UniGO: Global Opportunity Program

Applications open 1 April - 8 June 2025

Explore the connections between place, culture, technology and sustainability in a 25-credit point elective unit offered over the summer break. UniGO students travel to Indonesia, Malaysia or Vietnam in a 4-week immersive study experience centred on sustainability, building Asia-literacy and language learning in Indo-Pacific.

You’ll learn about and visit a diverse range of sustainability initiatives, engaging with partner universities, industry, policy makers, and community groups. We pay for your flights, accommodation, visas, insurance, meals, travel vaccinations, and provide additional financial support to eligible students.

Funded overseas experience

We pay for your flights, accommodation, visas, insurance, internal transport, and meals*

Experience sustainability in action

Work with local leaders and learn about sustainability efforts through the context of your host country

Fast-track your degree

Progress your degree faster by gaining 25 credit points during the summer break

Key dates

  • Applications open 1 April - 8 June 2025
  • Applicants notified within 4–6 weeks of submitting your application. Conditional offers will be made on a first come, first served basis. With limited spots available, we encourage early applications to avoid disappointment.
  • Unit commences with mandatory Pre-departure Workshops (face to face and online): 24 November - 13 December 2025
  • Travel will take place between 10 January -  7 February 2026
  • Unit concludes with mandatory Post-trip Workshop (face-to-face and online): Date TBC February 2026

What will I do?

  • UniGO is a 25-credit point elective unit titled International Mobility: Global Sustainability and Local Responses in the Indo-Pacific (HOS201) that begins in November 2025.
  • You will complete a pre-travel module and attend mandatory pre-departure workshops, introducing you to key perspectives on environmental sustainability, including local, national and global challenges.
  • You will receive comprehensive guidance throughout the pre-departure process, including assistance with travel vaccinations and visa requirements.
  • You will complete Assessment Task 1 prior to departure in December 2025.
  • Your 4-week overseas trip will take place between 10 January - 7 February 2026 with a group of 35 students, accompanied by 2 teaching staff and our partners on the ground.
  • You’ll visit and contribute to a diverse range of environmental sustainability initiatives delivered by not-for-profit and community groups and, wherever possible, we will introduce you to University of Tasmania Alumni and Australian volunteers working in-country.
  • You will learn basic language skills by engaging with local partners, students, and through structured lessons. Daily, social interactions will allow you to practice communication, and strengthen cultural understanding and confidence.
  • You will complete your Assessment Task 3 in-country.
  • You will attend a final mandatory post-trip workshop, before completing Assessment Task 2.
  • Results are expected to be released in late March 2026. If UniGO will be your final unit to complete your degree, graduation would be expected in August 2026.
  • Assessment Task 1: Group assignment (4-6 members per group): Country environmental profile (Indonesia/ Malaysia/ Vietnam). You will work in groups of 4-6 members to produce a 15-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation in video format. The grade will be partly constituted by student peer evaluation.
  • Assessment Task 2:  Individual assignment: Personal reflections on cultural encounters during the trip. You will work individually and while you are in-country to produce written reflections from your personal journal (1000 words); OR an 8-minute video-recorded reflections.
  • Assessment Task 3: Group assignment (4-6 members per group): Lessons from the trip. Students will work in groups of 4-6, during the trip and after the trip, to produce a conference poster and a 1000-word accompanying statement; OR  a 15-minute podcast; OR a 15-minute video documentary. The grade will be partly constituted by student peer evaluation.


The following courses have sufficient elective space to undertake UniGO, though your eligibility may depend on how many electives you’ve already taken.

