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  2. Thumbnail for Astronomers show how ‘spiral arms’ feed young, developing stars

    Astronomers show how ‘spiral arms’ feed young, developing stars
    28 Feb 2023: An international team of researchers including astronomers from the University of Tasmania have discovered the exact process of how high-mass stars are born. High-mass stars are like the atomic factories of the universe, generating many of the
  3. Thumbnail for Why you should never stop stargazing

    Why you should never stop stargazing
    3 Sep 2019: From a little boy staring in wonder at the night sky to the head of Physics at the University, Dr Andrew Cole has never lost his curiosity about the mysteries held in space. “I was inspired by the night sky and trying to understand why things
  4. Thumbnail for Researchers set to tackle pesky blackberry mite

    Researchers set to tackle pesky blackberry mite
    8 Dec 2017: Blackberries are meant to be black, but sometimes nature intervenes to create a multi-coloured problem for blackberry growers. A microscopic pest known as redberry mite is thought to cause this uneven ripening of blackberry fruit, typically creating
  5. Thumbnail for MS research at Menzies boosted by significant new grant funding

    MS research at Menzies boosted by significant new grant funding
    23 Feb 2023: Four researchers from the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research are amongst the recipients of 22 grants awarded by MS Australia in its latest funding round for multiple sclerosis (MS) research, providing a major boost in
  6. Thumbnail for Researchers to test potential of drug in fight against MND

    Researchers to test potential of drug in fight against MND
    15 Sep 2019: There could be new hope in the fight against motor neurone disease (MND). The potential of a drug to assist in protecting nerve cells from degeneration which occurs in motor neuron disease, will begin pre-clinical testing after Tasmanian researchers
  7. Thumbnail for Industry leaders recognised at Tasmanian Dairy Awards

    Industry leaders recognised at Tasmanian Dairy Awards
    17 Jun 2023: A Cressy-based dairy farm has been crowned cream of the crop in one of tightest competitions in the history of the Tasmanian Dairy Awards. It was third time’s a charm for Woodrising Dairies who were announced as the 2023 ANZ Dairy Business of the
  8. Thumbnail for Ambassador for the natural world honoured

    Ambassador for the natural world honoured
    26 Jun 2017: Internationally renowned geographer and conservation ecologist, Distinguished Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick AM, has received the Australian Heritage Council’s 2017 Sharon Sullivan National Heritage Award for his work on national and international
  9. Thumbnail for Going in for the krill

    Going in for the krill
    31 Jan 2023: After witnessing one of the first-ever documented supergroups of whales, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) student Maya Santangelo is fighting to shine a light on the dangers of concentrated krill fishing in Antarctica. After what
  10. Thumbnail for Tasmanian Devils and quolls are needed for ecosystem balance

    Tasmanian Devils and quolls are needed for ecosystem balance
    2 Nov 2022: University of Tasmania researcher Dr Matthew Fielding has discovered that quolls and Tasmanian Devils are needed for balance in the ecosystem. Dr Fielding spent several years studying the decline of quoll and Tasmanian Devil Populations on Flinders
  11. Thumbnail for Newest Superstars of STEM revealed

    Newest Superstars of STEM revealed
    30 Nov 2022: Three University of Tasmania early career researchers have been named as Superstars of STEM in recognition of their scientific research and science outreach. Dr Samantha Sawyer, who is assisting companies to grow sustainable food, Dr Indrani Mukherjee
  12. Thumbnail for Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants

    Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants
    1 Sep 2023: Four early-career researchers from the University of Tasmania have been awarded a total of $1,773,740. 00 in the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs), funded by the Australian Research Council. The funding scheme provides support across a
  13. Thumbnail for Tails you lose for lizards

    Tails you lose for lizards
    21 Jul 2019: The natural ability of lizards to drop and then regrow their tails is a neat evolutionary trick that allows them to avoid predators and remain alive. But new research from the University of Tasmania - published recently in Biology Letters - reveals
  14. Thumbnail for E-cigarettes aren't the healthy option

