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  2. Thumbnail for 6 reasons to study Project Management

    6 reasons to study Project Management
    9 Jan 2020: Knowing how to successfully manage a project from start to finish can be the difference between success and failure. It is an increasingly in-demand skill and studying it can boost a career in any industry. Project management is as broad as the
  3. Thumbnail for The secret sex life of plants

    The secret sex life of plants
    10 Apr 2017: Sexual reproduction in animals and plants share common elements, but little was known about how the sex of plants is determined until University of Tasmania researchers discovered a gene responsible. Dr Scott McAdam, Associate Professor Timothy
  4. Thumbnail for A whole world of science on one beautiful island

    A whole world of science on one beautiful island
    6 Jul 2016: Students from NSW and Victoria were recently given the opportunity to explore all that Tassie has to offer on the University's SciCo science road trip competition. From our Mt Canopus Observatory to our Ice Core Lab at IMAS, the students were
  5. Thumbnail for Following her curiosity

    Following her curiosity
    1 Jun 2018: Courtesy of @pollymcgee. When some people enrol in uni, they have a traditional career pathway in mind. Want to be a teacher? Get a degree in education. Want to be a lawyer? Study law. But the job market is changing, with flexibility, resourcefulness
  6. Thumbnail for Hot take: The North West Coast is the Byron of Tassie.

    Hot take: The North West Coast is the Byron of Tassie.
    12 Mar 2020: Here’s an opinion you’ve probably never heard: The North West of Tasmania is the Northern Rivers of Tasmania. Yep, you read that right. There are a few reasons why Burnie is pretty much Byron Bay. There are shops selling trinkets from India and
  7. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  8. Thumbnail for Discovering the diversity of agriculture

    Discovering the diversity of agriculture
    19 Dec 2018: When a current agricultural science student visited Guilford Young College, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Lauren Rowlands. When Lauren was in her final year of college, like a lot of school leavers, she was unsure what career
  9. Thumbnail for University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers

    University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers
    7 Oct 2020: As the yearning to further explore the galaxy remains high, the demand for space medicine to better understand human health, nurtition and performance in space continues to grow with Tasmania positioning itself to lead the field nationally. The
  10. Thumbnail for Voyage to underwater volcanoes yields explosive findings

    Voyage to underwater volcanoes yields explosive findings
    29 Feb 2016: A major IMAS voyage to the Southern Ocean has ended in Hobart with the arrival of the CSIRO’s Marine National Facility research vessel Investigator after a 16, 000 kilometre journey. The voyage made news around the world when scientists on board
  11. Thumbnail for Dynamics of powerful submarine volcanic eruptions explored

    Dynamics of powerful submarine volcanic eruptions explored
    10 Jan 2018: For the first time a team of international researchers has been able to shed light on powerful deep ocean volcanic eruptions and how magma rises from the crust to the surface. University of Tasmania researchers led an international study of the 2012
  12. Thumbnail for Home and away

    Home and away
    22 Dec 2016: As the academic year comes to a close, student stories have emerged highlighting communities and friendships that are being forged at the University’s modern purpose-built National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) accommodation. Nursing student
  13. Thumbnail for The “boring billion” is anything but...

    The “boring billion” is anything but...
    6 May 2016: PhDs should always tackle the big questions- but Indrani Mukherjee is investigating some of the biggest of all. Why are we here? More importantly how did we come into being? The answer is millions of years ago a single celled organism decided to
  14. Thumbnail for Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens

    Looking at Antarctica through an advertising lens
    19 Mar 2018: Ever wondered how your perception of Antarctica has been shaped over the years? Influences are usually documentaries, advertising, or by reading books on the continent. Being a continent that is accessible to very few people, Antarctica is regarded
  15. Thumbnail for Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements

    Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements
    17 May 2017: When you’re holding a rock in your hand, you’re holding a piece of history millions of years old. Josh Phillips is a postgraduate in CODES, studying the trace element chemistry of hydrothermal minerals around ore deposits. Every rock tells a
  16. Thumbnail for Antarctica and the ties that bind

    Antarctica and the ties that bind
    1 Dec 2021: The recent arrival of the impressive new icebreaker RSV Nuyina to Hobart’s port is a reminder of the city’s strong connections to the south and long history of welcoming polar vessels. As one of only five Antarctic ‘gateways’, our city has an
  17. Thumbnail for PhD for Prosperous Poppies

    PhD for Prosperous Poppies
    4 May 2020: A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of Tasmania’s poppy industry which has been battling a relatively new disease for the past six years - systemic downy mildew. A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of
  18. Thumbnail for More than meets the eye...

