A culture of responsible conduct based on the principles of research integrity and ethics underpins all research at the University of Tasmania. Each of us contributes to this best practice culture.
Animal Research Ethics
Our Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) operates a state-wide service that reviews research involving animals in Tasmania, including research conducted at interstate University of Tasmania campuses.
Find out more at Animal Research Ethics
Human Research Ethics
Our Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) operates a state-wide service and reviews all research with or about humans, their data or tissue conducted by Tasmanian institutions, including research conducted at interstate University of Tasmania campuses.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Ethics
Best practice in the design of research projects with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must respect and take into account additional values and cultural protocols.
Find out more at Aboriginal Research Ethics
Ethical Review Manager (ERM)
The University of Tasmania uses an online ethics application portal (ERM) for all ethics submissions.
- A secure web-based system that will manage ethics application life cycles for researchers, reviewers and approvers.
- A system that tracks all submissions pertaining to a project in one place, removing the burden of manual tracking and e-mail traffic.
- A system that offers questions that will direct the appropriate review pathway and only show questions that are relevant to the applicable area of research.
- A central source of truth for all ethics projects.
- A system that is scalable and can be used on any device.
- If you are a University of Tasmania staff member or student, you will be able to use your current credentials to login to ERM at: ethics.utas.edu.au
- If you are a non-University of Tasmania researcher (external), an account will need to be created for you. Please email your request to online.ethics@utas.edu.au
- Title
- Full Name
- Institution / Organisation
- Telephone Number
- Email address if different from the sending address
- After you have received a notification that your account has been created, you can login to ERM at ethics.utas.edu.au
Complaints and concerns
All research-related complaints and concerns will be dealt with in a timely and sympathetic manner and in compliance with;
- the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) - Chapter 5.7 (Complaints) or;
- the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition 2013 - Section 5 (Complaints and Non-Compliance) and;
- the University Equity & Diversity Policies & Legislation and;
- Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities
The Research Ethics Unit is the nominated entity to receive complaints or concerns from research participants, researchers, or other interested persons about the conduct of approved research projects by the University of Tasmania's Ethics Committees.
Individuals who wish to raise complaints or express concerns regarding the University of Tasmania's Ethics Committee's processes, decisions, or conduct, they can be submitted directly to the Research Ethics Unit.
Research Ethics Unit contact
- Animal Ethics Research: Animal.Ethics@utas.edu.au
- Human Ethics Research: Human.Ethics@utas.edu.au