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  2. Thumbnail for How does the media impact the way we look at food?

    How does the media impact the way we look at food?
    1 Jul 2016: University researcher Dr Michelle Phillipov is looking at the new relationships between the media industry and the food industry, including social media’s focus on food. Dr Phillipov and a host of other experts are investigating this meaty topic
  3. Thumbnail for Five reasons why a Science degree will spark a world of possibilities

    Five reasons why a Science degree will spark a world of possibilities
    16 Jun 2017: 1. There’s more to science than the white coat. When people say “scientist”, most of us picture someone in a lab wearing a white coat and goggles. OK that’s definitely part of being a scientist, but there’s also Geology, where you get to
  4. Thumbnail for From Tassie's law school to US courtroom

    From Tassie's law school to US courtroom
    25 Aug 2019: When Sam Wilson started university in Launceston, he never imagined he would one day be representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a prosecutor within Cape Cod, USA. Sam grew up in Scottsdale, located on Tasmania’s North East Coast, and
  5. Thumbnail for Making sense of news – fact from fiction

    Making sense of news – fact from fiction
    8 Jun 2018: Being bombarded with information from various digital media and social media platforms is a daily reality for the majority of teenagers. Deciphering the plethora of information can be overwhelming, especially with artificial intelligence and bots in
  6. Thumbnail for Building a bridge to the future

    Building a bridge to the future
    19 May 2017: Matt Cocks and his partner Jane stood in India, watching a bridge being built. Matt had just been made redundant, and the pair was travelling for a bit of a break while they figured out their next move. As they watched a team of men hauling woks
  7. Thumbnail for Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career

    Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career
    19 Dec 2018: It was the wicked problems facing the world that attracted Miriam McCormack to study agriculture in the first place, and now she gets immense satisfaction from playing a role in research into food security in developing countries. Miriam graduated
  8. Thumbnail for An honours project for a creative spirit

    An honours project for a creative spirit
    19 Nov 2020: Lily Bucher-Edwards embodies the Tasmanian spirit. Her passion for this beautiful island is palpable. Lily says she always knew that she wanted to stay in Tasmania, so she decided to follow her creativity and study a Bachelor of Business with
  9. Thumbnail for University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers

    University leads the way exploring space medicine frontiers
    7 Oct 2020: As the yearning to further explore the galaxy remains high, the demand for space medicine to better understand human health, nurtition and performance in space continues to grow with Tasmania positioning itself to lead the field nationally. The
  10. Thumbnail for Race car project helps students drive straight into industry

    Race car project helps students drive straight into industry
    26 Apr 2016: If you study Engineering at the University of Tasmania, you get to design, build and drive your own race car. Formula SAE is an international student engineering design competition, hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers. Students take on the
  11. Thumbnail for How marketing can ensure the sustainability of cultural institutions

    How marketing can ensure the sustainability of cultural institutions
    20 Jul 2018: “In for-profit firms, the perception is that there’s a trade-off between profitability and sustainability. It’s thought of as a natural dichotomy – and it’s a battle that’s been going on for 40 years,” said Dr Mark Wickham from the
  12. Thumbnail for Different island, different perspective

    Different island, different perspective
    19 Aug 2016: Moving from the town of Lamongan on the Indonesia island of Java, IMAS student Muhammad Arif Rahman wasn’t really sure what to expect of Tasmania. “To be honest, I didn’t know that much about Tasmania because it is a small island under
  13. Thumbnail for Two major firsts celebrated at winter graduations

    Two major firsts celebrated at winter graduations
    15 Aug 2016: It’s an occasion that truly brightens up our Tassie winter: 1270 graduands have donned their caps and gowns in four mid-year ceremonies at Hobart's Federation Concert Hall. This year, the University was celebrating two significant new groups of
  14. Thumbnail for How an after-school club turned into a career journey

    How an after-school club turned into a career journey
    24 Feb 2020: Supported by the University of Tasmania, Devil Robotics meets once a week to learn the fundamentals of designing, building and programming robots. University students mentor club participants who are in year five and up, often after they’ve spent
  15. Thumbnail for An artistic life

    An artistic life
    31 May 2016: Rebecca is a Principal Designer at Birrelli art design architecture, a business she co-owns with her husband Jack. “I went to art school because while I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I knew it would be in the creative fields,” she said. The
  16. Thumbnail for Activism through art

    Activism through art
    8 May 2018: Courtesy of @joshpringle. Tasmanians know Josh Pringle’s work well, even if they don’t know his name. His "Keep Tassie Wild" artwork can be seen on car bumpers, jackets, t-shirts and walls around Hobart and beyond, and his distinctive style is in
  17. Thumbnail for Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect

    Alumnus relishes role as Naval Shipyard Architect
    26 May 2020: As a young boy, Nicholas Clark watched ships go past his Legana home as they travelled up and down the Tamar River. “I came from a trades-based family and was always involved in building, repairing and making things, and tinkering with small boats,
  18. Thumbnail for From pastry chef to hospitality teacher

    From pastry chef to hospitality teacher
    2 Jun 2016: Kirsten Bacon has two passions. One is pastisserie, and the other is helping students learn. “I came to University as a non-school leaver. When I left school I went into a pastry chef apprenticeship. I had always wanted to be a teacher as well,
  19. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  20. Thumbnail for Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby

    Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby
    21 Dec 2017: Graduating University of Tasmania law and social science students were lucky to receive sound and experienced advice from the Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Justice Kirby, who is one of
  21. Thumbnail for Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career

    Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career
    25 May 2017: It was the wicked problems facing the world that attracted Miriam McCormack to study agriculture in the first place, and now she gets immense satisfaction from playing a role in research into food security in developing countries. Miriam, who
  22. Thumbnail for Hydrowood: a vast resource reclaimed

    Hydrowood: a vast resource reclaimed
    14 Nov 2016: Flooded to create water storage for energy production, these dead forests of 200 – 1000 year old trees have been submerged for more than 30 years. Thanks to innovative new harvesting and processing methods, this valuable timber is now being
  23. Thumbnail for AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job

    AMC alumni navigates sea of choices to dream job
    26 Nov 2019: AMC graduate kicks on in his fieldKeegan Graham-Parker grew up in a seafaring and fishing family from a small town south of Cairns so believed he was always likely to end up in a maritime-related industry. After school he went to sea for the better
  24. Thumbnail for Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob

    Leah's law: Seeking a better outcome for her mob
    27 May 2019: Because of Her, We Can!This was the theme of NAIDOC Week 2018: a celebration of the important roles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women hold in the community. There can be few women who embody the concept as wholeheartedly as University
  25. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  26. Thumbnail for From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology

    From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology
    23 Dec 2016: It is a conundrum that most school leavers face at some point. What career path should they take, what university to study at or whether to go to university at all?Dr Hannah Graham faced the same issues, choosing between the idea of going to TAFE or
  27. Thumbnail for Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science

    Small Town to Big League with Exercise Science
    18 May 2020: He’s just been on the phone to a world top 20 tennis player (he’s not able to reveal names!), dashed out of the office to grab dinner from his local delicatessen in Boston, Massachusetts before checking his calendar to see whether he needs to be
  28. Thumbnail for Alumni profile:  Dr Jaimie Cleeland

    Alumni profile: Dr Jaimie Cleeland
    31 Oct 2021: From crawling through colonies of penguins to studying albatross and working as a naturalist for Aurora Expeditions, Dr Jaimie Cleeland’s PhD has seen her travel to our planet’s deep south. What have been your career highlights since
  29. Thumbnail for Sowing the seeds for a sustainable dairy industry

    Sowing the seeds for a sustainable dairy industry
    2 Dec 2022: Seen from above, a 30-hectare section of the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture’s Dairy Research Facility (TDRF) at Elliott is curiously divided into a grid of 32 small equally sized blocks. At ground level, the blocks, marked out into 0. 92-ha
  30. Thumbnail for From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey

    From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey
    18 Apr 2017: If you knew there was a bear in the wilderness near you, what would you do? For University of Tasmania graduate Jack Beardsley and his canine sidekick Cocoa, part of his job is to approach bears and see how they react. As a member of the
  31. Thumbnail for The best decision she ever made

    The best decision she ever made
    11 Dec 2016: Elle Davis made a spontaneous choice to study Agricultural Science, and it turned out to be “the best decision” she ever made. “I had no idea this was what I wanted to do. Most of my immediate and extended family are medical professionals, and
  32. Thumbnail for The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail

    The suburbs are the future of post-COVID retail
    2 Nov 2020: By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology; Louise Grimmer, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Tasmania; and Paul J. Maginn, Associate Professor of Urban/Regional Planning,
  33. Thumbnail for Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence

    Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence
    20 Aug 2019: Ooshies, the plastic collectible toys Australian supermarket chain Woolworths is using to lure shoppers to its aisles, aren’t just a bit of fun. They’ve been connected to a black market among Woolworths staff, frenzied online trading replete with
  34. Thumbnail for How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables

    How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables
    24 Aug 2018: Coles’ recent “Little Shop collectables” promotion has proved a hit with consumers, with entire sets of the toy products selling online for exorbitant prices. This success is interesting given recent conversations and media coverage around
  35. Thumbnail for Interior design flair, passion and technical mastery...