    More than meets the eye...
    15 Apr 2016: Drones, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), can be used to collect information that’s invisible to the human eye. Dr Arko Lucieer is a Senior Lecturer in remote sensing and GIS in the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Group, School of Land and Food
  19. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  20. Thumbnail for Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today

    Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today
    31 May 2017: Two hundred years after Matthew Flinders circumnavigated Australia and mapped much of the coastline for the first time, community citizen scientists and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers are now following in his wake to
  21. Thumbnail for Fish hotspots the world's new natural laboratories

    Fish hotspots the world's new natural laboratories
    2 Sep 2015: Scientists have devised a new tool that can estimate commercial fish species to determine their sensitivity to climate change. It is ready for use and is providing knowledge on different fish in a range of global oceanic "hotspots" including
  22. Thumbnail for Earth’s missing measurements found with radio telescopes

    Earth’s missing measurements found with radio telescopes
    17 Feb 2020: Innovative research using University of Tasmania radio telescopes has discovered a way to calculate the Earth’s missing measurements. Satellites scan the Earth in bands. Every 12 days, a Sentinel-1 satellite passes Tasmania and scans a new
  23. Thumbnail for Kelp is on its way

    Kelp is on its way
    30 Aug 2015: Creating an artificial underwater forest to support marine life? We can kelp with that. Almost a year ago, University of Tasmania scientists transplanted 500 kelp plants to artificial patch reefs off Tasmania’s Maria Island – and they’re
  24. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  25. Thumbnail for Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery

    Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery
    12 Nov 2020: Beneath the sparkling waters of Tasmania’s ‘Blue Lakes’ lie three old open-cut mine pits that were targeted for tin. While the pristine blue appearance attracts water skiers and swimmers, the historic mine waste from the Endurance tin mine in
  26. Thumbnail for From plankton DNA to outer research reaches for the stars

    From plankton DNA to outer research reaches for the stars
    1 Nov 2016: The University of Tasmania has secured $9 million for projects ranging from using DNA to develop an Australian plankton record stretching back 1000 years, to using satellites to map remote vegetation and provide early warnings of droughts, diseases
  27. Thumbnail for Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science

    Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science
    18 May 2020: He’s just been on the phone to a world top 20 tennis player (he’s not able to reveal names!), dashed out of the office to grab dinner from his local delicatessen in Boston, Massachusetts before checking his calendar to see whether he needs to be
  28. Thumbnail for This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops

    This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops
    28 Nov 2017: “We’ve created a kind of ‘kindergarten for plants’,” said Professor Sergey Shabala from the University of Tasmania, describing the current state of global agriculture. “We provide them with everything they need: nutrients, water,
  29. Thumbnail for Tracking the clast to the blast

    Tracking the clast to the blast
    21 Jul 2017: Did you know that when an underwater volcano erupts, the pumice clasts it creates travel huge distances floating on the oceans, shedding mass as they go? Dr Martin Jutzeler, Lecturer in Earth Sciences, is investigating how far (and fast) these
  30. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  31. Thumbnail for Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions

    Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions
    22 May 2019: Predicting when a volcano will next blow is tricky business, but lessons we learned from one of Hawaii’s recent eruptions may help. Kīlauea, on the Big Island of Hawai'i, is probably the best understood volcano on Earth. That’s thanks to
  32. Thumbnail for Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late

    Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late
    10 May 2017: Mining for precious, base and ferrous metals can result in millions of tonnes of tailings and waste rock, which if left unmanaged can have dire environmental consequences. Poorly designed storage facilities can potentially leak pollution for
  33. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  34. Thumbnail for Geology: Understanding the discovery of water on Mars

    Geology: Understanding the discovery of water on Mars
    31 Oct 2015: Astronomers took us to Mars. But it is often geologists that are helping to satisfy our hunger for knowledge of the red planet. Geologists sit at the interplay between physics and chemistry. They are skilled at bringing information together to help
  35. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  36. Thumbnail for World-class AUV launched

    World-class AUV launched
    18 Aug 2017: An innovative new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) capable of diving up to 5,000 metres, operating underneath the ice and gathering data on Antarctic research missions was unveiled today at the University of Tasmania’s Australian Maritime
  37. Thumbnail for Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?

    Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?
    12 Aug 2021: Some students elect to study languages in their senior years because of personal interest, or because they have previously been successful in language learning. Others may choose to do so because of future career plans, or because they wish to
  38. Thumbnail for Revolutionary instrument uses black holes to measure Climate Change

    Revolutionary instrument uses black holes to measure Climate Change
    20 Sep 2016: University of Tasmania scientists have successfully completed tests on a revolutionary new instrument that will make it possible to measure the Earth and the effects of climate change with millimetre precision and also map our Galaxy. Measuring
  39. Thumbnail for In the future, boats might fly

    In the future, boats might fly
    6 Feb 2017: Sam Smith dreams of one day creating a boat capable of flying above the water. Impossible? Not with hydrofoil innovation research. Sam is studying his PhD at the ARC Research Training Centrefor Naval Design and Manufacturing at the Australian
  40. Thumbnail for Understanding colonial maps

    Understanding colonial maps
    31 Mar 2021: On Boxing Day 1832 surveyors across southern Van Diemen’s Land were huddled in their tents, sheltering from the rain. Poor Charles Wedge set out to work but was ‘obliged to return’, while Raphael Clint made no pretence, recording in his log,
  41. Thumbnail for Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'

    Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'
    30 May 2017: "In a driverless future, it will be vital that our cars know exactly where they are on the road, down to the millimetre. We’ve found that our current methods of measuring location may not be up to scratch. Changes on Earth’s surface, including
  42. Thumbnail for Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole

    Exploring humanity’s relationship with the South Pole
    22 Aug 2016: Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Elizabeth Leane is one of three University of Tasmania authors to feature in the international expert series Earth, with the release of her latest book South Pole: Nature and Culture. Here is an excerpt from
  43. Thumbnail for The search for extraterrestrial life in the water worlds close to home

    The search for extraterrestrial life in the water worlds close to home
    6 Mar 2017: The discovery of seven exoplanets around a star 40 light years from our Sun has raised the possibility that they could harbour life. Why? Because the astronomers who made the discovery believe some of the planets may have liquid water. And on
  44. Thumbnail for Combatting one of the most overlooked sources of global pollution

    Combatting one of the most overlooked sources of global pollution
    3 Sep 2018: One container ship can emit almost the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars, and yet, shipping emissions are often overlooked. Here’s how researchers plan on curbing this serious source of global pollution. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
  45. Thumbnail for Cows in Antarctica?

    Cows in Antarctica?
    16 Aug 2017: Elizabeth Leane, Associate Professor of English and ARC Future Fellow, and Hanne E. F. Nielsen, PhD Candidate in Antarctic Representations, investigate the unusual history of cows in Antarctica for The Conversation. Domestic animals are rarely
  46. Thumbnail for Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds

    Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds
    10 Apr 2018: Organic farmers have reacted with alarm to a draft review released last week that recommends mandatory fungicide treatment for certain plant seeds imported into Australia, including broccoli, cauliflower, radish and spinach. Over 19,000 people
  47. Thumbnail for Sea level rise: the answers lie beneath

    Sea level rise: the answers lie beneath
    22 Mar 2016: Sea levels are rising. It’s one of the biggest climate change problems facing humanity. The questions of how much and how fast have engrossed scientists across the globe. They’ve determined that sea levels are rising by about 3mm per year since
  48. Thumbnail for Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day

    Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day
    8 Feb 2018: Valentine’s Day means saying it with flowers. Last year Australians imported more than 5. 22 million rose stems between February 1 and 14, mostly from Kenya. Assuming typical bouquets of 24 roses, that’s 217,500 bouquets sold in two weeks. The
  49. Thumbnail for Why English classrooms and book clubs are life-altering spaces

    Why English classrooms and book clubs are life-altering spaces
    1 Jul 2019: “The English classroom should be that space where you can broaden your understanding of literature, become a better writer, become a better reader, and become more able to think and talk about the ideas and experiences that you get from books,”
  50. Thumbnail for Leunig, wellness and wokeness

    Leunig, wellness and wokeness
    11 Nov 2021: Michael Leunig’s journey from anti-war and anti-corporate provocateur to a critic of ‘wokeism’ and cancel culture is familiar and predictable. We’ve seen other prominent baby-boomer artists, thinkers and entertainers take the same path during
  51. Thumbnail for Why experts are predicting this species will change the future of food

    Why experts are predicting this species will change the future of food
    28 Nov 2017: As freakishly warm weather continues to wreak havoc on rainfall over the Pacific, the risk of major droughts and flooding has begun to surge around the world. But there’s another threat to our farmlands that’s a whole lot harder to see –

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