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  2. Thumbnail for Clever devils coexisting with cancer

    Clever devils coexisting with cancer
    15 Feb 2018: The deadly devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) affecting Tasmanian devils has triggered evolutionary responses in the species which may help them to coexist with the cancer, new research has found. Researchers from Australia and France reviewed the
  3. Thumbnail for Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold

    Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold
    8 May 2023: In early 2020 the World Meteorological Organization warned that the volume of ice shed annually from Antarctica had increased at least sixfold since 1979. The 14-million-square-kilometre continent that locks up 90 per cent of the world’s fresh
  4. Thumbnail for World first: trial of Tasmanian Devil vaccine begins in the wild

    World first: trial of Tasmanian Devil vaccine begins in the wild
    15 Oct 2015: The release of 19 immunised devils into Tasmania’s Narawntapu National Park marks an important point in the quest to save the Tasmanian devil from extinction – it is the first time a vaccine against the deadly cancer threatening the species has
  5. Thumbnail for Wildfire modelling study answers burning question for the first time

    Wildfire modelling study answers burning question for the first time
    22 Jan 2018: For the first time, researchers at the University of Tasmania have modelled how effective certain types of prescribed burning scenarios are in reducing wildfire risk at a regional scale. In the largest simulation study of its kind, the effectiveness
  6. Thumbnail for Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species

    Shrinking glaciers offer surprising benefits for one species
    18 Mar 2016: Shrinking glaciers in the Antarctic is a global concern. But for one species, there are surprising benefits. A study led by Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researcher Jane Younger has found that Adelie penguins in East Antarctica
  7. Thumbnail for Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania

    Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania
    28 May 2020: Every three months Matthew Fielding arrives at Melbourne Airport with a large box to put on a plane. When he tells the airline staff what’s in it, they rush off to speak to their managers, mouths agape. After all, it’s not every day you are asked
  8. Thumbnail for You've got a friend in me

    You've got a friend in me
    16 Nov 2017: Man’s best friend is taking a giant leap forward in helping with the ecological restoration of threatened species. Researchers from the University of Tasmania’s School of Biological Sciences are part of a coordinated effort to help save the
  9. Thumbnail for Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search

    Rare fish handily appears right before researchers give up search
    23 Jan 2018: A team of divers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the citizen science project Reef Life Survey (RLS) have discovered a new population of what is believed to be the world’s rarest fish. Red handfish (Thymichthys politus
  10. Thumbnail for Immunised devils fighting cancer from within

    Immunised devils fighting cancer from within
    22 Feb 2018: A new study has found more than 95 per cent of Tasmanian devils immunised prior to being released into the wild have generated a robust antibody response to the deadly devil facial tumour disease (DFTD). Lead author Dr Ruth Pye from the University
  11. Thumbnail for When Australia’s top young economist talks oil, the world listens

    When Australia’s top young economist talks oil, the world listens
    5 Mar 2018: While the installation and use of renewable energy is growing faster than ever before, one thing’s for sure, says Australia’s top-ranked young economist: oil isn’t going anywhere. As the world’s population continues to grow at a rapid rate,
  12. Thumbnail for Pharmacy students learn a Loch abroad

    Pharmacy students learn a Loch abroad
    10 Feb 2017: Two University of Tasmania students were lucky enough to explore beautiful Scotland as part of their Pharmacy studies. Nawwar Alshawi and Tyler Fenton travelled across Scotland over six weeks, learning about Scottish pharmacy practices. The pair
  13. Thumbnail for 6 reasons to study Project Management

    6 reasons to study Project Management
    9 Jan 2020: Knowing how to successfully manage a project from start to finish can be the difference between success and failure. It is an increasingly in-demand skill and studying it can boost a career in any industry. Project management is as broad as the
  14. Thumbnail for Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction

    Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction
    21 Sep 2020: They may not be cute and cuddly, but these Aussie animals need our help before it is too late. A new study from the Threatened Species Recovery Hub predicts that 11 species of snakes and lizards are likely to become extinct by 2040 unless there is a
  15. Thumbnail for Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots

    Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots
    17 Dec 2020: After years of training, two very special Guardian dogs are ready to fulfil their mission to help bring the endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot back from extinction in the wild. In a collaborative research trial between Zoos Victoria and the
  16. Thumbnail for Discovering the diversity of agriculture

    Discovering the diversity of agriculture
    19 Dec 2018: When a current agricultural science student visited Guilford Young College, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Lauren Rowlands. When Lauren was in her final year of college, like a lot of school leavers, she was unsure what career
  17. Thumbnail for Unlocking the eucalypt genome

