Project details
Leads for other parts of the overall Project:
- Anoma Pieris (University of Melbourne)
- Mirjana Lozanovska (Deakin University)
- Andrew Saniga (University of Melbourne)
- Alexandra Dellios (National University of Australia)
On Suburbs:
- Freya Su
- Van Krisadawat
- University of Tasmania HDR Students
- Australian Research Council
Suburbs maps the urban dispersal of refugees at the metropolitan periphery at the end of the White Australia policy when federally-funded projects no longer supported or provided en-masse employment for refugees or immigrants. In particular, the project studies the processes that channelled refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia and other locations from metropolitan Melbourne’s migrant hostels to a range of small manufacturing and service industries in the city’s suburbs, providing built environments with distinctive cultural and economic imprints.
This is part of the overall Architecture and Industry project focusing on the historical intersections between migration, industry, architecture and landscape in the period 1945-1979, analysing the corresponding impacts on Australian cities and the wider built landscape and contributing valuable architectural insights into economic and social histories of industry, population growth and modernisation.
Pieris, A., Lozanovska M., Saniga, A., Beynon, D., Dellios, A. (forthcoming in 2024), Immigrant Industry: Building Postwar Australia, (Oxford, Berghahn)
Beynon, D., Su, F. & Krisadawat, V. (2023) ‘In from the Periphery: Becoming (G)locally Cosmopolitan in Springvale’, Architectural Theory Review, 27:2, 258–276.
Su, F., Beynon, D., Krisadawat, V., (2023), ‘Otherness and Cultural Change on Marginal Sites: The Siting and Establishment of Daoist Temples in Australia’, Ngā Pūtahitanga/Crossings, Proceedingsof the 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australiaand New Zealand.
Pieris, A., Lozanovska M., Saniga, A., Beynon, D., Dellios, A. (2022), Immigrant Networks, Exhibition,Museo Italiano, CO.AS.IT, Carlton, Victoria, Nov-2022 - Feb 2023.
Reviewed by Marcello, F., in Australian Historical Studies.
Beynon, D., Lozanovska, M., Pieris, A., Saniga, A., Dellios, A., [forward by Gunew, S; design by Su, F. & Krisadawat, V.] (2022), Immigrant Networks (catalogue).
Beynon, D. (2021) ‘To Boldly Stay: Refugees, Enterprise, Industry and Spatial Inscription’, Society of Architectural Historians Virtual Conference Montréal, Canada.
Beynon, D. (2020) ‘Territories of Difference’, Peril: Asian-Australian Arts and Culture,Edition 41: AA17.
Beynon, D. (2020) ‘The Affordances of the Periphery: Cultural Developments in Light Industrial Zones, Australasian Urban History / Planning History Conference, University of Tasmania, Launceston.
Beynon, D. (2019) ‘Territories of Difference: Asian Migrants and the Transformation of Australian Suburbs’, Asian-Australian Identities Conference: AAI7: Genealogies of Identity Politics, Melbourne, Victoria
Pieris, A., Lozanovska, M., Dellios, A., Miller-Yeaman, R., Eklund, E., Beynon, D., Tuffin, R. (2019) ‘Forum: Industrial sites and immigrant architectures. A case study approach’, Fabrications: Journal of Architectural Historians Australia New Zealand, 29:2, 257-272.