The University Connections Program (UCP) is a partnership between the University of Tasmania, Tasmanian Schools and the Office of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC).
By successfully completing these units, you receive TCE points, most results are eligible for inclusion in the ATAR and you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (credit) towards a range of degrees at the University of Tasmania.
By studying a UCP unit alongside your other TCE subjects, you can expand your knowledge and get a jump start on University!
UCP units vary in how they are delivered. Most are delivered in schools while our extension units are delivered through a combination of online and independent study supported by on-campus workshops. This means you get the opportunity to come to university and attend classes with our lecturers.
Why should you start university early?
There are many benefits to taking part in the UCP, including:
- Study without fees – all UCP units are covered by a scholarship. If you're an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen, you're considered a domestic student and will receive a full HECS scholarship. Limited scholarships are also available for international students. Please contact our colleges for more information.
- An easier and less stressful introduction to university study.
- An experience that can boost your future education and career.
- The chance to complete your degree sooner.
- The opportunity to complete university units while in year 11 and 12. These units can contribute to associate degrees, degree programs, or diplomas that all add value to your professional qualifications.
Units available to study
UCP units vary in how they are delivered. Most are delivered in schools while our extension units are delivered through a combination of online and independent study supported by on-campus workshops. This means you get the opportunity to come to university and attend classes with our lecturers.
These stand-alone courses run across the school year, and are recognised as the equivalent of a Level 3, 150 hours, TASC course. They are delivered in our partner schools across the state.
- TCE points: Yes
- Eligible for inclusion in your ATAR: Yes
- University result: Yes
Performance project units recognise academic endeavours through on-stage roles in major college music theatre productions or playing in the supporting band/orchestra.
You’ll need to commit to a school production through rehearsal attendance and contribute significantly through individual and ensemble work.
Successful students can count the unit towards their TCE, but you will not receive a contribution to your ATAR score.
- TCE points: Yes
- Eligible for inclusion in your ATAR: No
- University result: Yes
Some UCP units are known as ‘extension units’. These are offered in close alignment with a TASC level 2 or 3 course. They extend your knowledge and experience beyond the linked pre-tertiary subjects, for example our UCP Accounting unit complements the TASC Accounting 3 course and provides an introduction to first year university content.
Our Primer of Marine and Antarctic Studies unit is a perfect introductory Marine Biology course for those studying Environmental Science, Physical Science or Biology 3.
You'll also receive a result for the UCP Extension Unit that can be accessed through the University of Tasmania online portal. The result you receive for a UCP Extension Unit does not contribute to your TCE or ATAR but it may contribute to your future university studies.
- TCE points: No
- Eligible for inclusion in your ATAR: No
- University result: Yes
How to apply
Information on the programs available can be found in these handbooks.
In addition, University staff may visit schools to provide information and advice on the college programs. It’s important to discuss your choices with parents, carers and teachers to explore your eligibility and how the program will fit with your TCE study.
- I am a new UCP student (new to the University of Tasmania)
- I am a returning UCP student (have studied at the University of Tasmania before)
You are encouraged to submit your application early in the school year. It is recognised that some units start later in the year (for example Arts, Music, Performance, and Business units).
After your completed application has been approved by the University, you will be enrolled in your chosen units. You will then be issued with a University of Tasmania email and password in order to access the University online student portal including eStudent and MyLO the online learning platform.
The eCAF form is to ensure that students receive a scholarship to cover their tuition fees. If this form is not completed and submitted, your enrolment cannot proceed.
After your online application has been received, you’ll be sent a link to complete the eCAF online.
Yes, please contact and let us know if you need further support or are having difficulties.
Frequently asked questions
- Any Tasmanian student who is enrolled in Year 11 or 12 is encouraged to apply with the support of their school
- Interstate or home-schooled students can only apply for UPC016 A Practical Introduction to Temperate Marine Biology (competitive entry) and UPC015 A Primer of Marine and Antarctic Science.
- UCP students will need to complete a Commonwealth Assistance Form. Refer to the UCP Guide to completing the eCAF form (PDF 447.0 KB).
- Unfortunately, under current legislation it is not possible for a student to re-take units of study as a Commonwealth supported student for which they have received a pass grade or better.