    E-cigarettes aren't the healthy option
    15 Feb 2019: If you think using an electronic smoking device is safer than cigarettes, think again. Researchers at the University of Tasmania have shown that the latest device on the international market, heat-not-burn (HNB) cigarettes, may be as dangerous to
  15. Thumbnail for University puts child safety courses on everyone's radar

    University puts child safety courses on everyone's radar
    18 Jul 2023: We all have a role in creating safer communities for children and young people, writes Dr Becky Shelley and Dr Mike GuerzoniIt has been made clear to us in recent years that child sexual abuse and its prevention is the uncomfortable conversation we
  16. Thumbnail for Scientists detect first isolated black hole roaming our galaxy

    Scientists detect first isolated black hole roaming our galaxy
    30 Jun 2022: If, as astronomers believe, the death of large stars leave behind black holes, there should be hundreds of millions of them scattered throughout the Milky Way galaxy. The problem is that isolated black holes are invisible. Following six years of
  17. Thumbnail for Charitable trust makes enduring impact

    Charitable trust makes enduring impact
    4 Apr 2023: The year before her death, Irene Phelps reflected on her life: the girl from a former gold mining town in northern Tasmania, who had started out sweeping floors at a women’s apparel store, had travelled the globe, established a new life in
  18. Thumbnail for Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean

    Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean
    10 Aug 2023: More than 250 people from 25 nations will meet in Hobart next week for the first-ever global conference of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) since its establishment in 2011. SOOS is an international initiative that enhances the coordinated
  19. Thumbnail for New partnership plans Tasmanian sonar test facility

    New partnership plans Tasmanian sonar test facility
    24 Jul 2018: Update April 2024: The plans to establish a sonar testing facility in Tasmania did not proceed and the partnership is no longer in effect. The Australian Maritime College has partnered with international defence giant Thales to investigate
  20. Thumbnail for Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects

    Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects
    23 Jun 2021: Most Tasmanians aged over 50 experienced no serious effects on dementia risk factors, such as depression, anxiety and alcohol consumption, during the COVID-19 lockdown a Tasmanian study has found. In the first study of its kind, researchers from the
  21. Thumbnail for Possums bounce back on Maria Island

    Possums bounce back on Maria Island
    23 Sep 2019: The recent introduction of healthy Tasmanian Devils to Maria Island was initially bad news for the local possum population, a species blissfully ignorant of the predator’s existence. But the ability of the prey species to rapidly modify its
  22. Thumbnail for Lessons from Black Summer

    Lessons from Black Summer
    14 Aug 2023: The increasing number of extreme bushfires around the world, as currently seen in the US, Canada and Greece and previously during the Australian Black Summer, could exacerbate climate change and further disrupt the Earth system, leading to
  23. Thumbnail for Future wildfire warning for Australia

    Future wildfire warning for Australia
    7 Feb 2017: University of Tasmania Professor of Environmental Change Biology David Bowman led an international collaboration - including researchers from the University of Idaho and South Dakota State University - to compile a global satellite database of the
  24. Thumbnail for Breath of life for respiratory research

    Breath of life for respiratory research
    19 Dec 2018: Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome claim more than 3000 Australian lives each year and have mortality rates of approximately 30 per cent. Help is potentially at hand through mechanical ventilation, but the barrier to this
  25. Thumbnail for Women in Agriculture | Dr Samantha Sawyer

    Women in Agriculture | Dr Samantha Sawyer
    4 Dec 2023: One of the notable and welcome changes over the past 60 years has been the steady increase in the number of women electing to study and work in agricultural science. Graduation photographs from the early years of Agricultural Science at the
  26. Thumbnail for Southern Ocean holds deep clues to ancient carbon tipping points

    Southern Ocean holds deep clues to ancient carbon tipping points
    14 Mar 2023: Researchers have found a long-searched for giant carbon reservoir buried in the Southern Ocean between Tasmania and Antarctica. The reservoir is the result of a dramatic carbon drawdown 34 million years ago that transitioned Earth away from a
  27. Thumbnail for Science in service of a better cider

