These courses are not accepting applications for 2025.
AMC is ranked #1
The AMC is ranked #1 in the International Association of Maritime Universities.
Work closely with industry
Work closely with the Australian maritime and shipbuilding industries.
Best maritime research and learning facilities
Study in the Southern Hemisphere's best maritime research and learning facilities.
Study options
If you’re a professional engineer with a 4-year bachelor’s degree in any engineering discipline, these courses could transform your career.
You’ll explore a diverse range of subjects relevant to the development and procurement of maritime engineering systems. Each course is tailored for engineering professionals already in the workforce but with limited experience in the maritime engineering sector.
Our specialised coursework, designed by experienced maritime engineers and researchers, is delivered through interactive online study resources. These courses offer a flexible learning environment if you wish to continue working while advancing your education.
Course options
These courses are not accepting applications for 2025.
Graduate Certificate in | Graduate Diploma of | Master of | Master of |
Total 4 units (50 credit points)
Total 8 units (100 credit points)
Total 12 units (150 credit points)
Total 16 units (150 credit points)
Career opportunities
Our Maritime Engineering courses prepare you for a range of advanced technical and management roles within the maritime sector. Graduates often pursue careers as Marine Engineers, Naval Ship Engineers, Defence Engineers, Systems Engineers, or other engineering positions. The courses equip you with technical and management skills applicable to the technical management of maritime engineering projects and beyond. All courses are designed to enhance employment prospects and facilitate higher degree study through industry-relevant research projects, leading to a variety of advanced roles within the field.
Civil Engineering Professionals
Predicted job growth to 2026*
Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers
Predicted job growth to 2026*
Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons
Predicted job growth to 2026*
*National Skills Commission five year projections from November 2021 to November 2026
Our maritime engineering stories
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Sammar Abbas
Master of Maritime Engineering (Technology Management) Alum
“I proudly work for ASC as Life Cycle Engineer. ASC is Australia’s established sovereign naval shipbuilding and submarine platform company and an integral part of Australia’s sovereign naval industrial capability. AMC’s Online learning mode of study provided me every opportunity to grasp the knowledge and complete my degree at my own pace whilst managing work and family in parallel”.

Blue Cooperative Research Centre
As a prominent partner in the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), AMC works closely with a wide range of Australian and international organisations, including CSIRO, ocean engineering consultancies, aquaculture firms, marine renewable energy developers, and Government regulatory authorities. This collaboration addresses critical challenges in offshore food and energy production and leverages Australia's position as the country with the third-largest Exclusive Economic Zone. By focusing on sustainable and innovative use of natural resources, the Blue Economy CRC aims to significantly enhance Australia's marine productivity and economic development.
The CRC integrates expertise across seafood, marine renewable energy, and offshore marine engineering sectors to deliver world-class, industry-focused research. It supports a vibrant research community, including 50 PhD students and 50 postdoctoral research fellows from AMC and partner organisations nationally and internationally. Through incremental “proof of concept” projects spanning science, engineering, social science, and humanities, the CRC strategically advances knowledge in offshore and marine engineering, marine renewable energies, and aquaculture infrastructure evaluation and design, driving transformative solutions for the sustainable development of Australia's marine resources.