    Unlocking the eucalypt genome
    22 Apr 2016: Ask Professor Brad Potts why he studies eucalypt genetics and he will tell you the answer is simple, “The excitement of discovery”. “If I had lived in another era I would have been an explorer,” said Professor Potts. “There is nothing like
  18. Thumbnail for Busting myths about the housing bubble

    Busting myths about the housing bubble
    19 Mar 2018: When it comes to the housing bubble in Australia, real estate investors usually cop the blame for driving property prices skyward. But one researcher is using unique industry data to build a profile of Australian investors that’s busting some of
  19. Thumbnail for Sex-change project set to transform aquaculture

    Sex-change project set to transform aquaculture
    29 Aug 2015: The ability to switch the sex of some crustacean species looks likely to offer increased advantages to an already hi-tech aquaculture sector, thanks to research being undertaken by the University of Tasmania's Institute for Marine and Antarctic
  20. Thumbnail for Broadening our horizons

    Broadening our horizons
    14 Aug 2017: The University of Tasmania sees itself as a bridge to the world, a bridge to the world of ideas and to the world of ethnicities and of cultures. That bridge is being increasingly criss-crossed by our students taking advantage of opportunities to
  21. Thumbnail for The “boring billion” is anything but...

    The “boring billion” is anything but...
    6 May 2016: PhDs should always tackle the big questions- but Indrani Mukherjee is investigating some of the biggest of all. Why are we here? More importantly how did we come into being? The answer is millions of years ago a single celled organism decided to
  22. Thumbnail for PhD for Prosperous Poppies

    PhD for Prosperous Poppies
    4 May 2020: A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of Tasmania’s poppy industry which has been battling a relatively new disease for the past six years - systemic downy mildew. A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of
  23. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  24. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  25. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    17 Dec 2020: Amid the global COVID-19 crisis, there is some good news about a wildlife pandemic which may also help scientists better understand how other emerging diseases evolve. Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has
  26. Thumbnail for This scientist is forcing a rethink of how we discover marine life

    This scientist is forcing a rethink of how we discover marine life
    22 Jan 2018: “I don’t have the usual academic background,” said Professor Graham Edgar, who’s running one of Australia’s most successful citizen science initiatives out of the University of Tasmania. With a focus on minimising human threats to the
  27. Thumbnail for Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar

    Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar
    10 Sep 2020: Wombats are nocturnal, solitary animals that spend the daylight hours slumbering in underground burrows. This subterranean habitat can range from a single burrow to a complex network of burrows with multiple entrances. While they tend to sleep alone,
  28. Thumbnail for Internship has life-changing outcomes

    Internship has life-changing outcomes
    21 Nov 2016: Niels van der Winkle has just produced a social return on investment report for not-for-profit organisation Colony47. They’ll present the report to the government in a case for funding that has the potential to change many lives. It's an
  29. Thumbnail for Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets

    Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets
    26 Feb 2018: “It’s like looking for a freak flood in Brisbane,” said Dr Nagaratnam (Sree) Jeyasreedharan, a lecturer in finance at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics. “We can model for 10 or 50 years, but what happens when there’s a
  30. Thumbnail for Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree

    Get out of here: How to study overseas for part of your degree
    5 Feb 2018: Read on to find out some of the best reasons to study overseas, as well as tips on when and how to organise some time abroad as part of your university studies – and how to afford it all. Why you should go“I can’t stress enough how much
  31. Thumbnail for Biotechnology: It’s the little things that change the world

    Biotechnology: It’s the little things that change the world
    27 Oct 2016: Kim Lee Chang is trying to improve the quality of life in society through a particular stream of science called biotechnology. Biotechnology is the application of biology. It refers to how we use the biological process of microorganisms for
  32. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight

    Darwin and the devil’s plight
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their own natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural
  33. Thumbnail for Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier

    Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier
    28 Nov 2017: “One of the things I love telling my students is no matter what David Attenborough says, Antarctica is not pristine. It’s been majorly messed with,” said Mark Hindell, Professor of marine science at the University of Tasmania in Australia.
  34. Thumbnail for California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up

    California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up
    31 Aug 2020: By Ross Bradstock, University of Wollongong, and David Bowman, University of TasmaniaCalifornia is ablaze, again. Currently, the second and third largest fires in the US state’s history are burning at the same time, and are only partially
  35. Thumbnail for From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey

    From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey
    18 Apr 2017: If you knew there was a bear in the wilderness near you, what would you do? For University of Tasmania graduate Jack Beardsley and his canine sidekick Cocoa, part of his job is to approach bears and see how they react. As a member of the
  36. Thumbnail for Scientists are closing in on one of the biggest mysteries in biology