    Interior design flair, passion and technical mastery...
    12 Dec 2016: The combination of design flair and technical skills gained through the Bachelor of Environmental Design at the University of Tasmania has seen Christine Green land her dream role. Just 12 months into her first job and she is the lead Interior
  36. Thumbnail for Why are we the way we are?

    Why are we the way we are?
    7 Jun 2016: Demographer Amina Keygan didn’t just enjoy studying Sociology, she fell in love with it, quite accidentally. “When I came to University, I was very interested in gender and social structures, and how we become who we are as people and what
  37. Thumbnail for From graphic designer to nurse

    From graphic designer to nurse
    9 Jun 2016: You might think graphic design and nursing are chalk and cheese, but for Adele Close the two careers give her the perfect life balance. “The design side is a really good creative outlet and gives me time at home with the kids. Whereas the nursing
  38. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  39. Thumbnail for A day in the life of a media student

    A day in the life of a media student
    21 Jan 2018: For Paul Strk, a casual news editor at the ABC and Bachelor of Media student, work and study feed into each other beautifully – but managing time is the biggest challenge of all. In his own words, here’s a typical busy day towards the pointy end
  40. Thumbnail for Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world

    Find out who you are, then make the changes needed in the world
    14 Oct 2016: In high school she followed her passions, at University she learned how to argue for them. Now she stands up for them in the highest office in the land. Lisa Singh never strayed from what she believes in, and it has taken her right to the top. I
  41. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  42. Thumbnail for Law students shine on world stage

    Law students shine on world stage
    19 Aug 2019: Image: L to R Georgina Barnes, Natasha Perry and Meghan Scolyer at Victoria Falls. Images courtesy of Georgina Barnes. Being a small law school on an island has many advantages. One is smaller class sizes, so lecturers know their students well and
  43. Thumbnail for The lawyer land warrior

    The lawyer land warrior
    3 Jun 2018: When a handful of volunteers gathered in 2001 no one could have envisaged the Tasmanian Land Conservancy's extraordinary trajectory. Jane Hutchinson was one of the original core group that met in a Hobart cafe. A practicing lawyer at the time, she
  44. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  45. Thumbnail for What makes us sign up to subscription boxes

    What makes us sign up to subscription boxes
    8 Dec 2017: Everyone can relate to that excitement of ripping open a present or the anticipation before discovering what a package in the post contains. In fact, the rush of good feeling is very similar to what gamblers experience and it’s this type of
  46. Thumbnail for From cabinet maker to teacher

    From cabinet maker to teacher
    14 Jun 2016: In his 20s Craig Gooding was working in a factory, as a labourer for a shop fitter. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. But he knew one thing: he was bored with his repetitive job. Today, he is in a job he loves, teaching primary
  47. Thumbnail for Growing up online

    Growing up online
    2 Sep 2015: It's an amazing reality that men and women in their 20s can look back through their Facebook posts and see a big chunk of their life recorded in words and pictures like never before. So what do they think when they review the past five years and look
  48. Thumbnail for In the future, boats might fly

    In the future, boats might fly
    6 Feb 2017: Sam Smith dreams of one day creating a boat capable of flying above the water. Impossible? Not with hydrofoil innovation research. Sam is studying his PhD at the ARC Research Training Centrefor Naval Design and Manufacturing at the Australian
  49. Thumbnail for Location and voice technology are the future of retail

    Location and voice technology are the future of retail
    11 Apr 2018: Retailers, struggling to connect with their customers, have been trialling new technologies to blend in-store and digital experiences. Interactive kiosks, mobile-friendly websites and transactional apps have become the norm. But shoppers are looking
  50. Thumbnail for Why don’t more public places in Australia welcome pets?

    Why don’t more public places in Australia welcome pets?
    12 Mar 2019: Venture to the local shops and you’ll probably see dogs outside on the footpath waiting for their owners. Perhaps the store has provided a hook for dog leads and a bowl of water for thirsty canines. But travel further from home, into the city
  51. Thumbnail for From diesel mechanic to foreign correspondent

    From diesel mechanic to foreign correspondent
    14 Apr 2016: When I was young, all I wanted to do was go into the army. But I have a stutter and I’m colour blind, which meant I could only ever have an office job in the army, which didn’t interest me. I looked into other emergency services, like

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