, Solicitor-General Alfred Stephen, later Chief Justice of New South Wales, shared with the assembled crowd his solution for dealing with “the Aboriginal problem”. Voluminous written and
  38. Thumbnail for Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it

    Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it
    17 Aug 2017: Sending personal emails, a bit of online shopping, checking out your friend’s holiday snaps on Facebook: if you break up your work day with online activities that aren’t work-related, you may be guilty of “cyberloafing”. Cyberloafing –
  39. Thumbnail for How to cope with the stress of working alone

    How to cope with the stress of working alone
    1 Feb 2017: The nature of work in the gig economy - where workers have to support themselves and take on the risk associated with the job - undermines some of our fundamental human needs and can create a significant amount of mental stress. People often define
  40. Thumbnail for Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole

    Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole
    22 Aug 2016: Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Elizabeth Leane is one of three University of Tasmania authors to feature in the international expert series Earth, with the release of her latest book South Pole: Nature and Culture. Here is an excerpt from
  41. Thumbnail for The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer

    The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer
    3 Aug 2020: By Robyn Moore, School of Social SciencesIn his book Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe writes that settler Australians wilfully misunderstood, hid and destroyed evidence of Aboriginal Australians’ farming practices. My analysis of secondary school textbooks
  42. Thumbnail for We won’t close the gap

    We won’t close the gap
    19 Feb 2018: The recent Closing the Gap report has highlighted the lack of progress in Indigenous affairs since the apology to the Stolen Generations a decade ago. Although not a specific target, safe, appropriate and affordable housing is acknowledged to be a
  43. Thumbnail for Cows in Antarctica?

    Cows in Antarctica?
    16 Aug 2017: Elizabeth Leane, Associate Professor of English and ARC Future Fellow, and Hanne E. F. Nielsen, PhD Candidate in Antarctic Representations, investigate the unusual history of cows in Antarctica for The Conversation. Domestic animals are rarely
  44. Thumbnail for History textbooks still imply that Australians are white

    History textbooks still imply that Australians are white
    19 Jun 2017: Despite improvements to their content over time, secondary school history textbooks still imply that Australians are white. Textbook depictions of Australianness are not only relevant to experiences of national belonging or exclusion. Research has
  45. Thumbnail for Dark Mofo 2015 – students immersed in an award winning festival

    Dark Mofo 2015 – students immersed in an award winning festival
    25 Jan 2016: Tasmania’s 2015 Mofo and Dark Mofo festivals have been awarded one of the most coveted awards in the Australian performing arts industry – the Sidney Myer Performing Arts Group Award. Judges stated that the festivals “have captured the
  46. Thumbnail for Now the real work begins

    Now the real work begins
    24 May 2018: Banner image: Newly elected Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will need all the support he can get to enact the changes that Malaysia needs. EPAThe euphoria over the change of government in Malaysia is unlikely to die down soon. In fact, the
  47. Thumbnail for Righting the wrongs of the past

    Righting the wrongs of the past
    9 Sep 2018: Historians are working with Australian Indigenous communities to return the bodily remains of their Old People to country from overseas museums and universities. The early years of Australian colonisation in the late 1700s coincided with the
  48. Thumbnail for Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?

    Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?
    8 Feb 2017: Stop the presses, Beyoncé is pregnant. For a brief moment last week, the headlines shifted from Trump to the “Queen Bey”, who dropped the news of her twin pregnancy on Instagram in a post garnering nearly 10 million “likes”. Beyoncé
  49. Thumbnail for Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?

    Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?
    23 Apr 2018: In this series - Budget policy checks - we look at the government’s justifications for policies likely to be in this year’s budget and measure them up against the evidence. In this piece we look at the need for personal income tax cuts. A large
  50. Thumbnail for For generation Facebook, online identities hold pitfalls and promise

    For generation Facebook, online identities hold pitfalls and promise
    9 Nov 2016: Despite suggestions that young people are losing interest in the platform, its 1. 5 billion users still puts Facebook at the centre of social media. The site was launched in 2004, and so those meeting Facebook’s minimum age requirement of 13 will,
  51. Thumbnail for Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia

    Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia
    24 Aug 2020: By Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaOn September 5, a coalition of online groups are planning an Australia-wide action called the “Day of Freedom”. The organisers claim hundreds of thousands will join them

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  • School of Psychological Sciences The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> value.count [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" at line 43, column 67] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${value.count?string} [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" in macro "Facets" at line 43, column 65] - Reached through: @facets.Facets facets=tabFacets [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-project.ftl" in macro "Results" at line 109, column 17] - Reached through: @project.Results [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 27, column 7] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "web/templates/modernui/funnelback_classic.ftl" in macro "AfterSearchOnly" at line 94, column 9] ~ Reached through: @s.AfterSearchOnly [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 25, column 5] ----