    Scientists are closing in on one of the biggest mysteries in biology
    15 Jan 2018: It’s one of the longest running mysteries in human biology, and the kind of conundrum that keeps researchers up at night – how, on a molecular level, do our bodies keep track of the oxygen levels running through our cells?Common sense says there
  37. Thumbnail for The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail

    The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail
    2 Nov 2020: By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology; Louise Grimmer, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Tasmania; and Paul J. Maginn, Associate Professor of Urban/Regional Planning,
  38. Thumbnail for Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line

    Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line
    14 Dec 2020: The monster thundercloud that formed over the Dunalley fires in 2013 could soon become a more common feature of southern Tasmanian summers, UTAS scientists have warned. As anthropogenic climate change continues to fan dangerous fire weather
  39. Thumbnail for Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents

    Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents
    5 Apr 2016: Patents give individuals and entities the exclusive right to make and sell their inventions. If you invested considerable money and effort developing an invention, would it be fair for someone else to simply copy and sell it? The law says it’s
  40. Thumbnail for Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease

    Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease
    16 Jun 2020: Researchers from the University of Tasmania are fitting juvenile siblings Christopher and Callie with tracking collars that will measure for the first time not only who the devils interact with, but also where they go, thanks to the novel
  41. Thumbnail for Eagle eye on endangered bird

    Eagle eye on endangered bird
    26 May 2020: Ping. It’s another text message to Dr James Pay’s phone. This time, it’s from Wyatt, a fine feathered friend soaring above Mount Field National Park. Since James first moved to Tasmania five years ago, he jokes that he has received more text
  42. Thumbnail for Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched

    Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched
    17 Mar 2017: Launceston will be home to a new advanced manufacturing facility, producing sensors which would previously have been sourced from global hi-tech giants such as Japan and China. Partners today officially opened the University of Tasmania’s Advanced
  43. Thumbnail for Fish pest research to benefit two countries

    Fish pest research to benefit two countries
    28 Nov 2016: Malaysian scientist Dr Lokman Norazmi completed his PhD at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies in mid-2016 after four years’ study in Launceston into how to eradicate the tiny Gambusia, an unwelcome guest from North America that could
  44. Thumbnail for Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?

    Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?
    28 Nov 2017: The ocean is full of weird and wonderful creatures, from the enigmatic handfish to the large and ancient Maugean skate. But what about all the organisms we can’t see? As we zoom in on the oceans’ smallest life forms, just before we hit the realm
  45. Thumbnail for The bushfire royal commission has made a clarion call for change

    The bushfire royal commission has made a clarion call for change
    30 Oct 2020: By David Bowman, Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire ScienceThe bushfire royal commission today handed down its long-awaited final report. At almost 1,000 pages, it will take us all some time to digest. But it marks the start of Australia’s
  46. Thumbnail for From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....

    From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....
    31 Mar 2017: A new international study led by scientists from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the University’s Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) has highlighted how humans are being affected by climate-driven changes in the
  47. Thumbnail for How 'volatiles' affect wine – and what we can do about it

    How 'volatiles' affect wine – and what we can do about it
    20 May 2016: If you thought your taste buds were the most important thing in tasting wine, you’d be wrong. It’s all about your nose. Wine tasters aren’t swishing the wine around in their glass and plunging their noses in it for fun. We actually experience
  48. Thumbnail for Mapping the hidden sea life of Antarctica

    Mapping the hidden sea life of Antarctica
    15 Aug 2018: What sort of life do you associate with Antarctica? Penguins? Seals? Whales? Actually, life in Antarctic waters is much broader than this, and surprisingly diverse. Hidden under the cover of sea-ice for most of the year, and living in cold water
  49. Thumbnail for From Tassie to the US, with a "great start" from UTAS

    From Tassie to the US, with a "great start" from UTAS
    8 Nov 2016: In Clare Smith’s US hometown, it’s now “fall” and the leaves are turning orange and red. The snow, she says, isn’t far off either. As a girl from Hobart, she’s a long way from home. UTAS graduate Dr Smith is a medical researcher at the
  50. Thumbnail for Aboriginal fire management – part of the solution to destructive fires

    Aboriginal fire management – part of the solution to destructive fires
    23 Feb 2016: As destructive bushfires become more common there is increasing political discussion on how we manage them sustainably. Inevitably these debates raise questions of the past ecological effects of Aboriginal fire usage. There are two well-known
  51. Thumbnail for The search for extraterrestrial life in the water worlds close to home

    The search for extraterrestrial life in the water worlds close to home
    6 Mar 2017: The discovery of seven exoplanets around a star 40 light years from our Sun has raised the possibility that they could harbour life. Why? Because the astronomers who made the discovery believe some of the planets may have liquid water. And on

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