University is for everyone
Students of all ages and from very diverse backgrounds choose to study at the University of Tasmania for many different reasons:
- Achieving a lifelong goal
- Improving career prospects
- Consolidating a current career
- Preparing for a career change
- The joy of learning
Many people who return to study have other demands like family and work. The good news is you can plan your course to suit your life. Most courses can be studied part-time, and some courses include options for online education.
You won't be alone! Around 40% of our students are over the age of 25, and 19% are over the age of 35. Our experience shows that mature age students are often more successful than younger students. Your wealth of experience and life skills will be invaluable for time management, motivation and commitment – all very important qualities for university study.
A complete list of courses on offer at the University of Tasmania, as well as information about prerequisites and entry requirements, is available online in the Course and Unit Handbook. If you would like a copy of our Course Guide please contact the Uni Info Centre on 13 8827 (13 UTAS).
In order to meet general entry requirements, mature-aged applicants may be required to provide a supporting statement with their application
A supporting statement can be completed as part of your online application or submitted separately. There are four essential selection criteria to address:
- Academic background
- Employment background
- Knowledge and skills
- Demonstrated interest in the course
If relevant to your personal situation, a further criterion can be addressed:
- Equity or other special considerations
Please remember, there are no "right answers" and your response only needs to be brief (the statement should not exceed two A4 pages in total).
Required attendance at lectures and tutorials (called "contact hours") can be as little as 12 hours a week for a full-time enrolment, but the timetabling may be scattered throughout the week. You should think of full-time study as equivalent to a full-time job – that is, about 36 hours a week, or 8-9 hours per subject. Included in this study time is reading for tutorials, assignment preparation, and study for any end-of-semester exams.
Many people who return to study have other demands, like family and jobs. The good news is that you can plan your course to suit your life.
Part-time and off-campus study
Most courses can be studied part-time, and some courses include options for off-campus study, such as print- or web-based distance education. This means that you can continue to work or care for young children while you are a student. You can also vary the amount of study from year to year, according to your circumstances.
Access to facilities
Many of the University's facilities can be accessed out of normal working hours. A number of computer labs have 24-hour access, and the University Library is open most evenings during the week. Computer facilities and University of Tasmania support materials are also available at your local Online Access Centre and State Library branch.
For students with children, reliable childcare is a necessity for peace of mind. In addition to listed childcare providers across the State, the University has on-campus childcare centres in Hobart and Launceston. At times, these facilities can experience periods of high demand, and thus bookings are essential and waiting lists often apply.
Find out more about our facilities and services on our campus pages
If you have undertaken studies at another institution, you may be entitled to credit. The college responsible for your course gives advice about what documentation to provide and makes the final decision on the credit.
There are articulation and credit arrangements between TasTAFE, Tasmanian Skills Institute and the University of Tasmania.
We understand that starting at university can be quite daunting, especially if it has been a number of years since you last did any formal study. The University of Tasmania has a number of support programs to assist you in the transition to university. For detailed information, including how to apply, a list of transition and enabling programs are available from the home page of the Future Students website. To find out what programs are available, refer to Pathway Programs.
For detailed information of all costs relating to studying at the University of Tasmania, please visit Scholarships, Fees and Costs.
Whether you are just beginning your career in education, are an experienced teacher or work in an administrative capacity supporting Tasmania's education system, professional and personal development opportunities are an ideal way of keeping your knowledge and skills updated, as well as improving your career prospects.
The University of Tasmania has formed agreements with the Department of Education (DoE), Tasmania, Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (TCEO), TasTAFE, Tasmanian Skills Institute or one of many Independent schools throughout the state, which offers HECS scholarships for university study to teaching, administrative and general staff.
- For further information including eligibility and application details of this scholarship refer to Tasmanian Education sector HECS Scholarships.
For information about courses at the University of Tasmania and the application process, contact the Uni Info Centre. You can call us on 13 8827 (13 UTAS) or email us at
For information about the range of services provided to University of Tasmania students go to Starting at the University.