TAFE Queensland Educator Program

Take advantage of a professional development opportunity that provides university study covered by a HECS scholarship.


The University of Tasmania has formed an agreement with TAFE Queensland to deliver professional development opportunities for their teaching staff in a selected range of courses.


Available to TAFE Queensland staff who:

  • meet the course entry requirements for one of the following courses:
  • are employed by TAFE QLD; and
  • are employed on a continuing basis (full-time and part-time) or who are on a fixed-term contract of 12 months or more; and
  • will continue to be employed within the sector while undertaking the HECS scholarship units; and
  • are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place under the HECS-HELP system (this applies to most people - visit Study Assist for eligibility guidelines); and
  • are not currently receiving any other University of Tasmania HECS scholarship.


20% HECS scholarship for all units studied in 2025 (Students will still need to pay Student Services and Amenities Fees).


Applications open 1 January each year. You must apply annually and before the payment due date in the study period you would like to be supported for. Applications cannot be considered after the census date.

  1. Apply to study one of the eligible courses listed above.
  2. Once you have received your offer, follow the instructions to accept your place.
  3. Complete your enrolment in eStudent - follow this guide to enrolling (login to student portal).
  4. Apply for the TAFE Queensland Education Sector Scholarship.
  5. You will be notified of the outcome of your application via your University of Tasmania email address.