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Non-award enrolment

Study a single unit from the extensive range of units offered at the University of Tasmania.

Studying a non-award unit or units allows you to maintain your skills in a current field or alternatively allows you to study in a very specific area that interests you.

Who can apply?

The non-award units are for domestic students only.

Some units may have pre-requisites and you will need to meet these requirements to be eligible to enrol.

How much do they cost?

Unit costs are available on each unit page. Studying a non-award unit is only available as full fee-paying and are payable up-front. Government assistance is not available for these units. In addition, you will be required to pay Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF).

After enrolment in your unit(s) you will be issued with an invoice through your eStudent page which will provide you with the payment date.

How to Apply?

  1. Browse and choose your unit. Some units may have pre-requisites attached therefore please check further details. Additionally, some units may not be studied as part of a non-award enrolment. Please check with your College.
  2. Seek Unit Coordinator or College approval to study the unit.
  3. Complete the Non Award Application for Admission and Enrolment form (PDF 1.8MB)
  4. Submit the application form, along with any supporting documentation either:

    Via Email


    Via Mail

    Non-Award Enrolment
    Domestic Admissions and Enrolments
    University of Tasmania 
    Private Bag 11
    HOBART 7001

Short courses

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