Course flyers
- Bachelor of Business (B3A) (PDF File 1.3 MB)
- Bachelor of Economics (B3B) (PDF File 1.2 MB)
- Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management (P3E) (PDF File 978.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Laws (L3C) (PDF File 678.6 KB)
- Diploma of Agribusiness (Z1A) (PDF File 818.9 KB)
- Diploma of Applied Business (Z1B) (PDF File 451.9 KB)
- Diploma of Applied Technologies (Z1Q) (PDF File 782.4 KB)
- Diploma of Construction Management (Z1X) (PDF File 3.7 MB)
- Graduate Certificate in Behavioural Insights (C5V) (PDF File 333.2 KB)
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Organisational Capabilities (C5X) (PDF File 1.8 MB)
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business (C5Q) (PDF File 611.9 KB)
- 2025-D7C-Master of Architecture-Domestic-V4-WEB-OP (PDF File 249.8 KB)
- Bachelor of Architecture and Built Environments (P3H) (PDF File 711.0 KB)
- Bachelor of Design (P3I) (PDF File 1.1 MB)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (13R) (PDF File 799.2 KB)
- Bachelor of Media and Communications (A3M) (PDF File 828.1 KB)
- Bachelor of Music (13O) (PDF File 832.9 KB)
- Creative Arts and Health (A1C) (PDF File 439.9 KB)
- Theatre and Performance (PDF File 500.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours (S4A) (PDF File 1.0 MB)
- Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (P3L) (PDF File 1.9 MB)
- Bachelor of Natural Environments and Conservation (P3J) (PDF File 1.2 MB)
- Diploma of Sustainable Living (Z1K) (PDF File 1.5 MB)
- Master of Planning (K7P) (PDF File 353.6 KB)
- Bachelor of Arts (A3A) (PDF File 855.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education (A3F) (PDF File 2.9 MB)
- Bachelor of Social Work with Honours (A4S) (PDF File 1.0 MB)
- Diploma of Family History (R2H) (PDF File 357.7 KB)
- Diploma of Nature-Based Guiding (A1F) (PDF File 488.8 KB)
- Education and Teaching (40B 42B 43B 43J E5Y A3B A3C E7G) (PDF File 1.6 MB)
- Languages (A1D) (PDF File 297.3 KB)
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (R7O) (PDF File 696.3 KB)
- Theatre and Performance (PDF File 500.4 KB)
- 2025-M5X M6X M7X-Postgraduate Dementia-Domestic-V3-WEB-OP (PDF File 357.5 KB)
- Advanced Practice (55A 56A 57A) (PDF File 1.7 MB)
- Applied Health and Community Support (Z1H) (PDF File 1.2 MB)
- Bachelor of Biomedicine (M3X) (PDF File 658.5 KB)
- Bachelor of Dementia Care (M3S) (PDF File 687.6 KB)
- Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (53J) (PDF File 896.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (H3X) (PDF File 698.2 KB)
- Bachelor of Nursing (H3O) (PDF File 759.6 KB)
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science (53H) (PDF File 802.7 KB)
- Bachelor of Paramedicine (53X) (PDF File 445.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours (54D) (PDF File 767.4 KB)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (53F) (PDF File 1.0 MB)
- Clinical Pharmacy (M5C H6H M7F) (PDF File 248.8 KB)
- Diploma of Ageing Studies and Services (M1A) (PDF File 199.7 KB)
- Diploma of Dementia Care (M1D) (PDF File 219.4 KB)
- Postgraduate Nursing (H5F H6F H7F) (PDF File 2.6 MB)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) (23R) (PDF File 1006.8 KB)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science) (23Q) (PDF File 855.9 KB)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours (P4D) (PDF File 1.0 MB)
- Bachelor of Geospatial Science (P3R) (PDF File 1.1 MB)
- Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (P3T) (PDF File 764.3 KB)
- Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Specialisation) (Honours) (24V1) (PDF File 1.6 MB)
- Bachelor of Science (P3O) (PDF File 10.4 MB)
- Diploma of Applied Science (Z1J) (PDF File 388.6 KB)