    Science in service of a better cider
    16 Jun 2017: Who doesn’t love a delicious crisp apple cider? Did you know that academic researchers are investigating how to improve your favourite beverage?That’s right, you can research how to make beautiful wines and ciders. The ancient arts of brewing and
  28. Thumbnail for Kudos for cracking cubed poo code

    Kudos for cracking cubed poo code
    16 Sep 2019: A cubed conundrum has for decades baffled bushwalkers and biological scientists alike. New research from the University of Tasmania’s Dr Scott Carver, Dr Ashley Edwards and Dr Alynn Martin – together with Georgia Tech’s Professor David Hu –
  29. Thumbnail for Did you know the lucky country is sinking?

    Did you know the lucky country is sinking?
    16 Jun 2017: Are you living in Australia? Do you ever get a sinking feeling? It could be because our continent is sinking. But don’t be alarmed just yet. Surveyor and University of Tasmania PhD candidate Anna Riddell is investigating. After an exciting career
  30. Thumbnail for Research confirms benefits of reduced sedative use in aged-care

    Research confirms benefits of reduced sedative use in aged-care
    8 Sep 2020: New research has put to the test long-held beliefs that reducing the use of sedative medications in aged care facilities would worsen symptoms. Clinica data was collected from 28 of the 150 facilities involved in RedUSe (Reducing Use of Sedatives) -
  31. Thumbnail for Eureka! Airport safety innovation wins prestigious prize

    Eureka! Airport safety innovation wins prestigious prize
    28 Aug 2019: A portable device which rapidly detects homemade explosives, using technology invented at the University of Tasmania, has won a prestigious Eureka Prize. The University, together with commercial partner Grey Innovation, was successful in the
  32. Thumbnail for Spotlight on a devil researcher: Professor Greg Woods

    Spotlight on a devil researcher: Professor Greg Woods
    23 Apr 2024: As we look back on 21 years of fundraising to protect the Tasmanian devil from Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD1 and DFTD2), it is a good time to highlight some of the critical work undertaken in the early days. Professor Greg Woods with PhD
  33. Thumbnail for Stand clear for the methane busters

    Stand clear for the methane busters
    8 May 2023: Methane is estimated to contribute about 14. 5 per cent of anthropogenic, or human-generated, greenhouse gas emissions. And one of its main sources happens to be one of our key industries: livestock. It’s a problem for the atmosphere and,
  34. Thumbnail for Changing climate puts the heat on regeneration

    Changing climate puts the heat on regeneration
    30 May 2018: Regeneration after bushfires could be compromised by climate change, research shows. Scientists from the University of Tasmania’s School of Natural Sciences looked at how certain chemicals, produced by bushfires and crucial to stimulating new
  35. Thumbnail for PhD - the real passion project

    PhD - the real passion project
    7 Jun 2017: If you’re searching for a thesis topic, you have to ask yourself, what am I obsessed with?Do you want to cure cancer, dissect Great Expectations, or save an endangered frog? Do you hunt down rare black and white films to watch, or do you spend a
  36. Thumbnail for Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret

    Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret
    30 Oct 2017: A new study into the breeding of salt-tolerant crops has made an important finding, which could prove instrumental in long-term efforts to address global food security. The research, published in the journal Cell Research, found that quinoa, which
  37. Thumbnail for Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals

    Six steps towards achieving sustainability goals
    8 May 2023: For many years our University has been working hard to deliver more sustainable outcomes for Tasmania, and from Tasmania to the world. We know that our mission is a pressing one. Now is the time to create a society based on a climate positive and
  38. Thumbnail for A paramedic education that opens doors and opportunities

    A paramedic education that opens doors and opportunities
    19 Dec 2018: From call-outs to serious car crashes on remote outback highways to delivering babies in tropical Darwin…it’s all in a day’s work for paramedic Justin Blomeley. When paramedicine becomes a nationally regulated profession on December 1,
  39. Thumbnail for Cool climate triggers sex reversal in lizards

    Cool climate triggers sex reversal in lizards
    23 Aug 2022: A new study has found a species of Tasmanian lizard can change sex before birth when it is exposed to cool temperatures in utero. Researchers from the University of Tasmania have discovered the Tasmanian spotted snow skink can switch from female to
  40. Thumbnail for What if your GP prescribed exercise plans for health issues?

