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  2. Thumbnail for Reviving an original Tasmanian language

    Reviving an original Tasmanian language
    19 Jul 2018: Truganini’s death in Hobart in May 1876 attracted worldwide attention. She was widely, but wrongly, believed to have been the last Aboriginal person to have survived the Tasmanian genocide. Her demise symbolised the devastating impacts of British
  3. Thumbnail for How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War

    How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War
    14 Mar 2018: As Hobart’s Old Government House was being demolished in the late 1850s, workers made a remarkable discovery. Lifting the floor, they found an old pine board covered with four rows of pictures. Six scenes painted in oils depicted interactions
  4. Thumbnail for We won’t close the gap

    We won’t close the gap
    19 Feb 2018: The recent Closing the Gap report has highlighted the lack of progress in Indigenous affairs since the apology to the Stolen Generations a decade ago. Although not a specific target, safe, appropriate and affordable housing is acknowledged to be a
  5. Thumbnail for Now the real work begins

    Now the real work begins
    24 May 2018: Banner image: Newly elected Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will need all the support he can get to enact the changes that Malaysia needs. EPAThe euphoria over the change of government in Malaysia is unlikely to die down soon. In fact, the
  6. Thumbnail for History textbooks still imply that Australians are white

    History textbooks still imply that Australians are white
    19 Jun 2017: Despite improvements to their content over time, secondary school history textbooks still imply that Australians are white. Textbook depictions of Australianness are not only relevant to experiences of national belonging or exclusion. Research has
  7. Thumbnail for Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?

    Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?
    23 Apr 2018: In this series - Budget policy checks - we look at the government’s justifications for policies likely to be in this year’s budget and measure them up against the evidence. In this piece we look at the need for personal income tax cuts. A large
  8. Thumbnail for Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?

    Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?
    8 Feb 2017: Stop the presses, Beyoncé is pregnant. For a brief moment last week, the headlines shifted from Trump to the “Queen Bey”, who dropped the news of her twin pregnancy on Instagram in a post garnering nearly 10 million “likes”. Beyoncé
  9. Thumbnail for Crossfit for your brain

    Crossfit for your brain
    17 Jul 2016: Did you know people with low educational attainment have a higher risk of developing dementia? What can help? Crossfit for your brain. The Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre has a new MOOC, Preventing Dementia, which will help exercise
  10. Thumbnail for For generation Facebook, online identities hold pitfalls and promise

    For generation Facebook, online identities hold pitfalls and promise
    9 Nov 2016: Despite suggestions that young people are losing interest in the platform, its 1. 5 billion users still puts Facebook at the centre of social media. The site was launched in 2004, and so those meeting Facebook’s minimum age requirement of 13 will,
  11. Thumbnail for A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place

    A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place
    10 Oct 2018: The island of Tasmania lies suspended beneath Australia like a heart-shaped pendant of sapphire, emerald and tourmaline. Here is where the world runs out, crumbling into the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean. Island Story: Tasmania in Object and
  12. Thumbnail for Soldiers, thieves, Māori warriors

    Soldiers, thieves, Māori warriors
    25 Oct 2017: Soon after it became a British colony, New Zealand began shipping the worst of its offenders across the Tasman Sea. Between 1843 and 1853, an eclectic mix of more than 110 soldiers, sailors, Māori, civilians and convict absconders from the
  13. Thumbnail for Can you tell fact from fiction in the news?

    Can you tell fact from fiction in the news?
    10 Sep 2018: Have you clicked through to this article from your news feed? Are you checking it on your phone? More of us are consuming news online, and increasingly we’re turning to social media for news. Social media platforms are now the main source of news
  14. Thumbnail for First reconciliation, then a republic

    First reconciliation, then a republic
    26 Jan 2018: Professor Maggie Walter, Pro Vice Chancellor (Aboriginal Research and Leadership) and Professor of Sociology, examines Australia Day in this opinion piece for The Conversation. I have always been rather taken with Gary Larson’s Far Side
  15. Thumbnail for Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide

    Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide
    17 Jan 2018: At a public meeting in Hobart in the late 1830s, Solicitor-General Alfred Stephen, later Chief Justice of New South Wales, shared with the assembled crowd his solution for dealing with “the Aboriginal problem”. Voluminous written and
  16. Thumbnail for How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the ‘wilderness'

    How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the…
    24 Aug 2020: By Professor Libby Lester, Director, Institute for Social Change, University of TasmaniaTo understand Bob Brown’s impact on Australian political debate, watch Tasmanian commercial television and stay on the couch during the ad breaks. Here’s an
  17. Thumbnail for Righting the wrongs of the past

    Righting the wrongs of the past
    9 Sep 2018: Historians are working with Australian Indigenous communities to return the bodily remains of their Old People to country from overseas museums and universities. The early years of Australian colonisation in the late 1700s coincided with the
  18. Thumbnail for This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics

    This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics
    4 Sep 2018: Centuries ago, the English metaphysical poet John Donne famously observed, “No man is an island entire of itself,” conveying a universal truth that humans are necessarily connected to one another, that the human life is a life lived with
  19. Thumbnail for Making positive change for a better world

    Making positive change for a better world
    21 Jun 2017: From humble beginnings in north-west Tasmania, OXFAM Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Helen Szoke was determined not to let her situation at that point in her life dictate her future. She was determined to get an education and follow her
  20. Thumbnail for Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?

    Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?
    28 Nov 2021: There are two writing units in the Diploma of Family History that teach students about writing. Writing Family History focuses on individual stories while Writing the Family Saga helps students develop compelling multi-generational narratives.
  21. Thumbnail for On the trail of the London thylacines

    On the trail of the London thylacines
    9 Apr 2018: On a cold, dark night in the winter of June 2017, hundreds of people gathered on the lawns of Hobart’s parliament house to join a procession that carried an effigy of a giant Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) to be ritually burnt at Macquarie Point. In
  22. Thumbnail for Journey through the apocalypse

    Journey through the apocalypse
    29 Oct 2017: Half buried in the sand, uprooted stalks of kelp are like splashes of dark blood against the white quartzite, ground fine as talc. In the translucent shallows, tendrils of kelp flounce lazily as the water gradually turns to turquoise then a deep

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