CodeCollege of Sciences and Engineering
P3O Bachelor of Science
S4A Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours
P4D Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours
P3E Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management
24V1 Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Specialisation)
P3M Bachelor of Natural Environment and Conservation
73G Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Sciences
P3H Bachelor of Architecture and Built Environments
P3T Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
P3L Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science
P3I Bachelor of Design
24W Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Specialisation) (Honours) (Co-Operative Education)
P1E Diploma of Global Logistics and Maritime Management
P2E Associate Degree in Global Logistics and Maritime Management
CodeCollege of Health and Medicine
53E Bachelor of Medical Research
53F Bachelor of Psychological Science
M3S Bachelor of Dementia Care
M3X Bachelor of Biomedicine
53I Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Radiation Science)
53H Bachelor of Nutrition Science
CodeCollege of Business and Economics
Z2H Associate Degree in Applied Health and Community Support
B3A Bachelor of Business
B3B Bachelor of Economics
Z2A Associate Degree in Agribusiness
Z2C Associate Degree in Applied Business
Z2E Associate Degree Applied Design
Z2F Associate Degree in Applied Technologies
Z2J Associate Degree Applied Science
X3P Bachelor of Philosophy (UniGO is not a fee-waived unit)
UniGO should be undertaken under your primary degree unless you do not have space in your study plan.
CodeCollege of Arts, Law, and Education
13O Bachelor of Music
13Q Bachelor of Justice Studies
13R Bachelor of Fine Arts
A3A Bachelor of Arts
A3M Bachelor of Media and Communication
L3C Bachelor of Laws
A1A Diploma of Arts
R2B Associate Degree in Arts
  1. Are you enrolled in one of the eligible courses listed above?
  2. Have completed at least two units or 25 credit points by end of Semester 1 2025?
  3. Do you have elective space in your study plan?

If you do not meet these criteria or if you are unsure about eligibility, contact a Student Adviser:

  1. Visit the Appointment Hub and select "Book an appointment"
  2. Scroll down and select "Student Adviser -  College of ..."
  3. If you have insufficient elective space to enrol in UniGO (HOS201) ask your Student Advisor if you are able to make changes to your study plan by:
    1. Changing your Semester 2 planned units OR
    2. Rescinding credit

Students studying postgraduate, Master's degrees, Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, or via Open Universities Australia (OUA) are not eligible to participate in UniGO.

We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment and actively encourage participation from students of all backgrounds. We are committed to working closely with students and, where possible, making reasonable adjustments to help you meet UniGO’s Participation Requirements

How much will it cost?

All units have a fee attached to them and when a student enrols this fee will be charged in the system. As UniGO is a 25 credit point unit, domestic students will be charged a tuition fee of $4,080 and a SSAF fee of $105.30 for the enrolment in HOS201.

  • For students in a Commonwealth Supported Place, that are eligible to defer, they can choose to pay upfront (fully or partially) and the fees remaining outstanding post the applicable census date will defer to their HELP-debt.
  • For domestic students in a ‘full fee paying place’, you may be eligible for ‘Fee Help.’ This works in the same way as a HECS-Help, but the fees are likely to be higher for these students. If you aren’t eligible to defer, you will have to pay upfront.
  • International students must pay upfront. Your fees will depend on your offer and the year of enrolment.

For more Fee Information, check the Course and Unit Handbook entry here.

  • We pay for your flights, meals, accommodation, visas, insurance, ground transport, eSims and mandatory travel vaccinations with the support of the Australian Government's New Colombo Plan.
  • If you do not meet the NCP Mobility Round Guidelines*, are an International student, or Permanent Resident, you will need to pay a supplementary fee (minimum $3850) to cover these expenses.

*The Guidelines stipulate that 70% participants are between 18 and 28 years of age. This leaves us with a 30% allocation for mature aged students, which is approx. 35 places, so we do encourage you to still apply.

Applying to UniGO

  • Applications for the 2025-26 Program will open from 1 April - 8 June 2025.
  • Provided you meet the requirements above, and there are still spots remaining in the Program, you will be made a conditional offer for UniGO 2025-26.
  • Conditional offers will be made on a rolling basis. This means you can expect to hear from our admissions team within 4–6 weeks of submitting your application.
  • With limited spots available, we encourage early applications to avoid disappointment.
Click here to access the Application Portal

Stage 2: Students who receive a conditional offer will progress to the second stage of the application process, where we will support you to confirm/secure the following:

  • Valid Australian Passport
  • Tasmanian Registration to Work With Vulnerable People
  • Health Declaration Form, completed and signed by your GP/Specialist
  • Wellbeing Check

Admission is conditional on you completing and/or verifying all items listed above. If you are unsuccessful in securing any of the required documentation, your offer will be withdrawn.

I have more questions. Who do I contact?

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions, if your questions are still unanswered you can contact us at Global.Opportunity@utas.edu.au.

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