- Tasmanian students should access supports available to them through their school/ college.
- University staff will provide a program of study, resources, workshops and academic assistance.
- Participation in the program also entitles students to access University facilities and services such as internet and email access, library use and discounted UniGym membership.
- You will be required to undertake all prescribed assessments for UCP units in the same way as if you were a regular University student. Depending on the unit, you may be required to submit assignments by the due date and/or sit exams during the assigned exam period along with your fellow class members.
All students are liable for any textbooks/stationery costs and costs associated with attending workshops.
Domestic students
- Domestic students will receive a HECS scholarship when they complete the Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF) after enrolment. If this form is not completed and submitted, your enrolment will be cancelled (see section above on steps to applying). This scholarship means that except for any textbooks or workshop costs, there is no cost to the student.
- UCP students will need to complete a Commonwealth Assistance Form. Refer to the UCP Guide to completing the eCAF form (PDF 447.0 KB).
International students
- Limited scholarships are available.
Please contact our UConnect student centre or email
Full UTAS unit results are submitted in early December to TASC for purposes of calculation of TES and ATAR. Full UTAS unit internal results will normally be available in late November of each year, however these marks then need to be submitted to TASC for scaling purposes.
Extension Unit results are made available in late January of the year following enrolment and completion.
Performance Project unit results are also made available in mid-late December.
All UCP students are enrolled as UTAS students and need to check their emails regularly and access their results through the UTAS eStudent online portal.
Note that UCP students do not receive individual letters or academic transcripts of their units unless they have made specific arrangements with the academic coordinator for this purpose.
A Collaboration between the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification (TASC) allows results in some UCP units to be counted towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) in Tasmania.
The ATAR is based on the best five results in TASC level 3 or 4 courses and may include full university units of the UCP. Full university units of the UCP typically count for the same credit as TASC level 3 courses, although several are about half as much as a TASC level 3 course (i.e. they are 12.5% university units). In order to provide for the inclusion of any 12.5% university units in the calculation of your ATAR, all TASC level 3 or 4 subjects you have completed have their score halved. Each half score is then deemed to be the “equivalent” of a 12.5% university unit. The best 10 half scores (with at least 6 in Year 12) are then selected to determine the ATAR.
Please note: students who reside outside of Tasmania should contact their home state’s Tertiary Admission Centre for advice on the possible inclusion of results from their study at the University of Tasmania in the calculation of an ATAR.
All information relating to the ATAR and current University of Tasmania arrangements with TASC should be read in conjunction with the following resources:
Understanding the ATAR as well as the ATAR webpage
Are UCP unit results scaled?
Yes. Scaling is calculated and applied each year to all eligible UCP unit results. The scaling process is determined and managed by TASC and is applied to all accredited senior secondary courses at TASC level 3 or 4 and to High Achiever and University Connections Program units. For more information about scaling, please see the TASC website.
All other enquiries should be directed via email to
Do UCP units count towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education?
Yes, most UCP units count towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education and results are eligible for inclusion in the ATAR. Please check the UCP Course Offerings 2025 table of this handbook for information on which units count towards the TCE and ATAR.
A collaboration between the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification (TASC) allows results in some UCP units to be counted towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) in Tasmania.
“Each assignment challenged me in a unique way, which in turn helped me to improve. I really enjoyed being able to refine my research skills and construct arguments which I had struggled with before”. (Sam)
“The UCP definitely helped me to decide on my future university pathway”. (Lily)
“The (UCP) subject was one of the best at College, I got to pursue an area I was really interested and felt really prepared for Uni”. (Max)
"The program was very informative and useful to my studies, and I found the workload extremely manageable with classes a month apart and sparse assignments". (Shea)
"This course was extremely valuable for improving my music performance skills and technique. The fact that it is a tertiary course pushed me to improve and helped me to recognise areas that required work and I found that working towards the final recital gave me motivation and direction. The critique writing and other assignments were very good for extending my musical knowledge as well as the many performance opportunities I was given". (Claire)
"I got a lot out of the course and learnt a lot – it really has helped me to find a future career pathway". (Joseph)
"Really enjoyed the unit, and found that it added to not only my understanding of my college subject, but to my understanding about university expectations and processes". (India)