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  2. Thumbnail for At Mona Foma, I encountered death rituals, underwater soundscapes, worship - and transcendence

    At Mona Foma, I encountered death rituals, underwater soundscapes,…,-i-encountered-death-rituals,-underwater-soundscapes,-worship-and-transcendence
    23 Feb 2023: Mona Foma has returned to Launceston. As always, the festival offers a diverse program of contemporary art, design, music and performance, and works that sit somewhere between. There will be bands, there will be lasers, and there will be queer
  3. Thumbnail for How Kelsey's move home was a move in the right direction

    How Kelsey's move home was a move in the right direction
    19 Nov 2018: When Kelsey Thomas finished Year 12 she thought the only way succeed was to leave Tasmania. “I left Tassie with the intention of going to Melbourne to get my degree because that was the misconception – that you needed to go to Melbourne to get a
  4. Thumbnail for Global impact of wildfires to intensify due to climate change

    Global impact of wildfires to intensify due to climate change
    19 Aug 2020: The global economic and environmental impact of wildfires is likely to worsen as a result of human-induced climate change and land-use patterns, according to a team of international fire researchers. In a paper published in the journal Nature Reviews:
  5. Thumbnail for A slice of university life

    A slice of university life
    29 Jun 2021: Whether it’s raising livestock, or trading on the stock market, rural students striving for a career in agriculture and business are being given the chance to study at the University of Tasmania, thanks to Domino’s registered charity, Give for
  6. Thumbnail for Delving deeper into your ancestry

    Delving deeper into your ancestry
    22 Mar 2019: Caroline, you completed the Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania. Tell us about your experience studying this course. I commenced the inaugural unit of the diploma, Introduction to Family History, in 2016. At that time, I had been
  7. Thumbnail for Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania

    Emu scats offer clues to times in Tasmania
    28 May 2020: Every three months Matthew Fielding arrives at Melbourne Airport with a large box to put on a plane. When he tells the airline staff what’s in it, they rush off to speak to their managers, mouths agape. After all, it’s not every day you are asked
  8. Thumbnail for Endemic animals being brought back from the brink by philanthropy

    Endemic animals being brought back from the brink by philanthropy
    19 Oct 2020: The need to protect Australia's iconic species has never been as great. It’s estimated the recent bushfires killed more than a billion animals. Those that survived the devastation lost large swathes of their habitat and face food and water
  9. Thumbnail for Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?

    Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?
    5 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will not move to the House of Representatives for further
  10. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  11. Thumbnail for Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots

    Guardian dogs provide safe haven for endangered bandicoots
    17 Dec 2020: After years of training, two very special Guardian dogs are ready to fulfil their mission to help bring the endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot back from extinction in the wild. In a collaborative research trial between Zoos Victoria and the
  12. Thumbnail for 6 reasons to study Project Management

    6 reasons to study Project Management
    9 Jan 2020: Knowing how to successfully manage a project from start to finish can be the difference between success and failure. It is an increasingly in-demand skill and studying it can boost a career in any industry. Project management is as broad as the
  13. Thumbnail for Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction

    Australian reptiles on the brink of extinction
    21 Sep 2020: They may not be cute and cuddly, but these Aussie animals need our help before it is too late. A new study from the Threatened Species Recovery Hub predicts that 11 species of snakes and lizards are likely to become extinct by 2040 unless there is a
  14. Thumbnail for Maths saviour honoured

    Maths saviour honoured
    2 Jul 2021: Physics and mathematics stalwart Professor Larry Forbes’s immense contribution to the University of Tasmania will endure, thanks to the establishment of a new scholarship in his name. It was a fitting way to mark the retirement of this highly
  15. Thumbnail for Workplace health programs a good idea

    Workplace health programs a good idea
    19 Nov 2018: Employers that provide programs designed to improve employees’ health and wellbeing need to ensure that funding and resources match their goals, otherwise they could be disappointed with the results. Researchers from the University of Tasmania have
  16. Thumbnail for The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you

    The top 5 things to do at Hobart Open Day if society fascinates you
    25 Jul 2018: Are you interested in how the law works, the dark side of history, or how to educate the next generation? Come to Hobart Open Day and hear from our staff and students about what to study to feed your thirst for knowledge. Whether you’re
  17. Thumbnail for Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.

