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  2. Thumbnail for It's game on for new psychological testing

    It's game on for new psychological testing
    27 Jun 2019: Have you ever spent way too many hours gaming? How do you know when it's become a real problem?The psychosocial and mental health implications of Gaming Disorder (GD) can now be better understood with researchers developing the world’s first
  3. Thumbnail for Study quantifies devils’ decline due  to facial tumour disease

    Study quantifies devils’ decline due to facial tumour disease
    4 Mar 2021: New research from the University of Tasmania has estimated the toll a deadly facial cancer has taken on Tasmanian devil populations since the disease was discovered in 1996. In a paper published in Ecology Letters, researchers traced the spread of
  4. Thumbnail for Nurses make their mark on the community

    Nurses make their mark on the community
    22 May 2019: Helping the community, lifelong learning, and a career that never gets boring: this is what nursing is like. Registered Nurses and lecturers in the University of Tasmania’s College of Health and Medicine, Grace Bennett-Daly (lecturer in Nursing,
  5. Thumbnail for Delving into the "black books" of convict knowledge

    Delving into the "black books" of convict knowledge
    20 Jun 2017: In 1803, the first of almost 73,000 convicts landed on what was then called Van Diemen’s Land. Over the course of the next 50 years convict clerks kept meticulous records of each new arrival in leather-bound volumes. Pouring over the voluminous
  6. Thumbnail for $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef

    $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef$2m-grant-from-the-ian-potter-foundation-a-win-for-the-great-southern-reefs-marine-life
    4 Nov 2022: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. But now an equally stunning and important reef that wraps around southern Australia is in the spotlight, thanks to a $2 million grant from The Ian Potter Foundation for a
  7. Thumbnail for Little study has big insights

    Little study has big insights
    17 Oct 2019: A study of Little Penguins in south-eastern Tasmania has shed light on how the marine predators adapt to subtle changes in environmental conditions to find food. To record their foraging behaviour, Little Penguins from three colonies around Storm
  8. Thumbnail for Got a great fish name handy?

    Got a great fish name handy?
    3 Oct 2019: Banner image by Dr Rick Stuart-Smith. A new census of what is believed to be the world’s rarest fish has identified that there are fewer than 100 adult Red handfish left on the planet, in the only two known surviving populations near Hobart,
  9. Thumbnail for Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants

    Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants
    1 Sep 2023: Four early-career researchers from the University of Tasmania have been awarded a total of $1,773,740. 00 in the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs), funded by the Australian Research Council. The funding scheme provides support across a
  10. Thumbnail for Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the law?

    Why do 'living people' believe they have immunity from the…
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaYou might have seen articles or comments on social media lately alluding to “sovereign citizens”, or “SovCits” for short, with some reports suggesting COVID-19
  11. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  12. Thumbnail for Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution

    Australian islands home to 414 million pieces of plastic pollution
    18 May 2019: Banner image: Dr Jennifer Lavers  and Silke Stuckenbrock with plastic debris on Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Image credit: Silke Stuckenbrock. A survey of plastic pollution on Australia’s Cocos (Keeling) Islands has revealed the territory’s beaches
  13. Thumbnail for Study reveals attitudes to Hobart's bushfire preparation

    Study reveals attitudes to Hobart's bushfire preparation
    24 Nov 2021: NEARLY one in five people living near bushland in Hobart plan to remain in their homes even under life-threatening bushfire conditions, while four in five expect to experience a serious bushfire during their lifetime, according to data collected
  14. Thumbnail for Ripple effect: handfish exhibition inspires next generation of marine scientists

    Ripple effect: handfish exhibition inspires next generation of marine …
    6 Feb 2023: At the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), we are always striving to deliver science and education that will have a positive impact in Tasmania and around the world. So it was an incredible experience for one of our marine ecologists
  15. Thumbnail for Technology has immense potential for extending mental health service capacity across Tasmania

    Technology has immense potential for extending mental health service…
    12 Sep 2023: This week is Social Sciences Week, and I will have the privilege of speaking directly with members of the Tasmanian Parliament about mental health in our communities and the potential for digital technologies to shape a more inclusive future for
  16. Thumbnail for The full bottle on climate change

    The full bottle on climate change
    8 May 2023: Tasmania enjoys a growing reputation as a producer of stellar sparkling wine, a worthy rival to the famed Champagne region of France. But research by Dr Tom Remenyi, one of the University’s climate research fellow in Geography and Spatial Sciences,
  17. Thumbnail for Workplace health programs a good idea

    Workplace health programs a good idea
    19 Nov 2018: Employers that provide programs designed to improve employees’ health and wellbeing need to ensure that funding and resources match their goals, otherwise they could be disappointed with the results. Researchers from the University of Tasmania have
  18. Thumbnail for Tagging tabbies for wildlife conservation

    Tagging tabbies for wildlife conservation
    23 Dec 2021: Cats are an enormous environmental problem in Australia, with the introduced species estimated to kill more than three billion animals per year. Monitoring cat populations is key to reducing their impact, however most monitoring methods such as
  19. Thumbnail for Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project

    Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project
    18 May 2016: How often do you stop to think about why you’re eating? Is it because you’re hungry? Or is it because you’re out at the football and there’s a meat pie within reach? And how much do men and women really differ in what they eat?A University
  20. Thumbnail for Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives

    Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives
    14 Apr 2016: Tasmania is one of the few places on the planet where it is possible to study intergenerational health issues. This is because the settler population was amongst the best documented in the British Empire. Why? They came against their will. The life
  21. Thumbnail for University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers

    University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers
    7 Oct 2020: As the yearning to further explore the galaxy remains high, the demand for space medicine to better understand human health, nurtition and performance in space continues to grow with Tasmania positioning itself to lead the field nationally. The

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