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  2. Thumbnail for Delphine Lannuzel

    Delphine Lannuzel
    27 Jun 2023: Delphine Lannuzel’s feeling for the ocean - its health, many threats and challenges - first emerged with an eco-tragedy in her native France, in 1999, when the MV Erika, a Japanese-built tanker carrying 31,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, ran into
  3. Thumbnail for Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid

    Mother of Dragons wasp flying to New Zealand's aid
    22 Jun 2020: IT’s the tree-top tussle that has University of Tasmania scientists abuzz – a Battle of the Bugs that promises to rescue a nation’s lucrative forestry industry from the brink of ruin. In what has been dubbed “Alien meets Game of Thrones”,
  4. Thumbnail for Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect

    Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect
    26 May 2020: As a young boy, Nicholas Clark watched ships go past his Legana home as they travelled up and down the Tamar River. “I came from a trades-based family and was always involved in building, repairing and making things, and tinkering with small boats,
  5. Thumbnail for Self-driving ships to see us into 2050

    Self-driving ships to see us into 2050
    6 Aug 2020: Like self-driving trucks and trains, the future of commercial ships is set to rely on machine learning, artificial Intelligence, and smart satellite technology to improve shipping safety and efficiency. Australian Maritime College researcher Dr Reza
  6. Thumbnail for Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold

    Polar research prevents us getting caught out in the cold
    8 May 2023: In early 2020 the World Meteorological Organization warned that the volume of ice shed annually from Antarctica had increased at least sixfold since 1979. The 14-million-square-kilometre continent that locks up 90 per cent of the world’s fresh
  7. Thumbnail for Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic

    Tasmanian devils may survive their own pandemic
    17 Dec 2020: Amid the global COVID-19 crisis, there is some good news about a wildlife pandemic which may also help scientists better understand how other emerging diseases evolve. Researchers have found strong evidence that a transmissible cancer that has
  8. Thumbnail for Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer

    Extreme heat and rain: there’s now more of both, for longer
    6 Jul 2020: By Jim Salinger, Honorary Associate, TIA, University of Tasmania, and Lisa Alexander, Chief Investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre, UNSWA major global update based on
  9. Thumbnail for Katie's happy she changed track

    Katie's happy she changed track
    7 May 2020: Katie Fuller switched her career choice to have a "real go" and ended up navigating giant tankers“I started sailing in a Mirror dinghy and ended up keeping watch on oil and gas tankers,” AMC alumni Katie Fuller says of her career progression. The
  10. Thumbnail for Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar

    Burrow-hopping on wombat researchers’ radar
    10 Sep 2020: Wombats are nocturnal, solitary animals that spend the daylight hours slumbering in underground burrows. This subterranean habitat can range from a single burrow to a complex network of burrows with multiple entrances. While they tend to sleep alone,
  11. Thumbnail for Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery

    Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery
    12 Nov 2020: Beneath the sparkling waters of Tasmania’s ‘Blue Lakes’ lie three old open-cut mine pits that were targeted for tin. While the pristine blue appearance attracts water skiers and swimmers, the historic mine waste from the Endurance tin mine in
  12. Thumbnail for Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science

    Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science
    18 May 2020: He’s just been on the phone to a world top 20 tennis player (he’s not able to reveal names!), dashed out of the office to grab dinner from his local delicatessen in Boston, Massachusetts before checking his calendar to see whether he needs to be
  13. Thumbnail for Darwin and the devil’s plight

    Darwin and the devil’s plight
    30 Sep 2020: Research into the deadly cancer affecting Tasmanian devils has found the marsupials are mounting their own natural defence against the disease. An international team from Australia, the US, United Kingdom and France has analysed the natural
  14. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  15. Thumbnail for California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up

    California is on fire. Australians watch on and buckle up
    31 Aug 2020: By Ross Bradstock, University of Wollongong, and David Bowman, University of TasmaniaCalifornia is ablaze, again. Currently, the second and third largest fires in the US state’s history are burning at the same time, and are only partially
  16. Thumbnail for This is how universities can lead climate action

    This is how universities can lead climate action
    19 Oct 2020: By Gabi Mocatta, Lecturer in Communication, Deakin University, and Research Fellow in Climate Change Communication, Climate Futures Programme, University of Tasmania, and Rob White, Professor of Criminology, University of TasmaniaUniversities are
  17. Thumbnail for The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail

    The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail
    2 Nov 2020: By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology; Louise Grimmer, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Tasmania; and Paul J. Maginn, Associate Professor of Urban/Regional Planning,
  18. Thumbnail for Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line

    Southern Tasmania in ‘pyro thundercloud’ firing line
    14 Dec 2020: The monster thundercloud that formed over the Dunalley fires in 2013 could soon become a more common feature of southern Tasmanian summers, UTAS scientists have warned. As anthropogenic climate change continues to fan dangerous fire weather
  19. Thumbnail for Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence

    Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence
    20 Aug 2019: Ooshies, the plastic collectible toys Australian supermarket chain Woolworths is using to lure shoppers to its aisles, aren’t just a bit of fun. They’ve been connected to a black market among Woolworths staff, frenzied online trading replete with
  20. Thumbnail for How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables

    How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables
    24 Aug 2018: Coles’ recent “Little Shop collectables” promotion has proved a hit with consumers, with entire sets of the toy products selling online for exorbitant prices. This success is interesting given recent conversations and media coverage around
  21. Thumbnail for AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition

    AMC alumnus took part in the history-making Five Deeps Expedition
    29 May 2020: AMC alumnus Tim Macdonald has lived life to the fullest of late, demonstrating the opportunities and adventure that an Australian Maritime College degree can unleash. Not only was Tim involved in the expedition which set a world record plumbing the
  22. Thumbnail for Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease

    Data-gathering devils to track spread of deadly disease
    16 Jun 2020: Researchers from the University of Tasmania are fitting juvenile siblings Christopher and Callie with tracking collars that will measure for the first time not only who the devils interact with, but also where they go, thanks to the novel
  23. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  24. Thumbnail for The bushfire royal commission has made a clarion call for change

    The bushfire royal commission has made a clarion call for change
    30 Oct 2020: By David Bowman, Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire ScienceThe bushfire royal commission today handed down its long-awaited final report. At almost 1,000 pages, it will take us all some time to digest. But it marks the start of Australia’s
  25. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  26. Thumbnail for What makes us sign up to subscription boxes

    What makes us sign up to subscription boxes
    8 Dec 2017: Everyone can relate to that excitement of ripping open a present or the anticipation before discovering what a package in the post contains. In fact, the rush of good feeling is very similar to what gamblers experience and it’s this type of
  27. Thumbnail for Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea

    Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea
    17 Jul 2020: By Shaun Brooks, University of Tasmania Associate, and Dr Julia Jabour, Adjunct Senior LecturerAustralia wants to build a 2. 7-kilometre concrete runway in Antarctica, the world’s biggest natural reserve. The plan, if approved, would have
  28. Thumbnail for Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems

    Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems
    16 Feb 2021: For a geoscientist, there could be few places more tantalising than Tasmania. Shaped by natural forces over billions of years; each rock, mountain, valley or stream offers scientists a unique window into the past. The state has a rich, almost
  29. Thumbnail for Location and voice technology are the future of retail

    Location and voice technology are the future of retail
    11 Apr 2018: Retailers, struggling to connect with their customers, have been trialling new technologies to blend in-store and digital experiences. Interactive kiosks, mobile-friendly websites and transactional apps have become the norm. But shoppers are looking
  30. Thumbnail for Why don’t more public places in Australia welcome pets?

    Why don’t more public places in Australia welcome pets?
    12 Mar 2019: Venture to the local shops and you’ll probably see dogs outside on the footpath waiting for their owners. Perhaps the store has provided a hook for dog leads and a bowl of water for thirsty canines. But travel further from home, into the city
  31. Thumbnail for Much more than milk and bread

    Much more than milk and bread
    20 Aug 2019: Do you have a corner store? Once an icon of suburban Australia, many neighbourhood corner stores vanished in the face of unrelenting competition from large supermarkets, global convenience franchises, modern service stations and extended trading
  32. Thumbnail for Westfield’s history

    Westfield’s history
    13 Dec 2017: The sale of Westfield to the French property firm Unibail-Rodamco draws to a close (with a A$32 billion reward) one of Australia’s greatest business success stories. But it also shows where Australian retail could be headed next. Westfield has
  33. Thumbnail for Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster

    Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster
    10 May 2021: The recent Australian bushfires shocked the world. Between August 2019 to March 2020 the fires burned from the subtropics to temperate zone, impacting more than 7 Mha of mostly Eucalyptus forests. These fires broke numerous records and reframed
  34. Thumbnail for How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the ‘wilderness'

    How Bob Brown taught us to talk about, and care for, the…
    24 Aug 2020: By Professor Libby Lester, Director, Institute for Social Change, University of TasmaniaTo understand Bob Brown’s impact on Australian political debate, watch Tasmanian commercial television and stay on the couch during the ad breaks. Here’s an
  35. Thumbnail for Fed up with always being in the slow queue?

    Fed up with always being in the slow queue?
    4 Jun 2018: Whether it is lining up to pay for your groceries, making a bank transaction, or waiting for a table at a trendy restaurant, time costs money. Remember that time is money. Benjamin Franklin, 1748As businesses become aware of the direct and indirect

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