    Why now is the perfect time to start study as a mature aged student.
    10 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 era sure has taught us a lot about resilience. Who would have thought six months ago that parents could work full-time from home while home-schooling children. Or that the economy would collapse, meaning tens of thousands of people are
  18. Thumbnail for University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers

    University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers
    7 Oct 2020: As the yearning to further explore the galaxy remains high, the demand for space medicine to better understand human health, nurtition and performance in space continues to grow with Tasmania positioning itself to lead the field nationally. The
  19. Thumbnail for From paddock to pallet to plate

    From paddock to pallet to plate
    12 Aug 2020: Tasmania’s booming horticultural exports to China will be enhanced by a supply-chain traceability system to be developed by University of Tasmania researchers. They have won $455,000 in funding for a new cloud-based system in a highly competitive
  20. Thumbnail for Delphine Lannuzel

    Delphine Lannuzel
    27 Jun 2023: Delphine Lannuzel’s feeling for the ocean - its health, many threats and challenges - first emerged with an eco-tragedy in her native France, in 1999, when the MV Erika, a Japanese-built tanker carrying 31,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, ran into
  21. Thumbnail for A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France

    A Belgian farmer moved a rock and accidentally annexed France
    12 May 2021: This week, a farmer in the Belgian town of Erquelinnes caused an international ruckus when he moved a stone standing in his tractor’s path. This stone marked the boundary between Belgium and France. By moving it 2. 29 metres, he expanded Belgium’s
  22. Thumbnail for Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time

    Honouring the extinct, one thylacine at a time
    27 Apr 2020: The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) might be extinct, but at least 764 specimens still exist in museums and collections around the world. Through an exploration of the lives, deaths and afterlife as museum specimens of individual thylacines, a new
  23. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  24. Thumbnail for How a biography brought me to family history

    How a biography brought me to family history
    11 Jun 2021: Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this article may contain the names and images of people who are now deceased. Back in the early 2000s, the Australian Dictionary of Biography decided to prepare a supplement
  25. Thumbnail for Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect

    Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect
    26 May 2020: As a young boy, Nicholas Clark watched ships go past his Legana home as they travelled up and down the Tamar River. “I came from a trades-based family and was always involved in building, repairing and making things, and tinkering with small boats,
  26. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive  their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    11 Dec 2020: Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has decimated Tasmanian devil populations is not likely to lead to their demise. The study, published in the journal Science, indicated that the devils’ pandemic is shifting
  27. Thumbnail for Self-driving ships to see us into 2050

    Self-driving ships to see us into 2050
    6 Aug 2020: Like self-driving trucks and trains, the future of commercial ships is set to rely on machine learning, artificial Intelligence, and smart satellite technology to improve shipping safety and efficiency. Australian Maritime College researcher Dr Reza
  28. Thumbnail for From architect to historian

    From architect to historian
    22 Jun 2016: Prue Slatyer thought Tasmania was missing an incredible opportunity to capitalise socially and economically from its regional historical assets. So she went back to university to change that. An avid traveller and established architect with a strong
  29. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight: is natural selection finding a way to combat cancer?

    Darwin and the devil’s plight: is natural selection finding a way to…
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural adaptations
  30. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    17 Dec 2020: Amid the global COVID-19 crisis, there is some good news about a wildlife pandemic which may also help scientists better understand how other emerging diseases evolve. Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has
  31. Thumbnail for How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era

    How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era
    13 Jul 2020: One good thing about lock down and life in isolation has been the lack of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Nothing was happening, and everyone was in the same boat and stuck at home in survival mode. No-one was traveling or out having amazing,
  32. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  33. Thumbnail for Katie's happy she changed track

    Katie's happy she changed track
    7 May 2020: Katie Fuller switched her career choice to have a "real go" and ended up navigating giant tankers“I started sailing in a Mirror dinghy and ended up keeping watch on oil and gas tankers,” AMC alumni Katie Fuller says of her career progression. The
  34. Thumbnail for Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project

    Not sure why you eat what you do? Sink your teeth into this project
    18 May 2016: How often do you stop to think about why you’re eating? Is it because you’re hungry? Or is it because you’re out at the football and there’s a meat pie within reach? And how much do men and women really differ in what they eat?A University
  35. Thumbnail for Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives

    Unlocking insights from one of the world’s greatest archives
    14 Apr 2016: Tasmania is one of the few places on the planet where it is possible to study intergenerational health issues. This is because the settler population was amongst the best documented in the British Empire. Why? They came against their will. The life
  36. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  37. Thumbnail for Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar

    Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar
    10 Sep 2020: Wombats are nocturnal, solitary animals that spend the daylight hours slumbering in underground burrows. This subterranean habitat can range from a single burrow to a complex network of burrows with multiple entrances. While they tend to sleep alone,
  38. Thumbnail for Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery

    Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery
    12 Nov 2020: Beneath the sparkling waters of Tasmania’s ‘Blue Lakes’ lie three old open-cut mine pits that were targeted for tin. While the pristine blue appearance attracts water skiers and swimmers, the historic mine waste from the Endurance tin mine in
  39. Thumbnail for How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people

    How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people
    31 May 2021: The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back of a rumbling wagon, sketching a war-torn landscape. A flashback to her childhood in an orphanage shows her looking at a map of a conflict zone. A
  40. Thumbnail for For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising

    For some kids, texting ability brings worries into socialising
    13 Jul 2017: Texting could be creating a literacy issue for children, but it is not the problem most people would expect. In a presentation to Education Transforms 2017 in Hobart, written language expert Dr Nenagh Kemp said her research with colleagues in the UK
  41. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight

    Darwin and the devil’s plight
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their own natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural
  42. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  43. Thumbnail for California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up

    California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up
    31 Aug 2020: By Ross Bradstock, University of Wollongong, and David Bowman, University of TasmaniaCalifornia is ablaze, again. Currently, the second and third largest fires in the US state’s history are burning at the same time, and are only partially
  44. Thumbnail for Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line

    Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line
    14 Dec 2020: The monster thundercloud that formed over the Dunalley fires in 2013 could soon become a more common feature of southern Tasmanian summers, UTAS scientists have warned. As anthropogenic climate change continues to fan dangerous fire weather
  45. Thumbnail for Opening the archives of White Australia

    Opening the archives of White Australia
    17 Sep 2021: The administration of the Immigration Restriction Act was a huge bureaucratic exercise, creating tens of thousands of records that today reveal personal histories of life under the White Australia Policy. Two recent online projects are opening up
  46. Thumbnail for Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia

    Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia
    31 Mar 2021: I’m a historian, but I’m not my family’s historian. That honour falls to my mum, who for the past twenty years or so has been delving into the lives of my ancestors. Mum started doing the family history after I began studying Australian
  47. Thumbnail for AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition

    AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition
    29 May 2020: AMC alumnus Tim Macdonald has lived life to the fullest of late, demonstrating the opportunities and adventure that an Australian Maritime College degree can unleash. Not only was Tim involved in the expedition which set a world record plumbing the
  48. Thumbnail for Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease

    Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease
    16 Jun 2020: Researchers from the University of Tasmania are fitting juvenile siblings Christopher and Callie with tracking collars that will measure for the first time not only who the devils interact with, but also where they go, thanks to the novel
  49. Thumbnail for Pioneers reclaimed

    Pioneers reclaimed
    28 Jun 2018: When a Melbourne retiree started the online Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania she had no inkling that her own connection to the island state would be revealed. The author with her first book. Former teacher Janeen O’Connell had
  50. Thumbnail for Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert

    Top 6 tips for studying at home from an expert
    8 Jul 2020: The COVID-19 crisis closed campuses, schools and workplaces around the world. This meant that many of us are now studying and working at home. Here are six great tips for effective study, straight from Associate Professor Kimberley Norris, clinical
  51. Thumbnail for Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat

    Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat
    5 Mar 2019: Heatwaves have killed more Australians than road accidents, fires, floods and all other natural disasters combined. Although recent research shows extreme cold is a worry in some parts of Australia, our hottest summer on record points to more

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  • Earth, Sea, Antarctic and Environment 326
  • School of Geography Planning and Spatial Sciences 326
  • Short courses 0
  • School of Psychological Sciences The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> value.count [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" at line 43, column 67] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${value.count?string} [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-facets.ftl" in macro "Facets" at line 43, column 65] - Reached through: @facets.Facets facets=tabFacets [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/matrix-project.ftl" in macro "Results" at line 109, column 17] - Reached through: @project.Results [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 27, column 7] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "web/templates/modernui/funnelback_classic.ftl" in macro "AfterSearchOnly" at line 94, column 9] ~ Reached through: @s.AfterSearchOnly [in template "conf/utas~sp-search/_default/simple.ftl" at line 25, column 5] ----