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  2. Thumbnail for Meet our researchers: Dr Adam Langworthy

    Meet our researchers: Dr Adam Langworthy
    8 Nov 2023: Get to know the dedicated individuals behind the cutting-edge research at TIA. Name: Dr Adam LangworthyJob title: Research Fellow in Livestock ProductionWhat are you working on? At the moment, my biggest research focus is the multi-year farmlet study
  3. Thumbnail for Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects

    Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects
    23 Jun 2021: Most Tasmanians aged over 50 experienced no serious effects on dementia risk factors, such as depression, anxiety and alcohol consumption, during the COVID-19 lockdown a Tasmanian study has found. In the first study of its kind, researchers from the
  4. Thumbnail for Research partnership to yield results

    Research partnership to yield results
    12 Dec 2022: The research is being undertaken by the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture and aims to increase the yield of cannabinoids that have potential for medicinal application. Martha Jane Medical is an Australian medicinal cannabis company focused on
  5. Thumbnail for Seeking Tasmanian wine businesses for new research collaboration

    Seeking Tasmanian wine businesses for new research collaboration
    11 Aug 2023: Tasmanian wine businesses are invited to participate in a new research project where they will be supported to run on-vineyards trials to improve management practices for botrytis bunch rot disease. Botrytis is a major challenge for wine grape
  6. Thumbnail for Science in service of a better cider

    Science in service of a better cider
    16 Jun 2017: Who doesn’t love a delicious crisp apple cider? Did you know that academic researchers are investigating how to improve your favourite beverage?That’s right, you can research how to make beautiful wines and ciders. The ancient arts of brewing and
  7. Thumbnail for $8 million to be poured into drought resilience in agriculture

    $8 million to be poured into drought resilience in agriculture$8-million-to-be-poured-into-drought-resilience-in-agriculture
    14 Apr 2021: A ‘drought hub’ will be established in Tasmania to improve regional drought resilience, with the support of $8 million in funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund successfully secured by the Tasmanian Institute of
  8. Thumbnail for Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret

    Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret
    30 Oct 2017: A new study into the breeding of salt-tolerant crops has made an important finding, which could prove instrumental in long-term efforts to address global food security. The research, published in the journal Cell Research, found that quinoa, which
  9. Thumbnail for Project milestone key to TIA’s dairy transformation

    Project milestone key to TIA’s dairy transformation
    10 Dec 2021: A key milestone in the upgrades to the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture’s (TIA) Research Farms was officially launched on Wednesday, December 8. The University of Tasmania’s Vice Chancellor Professor Rufus Black and Minister for Primary
  10. Thumbnail for A very healthy boost for expertise

    A very healthy boost for expertise
    18 Jun 2018: New Australian Government funding for rural and regional preventative health research in the North West will support the University of Tasmania’s efforts to place the best of science in communities where it can help the most. Prime Minister
  11. Thumbnail for #ImReady is set to help kids get healthier

    #ImReady is set to help kids get healthier
    31 Jul 2017: The University of Tasmania is funding a project which aims to find lasting ways to improve Tasmania’s childhood and adolescent obesity and overweight statistics, which are some of the highest in the country. The inaugural #ImReady project will help
  12. Thumbnail for Creative & personalised foods for the future

    Creative & personalised foods for the future
    22 Apr 2021: First-generation, small-scale commercial additive food manufacturing machines are more accessible and affordable. Additive manufacturing involves producing objects by layering materials one layer at a time. Food additive manufacturing has several
  13. Thumbnail for Pasture soils under the microscope

    Pasture soils under the microscope
    1 May 2023: By Rohan Borojević, Industry Development Officer at the Tasmanian Institute of AgricultureA three-year project is underway at TIA's Dairy Research Facility to better understand the impact that different pasture species and fertiliser
  14. Thumbnail for TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED

    TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED
    8 Aug 2023: The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), in partnership with the University of Tasmania Island of Ideas public talk series, hosted a free event ‘Feeding Tasmania: Our food future’ as part of the agri-food festival agriCULTURED last week. The
  15. Thumbnail for TIA scientist named Young Agronomist of the Year

    TIA scientist named Young Agronomist of the Year
    26 Sep 2017: The Agronomy Australia Young Agronomist Award was presented at the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference in Ballarat, Victoria. The award recognises an agronomist aged 36 or under for their record of publications, supervision of PhD candidates,
  16. Thumbnail for New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms

    New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms
    19 Jul 2023: A major research trial is set to commence at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture Dairy Research Facility in the coming weeks, with researchers aiming to find practical solutions to reduce the amount of nitrogen used on dairy farms without
  17. Thumbnail for Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity

    Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity
    20 Nov 2023: Two field days are being held in Tasmania’s Midlands this week (21-22 November) to help local farmers increase the productivity of their pastures. More than 50 people are expected to attend across the two days, with events in Longford and
  18. Thumbnail for $150,000 to improve soil health for potato industry

    $150,000 to improve soil health for potato industry
    3 Jul 2017: The one-year project is funded by Hort Innovation with in-kind contributions from TIA. It will provide tangible benefits to potato industry levy payers around Australia through the development of extension materials and identification of priorities
  19. Thumbnail for E-cigarettes aren't the healthy option

    E-cigarettes aren't the healthy option
    15 Feb 2019: If you think using an electronic smoking device is safer than cigarettes, think again. Researchers at the University of Tasmania have shown that the latest device on the international market, heat-not-burn (HNB) cigarettes, may be as dangerous to
  20. Thumbnail for Should agricultural carbon accounting include land use?

    Should agricultural carbon accounting include land use?
    4 Oct 2023: Opinion piece by Dr Rowan Eisner, Agricultural Systems Modeller at the Tasmania Institute of Agriculture Currently, if a farm has its carbon emissions assessed, land use is not included in the calculation. It doesn’t matter whether a cow takes up
  21. Thumbnail for Antarctic-bound doctors left out in the cold

    Antarctic-bound doctors left out in the cold
    1 Aug 2017: Antarctic-bound doctors have spent a wet and wild week in the Tasmanian wilderness, honing their cold climate and remote medicine skills. During the eight day Expedition Medicine Winter Course, run by the University of Tasmania and Australian

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