    What if your GP prescribed exercise plans for health issues?
    19 Dec 2018: University of Tasmania School of Health Sciences researcher Andrew Williams wants to encourage general practitioners (GPs) to use ‘tailored exercise regimes’ as one of their prescriptions for health issues. Dr Williams is one of six University
  41. Thumbnail for Hobart families support the training of medical students

    Hobart families support the training of medical students
    7 Apr 2017: Each year generous Hobart families with newborn babies open their doors to University of Tasmania medical students, as part of the Kids and Families Program. A unique and important part of training for students, the School of Medicine program has run
  42. Thumbnail for Hear two of our leading scientists discuss their work

    Hear two of our leading scientists discuss their work
    28 Aug 2017: "The art of science: one opinion on how to be a successful researcher" (Professor Barry Brook)Science is the systematic study of the natural world using observation and experiment. Art is the flourish of human creativity, imagination and emotion.
  43. Thumbnail for Scientists rescue red handfish in hot water this summer

    Scientists rescue red handfish in hot water this summer
    31 Jan 2024: Twenty-five red handfish have arrived at IMAS Taroona in a rescue effort to safeguard them against the predicted high sea and atmospheric temperatures this summer. “The home of the red handfish is facing severe habitat loss and degradation,
  44. Thumbnail for No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in Tasmania

    No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in…
    1 Mar 2023: For the first time in Australia, a form of fertility control is being trialled to manage a major pest to the apple industry, codling moth. Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are partnering with local apple growers to pilot a
  45. Thumbnail for Cracking joints isn’t bad for you and could even serve a purpose

    Cracking joints isn’t bad for you and could even serve a purpose
    27 Jan 2022: Some people habitually crack their joints, others can’t, and many are irritated by those who do. So what’s going on? Why do people do it, is it harmful, what makes the noises, and what would happen if our joints weren’t able to crack?Before
  46. Thumbnail for New age of Antarctic exploration

    New age of Antarctic exploration
    8 May 2023: People often look at me oddly when I mention that my research focuses on Antarctica. It’s not what they expect from a humanities academic. That’s understandable. Antarctica is the only continent where humans have never lived permanently. But the
  47. Thumbnail for Breathing easier with Bad Air Day alerts

    Breathing easier with Bad Air Day alerts
    19 Oct 2018: If you're among the 25 per cent of Australians with a chronic respiratory condition, a bad air day—with high pollen counts, pollution or bushfire smoke—can trigger a bout of illness that may even send you to hospital. Now AirRater, a free mobile
  48. Thumbnail for Top five PhD survival tips

    Top five PhD survival tips
    7 Jun 2017: 1. Write! Anything! Getting your thoughts down on paper really helps get your brain working. Even if what you write isn’t great, just get something down. You can refine it and edit it later. 2. Create a work zone Co-ordinated sticky notes. Your
  49. Thumbnail for This PhD student is making concerts sound better

    This PhD student is making concerts sound better
    16 Jun 2017: How do you know if a concert venue is going to make an evening of music amazing or just OK? You ask an engineer. Specifically, an acoustician, like University of Tasmania Engineering PhD student Lily Panton. Lily studies the acoustics of concert
  50. Thumbnail for Short film shines a light on dementia experiences

    Short film shines a light on dementia experiences
    22 Jun 2021: An animated short film designed to highlight the social isolation often experienced by people living with dementia has been launched. The three-and-a-half-minute film, Rosa and Max, is produced by award-winning Tasmanian animator Amara Gantz in
  51. Thumbnail for Researchers join forces to help save Tassie wombats

    Researchers join forces to help save Tassie wombats
    24 Jul 2019: New research is offering hope that the deadly mange disease affecting Tasmanian wombats could eventually be brought under control for wild individuals and populations. Long-term disease control or eradication in wildlife is rare and represents a

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